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Everything posted by GKO

  1. GKO

    Eclipse Reborn

    You can see all the new's and updates and features about it here -no- And i will give credits to the mirage source creators, robin marsh etc. for the base. And the reason im not posting it here is becuz its alot of work to post news here and at my site. I will post some screenies later tomm. if requested. Edit: Im in a major need of staff and a team, soo if you would like a position please post in the staff apply board and you will most likely be accepted. Here is the link: no Regards, GKO
  2. Nevermind learned how to make my own. :) Regards, GKO
  3. GKO

    Pixel Art

    Thats very good, a hell of alot better than i could do.
  4. GKO

    Cpanel Messed up

    I know, sorry wont happen agian. Regards, GKO
  5. GKO

    Cpanel Messed up

    Because i like you guys better than those retards on those foumrs. And i found out that they were haveing networking problems.
  6. GKO

    Cpanel Messed up

    Fixed. Regards, GKO
  7. I was right, but no-one ever listens to me….
  8. Ohh. Thanks for the quick response any ways though. :)
  9. I thought you would say that xD. And speaking of the hybrid source what was it's name, Could i use it as a reference?
  10. Thanks robin. If i ever do get it to work ill let you know.
  11. GKO

    Desert tribe

    Looks good. Would you consider mapping for me?
  12. Could someone make me one please. That simpley says Oracle - The Lost King In a nice font like those? Edit: Will give credits.
  13. I found this and was wondering if it could be used for semi-transparency in eclipse? ``` 'Major DX Objects Dim dx As New DirectX7 Dim DD As DirectDraw7 Dim D3D As Direct3D7 Public Dev As Direct3DDevice7 Dim Primary As DirectDrawSurface7 'Primary surface Public BackBuffer As DirectDrawSurface7 'Backbuffer surface Dim ddsdPrimary As DDSURFACEDESC2 'Primary surface description Dim ddsdBackBuffer As DDSURFACEDESC2 'Backbuffer surface description Public Const ScreenWidth As Long = 640 Public Const ScreenHeight As Long = 480 Const pi As Single = 3.14159265358979 Const ColorKey As Long = 0 'The element type of the Surfaces() array Public Type Surface Surface As DirectDrawSurface7 Width As Integer Height As Integer D3DSurface As Boolean End Type 'Array of surfaces Public Surfaces() As Surface 'Current number of surfaces in Surfaces() Public NumSurfaces As Long Public Sub Initialize() 'Handles errors On Local Error GoTo ErrOut 'Creates the directdraw object Set DD = dx.DirectDrawCreate("") 'Set the cooperative level and displaymode... Call DD.SetCooperativeLevel(FrmDirectX.hWnd, DDSCL_FULLSCREEN Or DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE Or DDSCL_ALLOWREBOOT) Call DD.SetDisplayMode(ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, 16, 0, DDSDM_DEFAULT) 'Create the primary complex surface with one backbuffer, and specify D3D capabilities ddsdPrimary.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS Or DDSD_BACKBUFFERCOUNT ddsdPrimary.ddsCaps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE Or DDSCAPS_3DDEVICE Or DDSCAPS_FLIP Or DDSCAPS_COMPLEX Or DDSCAPS_VIDEOMEMORY ddsdPrimary.lBackBufferCount = 1 Set Primary = DD.CreateSurface(ddsdPrimary) 'Get the backbuffer from the primary surface Dim caps As DDSCAPS2 caps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_BACKBUFFER Set BackBuffer = Primary.GetAttachedSurface(caps) 'Set the color (for text output) of the backbuffer BackBuffer.SetForeColor vbWhite 'Initialize Direct3D for special surfaces Set D3D = DD.GetDirect3D Set Dev = D3D.CreateDevice("IID_IDirect3DHALDevice", BackBuffer) 'No surfaces yet (0 = 1 surface) NumSurfaces = -1 'Load the surfaces we'll be using LoadSurfaces 'Clears the buffer ClearBuffer Exit Sub 'If there's an error, exit the program ErrOut: Running = False End Sub Private Sub LoadSurfaces() 'Load the sprite surface - D3D Surface is true so we can use alpha blending, etc. LoadSurface App.Path & "\object.bmp", True 'Load the background image surface - Not D3D surface so it can be any size (640x480) LoadSurface App.Path & "\stars.bmp", False End Sub Public Sub ClearBuffer() Dim DestRect As RECT 'Set up a rectangle as big as the screen With DestRect .Bottom = ScreenHeight .Left = 0 .Right = ScreenWidth .top = 0 End With 'Fill the backbuffer with black BackBuffer.BltColorFill DestRect, 0 End Sub Public Sub LoadSurface(File As String, Optional D3DSprite As Boolean) Dim CKey As DDCOLORKEY Dim SurfaceDesc As DDSURFACEDESC2 On Error GoTo ErrOut NumSurfaces = NumSurfaces + 1 ReDim Preserve Surfaces(NumSurfaces) 'If this is a D3D surface (for alpha blending, etc.), set it up accordingly If D3DSprite = True Then SurfaceDesc.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS Or DDSD_WIDTH Or DDSD_HEIGHT Or DDSD_CKSRCBLT SurfaceDesc.ddsCaps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_TEXTURE SurfaceDesc.ddsCaps.lCaps2 = DDSCAPS2_TEXTUREMANAGE 'Set the color key SurfaceDesc.ddckCKSrcBlt.High = ColorKey SurfaceDesc.ddckCKSrcBlt.Low = ColorKey 'Create the surface Set Surfaces(NumSurfaces).Surface = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(File, SurfaceDesc) 'Set the information for this surface Surfaces(NumSurfaces).Width = SurfaceDesc.lWidth Surfaces(NumSurfaces).Height = SurfaceDesc.lHeight Surfaces(NumSurfaces).D3DSurface = True 'Normal DirectDraw surface Else SurfaceDesc.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS Or DDSD_WIDTH Or DDSD_HEIGHT SurfaceDesc.ddsCaps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_VIDEOMEMORY Or DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN 'Create the surface Set Surfaces(NumSurfaces).Surface = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(File, SurfaceDesc) 'Set up the color key CKey.Low = ColorKey CKey.High = ColorKey Surfaces(NumSurfaces).Surface.SetColorKey DDCKEY_SRCBLT, CKey 'Set the information for this surface Surfaces(NumSurfaces).Surface.SetForeColor vbBlack Surfaces(NumSurfaces).Width = SurfaceDesc.lWidth Surfaces(NumSurfaces).Height = SurfaceDesc.lHeight End If ErrOut: Exit Sub End Sub Public Sub SetUpGeom(Verts() As D3DTLVERTEX, SurfIndex As Integer, Src As RECT, Dest As RECT, R As Single, G As Single, B As Single, A As Single, Angle As Single) 'This sub sets up the vertices for a sprite, taking into account 'width, height, vertex color, and rotation angle 'NOTE: R, G, and B dictate the color that the sprite will be - '1, 1, 1 is normal, lower values will colorize the vertices ' * v1 * v3 ' |\ | ' | \ | ' | \ | ' | \ | ' | \| ' * v0 * v2 Dim SurfW As Single Dim SurfH As Single Dim XCenter As Single Dim YCenter As Single Dim Radius As Single Dim XCor As Single Dim YCor As Single 'Width of the surface SurfW = Surfaces(SurfIndex).Width 'Height of the surface SurfH = Surfaces(SurfIndex).Height 'Center coordinates on screen of the sprite XCenter = Dest.Left + (Dest.Right - Dest.Left - 1) / 2 YCenter = Dest.top + (Dest.Bottom - Dest.top - 1) / 2 'Calculate screen coordinates of sprite, and only rotate if necessary If Angle = 0 Then XCor = Dest.Left YCor = Dest.Bottom Else XCor = XCenter + (Dest.Left - XCenter) * Sin(Angle) + (Dest.Bottom - YCenter) * Cos(Angle) YCor = YCenter + (Dest.Bottom - YCenter) * Sin(Angle) - (Dest.Left - XCenter) * Cos(Angle) End If '0 - Bottom left vertex dx.CreateD3DTLVertex _ XCor, _ YCor, _ 0, _ 1, _ dx.CreateColorRGBA(R, G, B, A), _ 0, _ Src.Left / SurfW, _ (Src.Bottom + 1) / SurfH, _ Verts(0) 'Calculate screen coordinates of sprite, and only rotate if necessary If Angle = 0 Then XCor = Dest.Left YCor = Dest.top Else XCor = XCenter + (Dest.Left - XCenter) * Sin(Angle) + (Dest.top - YCenter) * Cos(Angle) YCor = YCenter + (Dest.top - YCenter) * Sin(Angle) - (Dest.Left - XCenter) * Cos(Angle) End If '1 - Top left vertex dx.CreateD3DTLVertex _ XCor, _ YCor, _ 0, _ 1, _ dx.CreateColorRGBA(R, G, B, A), _ 0, _ Src.Left / SurfW, _ Src.top / SurfH, _ Verts(1) 'Calculate screen coordinates of sprite, and only rotate if necessary If Angle = 0 Then XCor = Dest.Right YCor = Dest.Bottom Else XCor = XCenter + (Dest.Right - XCenter) * Sin(Angle) + (Dest.Bottom - YCenter) * Cos(Angle) YCor = YCenter + (Dest.Bottom - YCenter) * Sin(Angle) - (Dest.Right - XCenter) * Cos(Angle) End If '2 - Bottom right vertex dx.CreateD3DTLVertex _ XCor, _ YCor, _ 0, _ 1, _ dx.CreateColorRGBA(R, G, B, A), _ 0, _ (Src.Right + 1) / SurfW, _ (Src.Bottom + 1) / SurfH, _ Verts(2) 'Calculate screen coordinates of sprite, and only rotate if necessary If Angle = 0 Then XCor = Dest.Right YCor = Dest.top Else XCor = XCenter + (Dest.Right - XCenter) * Sin(Angle) + (Dest.top - YCenter) * Cos(Angle) YCor = YCenter + (Dest.top - YCenter) * Sin(Angle) - (Dest.Right - XCenter) * Cos(Angle) End If '3 - Top right vertex dx.CreateD3DTLVertex _ XCor, _ YCor, _ 0, _ 1, _ dx.CreateColorRGBA(R, G, B, A), _ 0, _ (Src.Right + 1) / SurfW, _ Src.top / SurfH, _ Verts(3) End Sub Public Sub DisplaySprite(SurfIndex As Integer, DestX As Single, DestY As Single, SrcWidth As Integer, SrcHeight As Integer, Optional SrcX As Single, Optional SrcY As Single, Optional DestWidth As Integer, Optional DestHeight As Integer, Optional ABOne As Boolean, Optional Alpha As Single, Optional R As Single, Optional G As Single, Optional B As Single, Optional Angle As Single) Dim SrcRect As RECT Dim DestRect As RECT Dim TempVerts(3) As D3DTLVERTEX On Error GoTo ErrOut 'No scaling info. is given, so assume source and dest. sizes are equal If DestWidth = 0 Then DestWidth = SrcWidth If DestHeight = 0 Then DestHeight = SrcHeight 'Set up the source rectangle With SrcRect .Bottom = SrcY + SrcHeight .Left = SrcX .Right = SrcX + SrcWidth .top = SrcY End With 'Set up the destination rectangle With DestRect .Bottom = DestY + DestHeight .Left = DestX .Right = DestX + DestWidth .top = DestY End With 'If this is a D3D surface (These surfaces need to be square, power of 2 sized) If Surfaces(SurfIndex).D3DSurface = True Then 'Set up the TempVerts(3) vertices SetUpGeom TempVerts, SurfIndex, SrcRect, DestRect, R, G, B, Alpha, Angle 'Enable alpha-blending Dev.SetRenderState D3DRENDERSTATE_ALPHABLENDENABLE, True 'Enable color-keying (ColorKey is drawn transparent) Dev.SetRenderState D3DRENDERSTATE_COLORKEYENABLE, True Dev.SetRenderState D3DRENDERSTATE_COLORKEYBLENDENABLE, True 'Use Alpha Blend One alpha blending If ABOne = True Then Dev.SetRenderState D3DRENDERSTATE_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_ONE Dev.SetRenderState D3DRENDERSTATE_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_ONE 'Alpha blend to a certain fade value (0 - 1) Else Dev.SetRenderState D3DRENDERSTATE_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA Dev.SetRenderState D3DRENDERSTATE_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA Dev.SetRenderState D3DRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREFACTOR, dx.CreateColorRGBA(1, 1, 1, Alpha) Dev.SetTextureStageState 0, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTA_TFACTOR End If 'Set the texture on the D3D device Dev.SetTexture 0, Surfaces(SurfIndex).Surface Dev.SetTextureStageState 0, D3DTSS_MIPFILTER, 3 'Draw the triangles that make up our square texture Dev.DrawPrimitive D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, D3DFVF_TLVERTEX, TempVerts(0), 4, D3DDP_DEFAULT 'Turn off alphablending after we're done Dev.SetRenderState D3DRENDERSTATE_ALPHABLENDENABLE, False Else 'Blt the surface normally, without D3D features (these surfaces can be any size) BackBuffer.Blt DestRect, Surfaces(SurfIndex).Surface, SrcRect, DDBLT_KEYSRC Or DDBLT_WAIT End If ErrOut: Exit Sub End Sub Public Sub Flip() 'Flip the backbuffer to the screen Primary.Flip Nothing, DDFLIP_WAIT End Sub Public Sub Terminate() Dim i As Integer 'This routine must destroy all surfaces and restore display mode Set Primary = Nothing Set BackBuffer = Nothing For i = 0 To UBound(Surfaces) Set Surfaces(i).Surface = Nothing Next i 'Clean up the D3D variables Set D3D = Nothing Set Dev = Nothing Call DD.RestoreDisplayMode Call DD.SetCooperativeLevel(FrmDirectX.hWnd, DDSCL_NORMAL) Set DD = Nothing Set dx = Nothing End Sub ```
  14. GKO

    VB6 and Coding

    They have a couple custom version of EO with quests built in them.
  15. You shouldnt need a tutorial, its so damn simple my grandma could figure it out. Download the account editor and put it right in with your server.exe and run it.
  16. I know robin will saying something like "Stop sucking up". But robin is right. *flinch*
  17. Have you did any edits to the code, and if soo what?
  18. I wish i Knew how to make logo's.
  19. GKO

    Ranged Weaponry

    Why not instead of lineing up you simpley have to be within a certian range and have the npc set as a target? It would be a lot more user-friendly.
  20. GKO


    True, the only thing that i 100% understand soo far is the combat system. Im trying my best to learn all i can though.
  21. GKO

    Ping error

    I followed the tutorial step by step, for some reason when i portforward, Note: i turned router firewall completely off. It doesnt accept the ping or the opened port. And i know im doing it right becuz i Pf'ed my friends router in 1 try in 5 mins.
  22. GKO

    Trouble with VB6

    I used the portable edition and it works fine, not sure what your problem is….
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