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Everything posted by Scott

  1. How about you search "You Are Not In A Party" to find it, and find out why it's being called in that situation.
  2. Considering it could only be true or false there is no need for the elseif…
  3. With the new F2P restrictions last week I only see that going down.
  4. You need to compile a new exe after you make changes.
  5. You need vb6 to edit the source period, and people are not allowed to give you a copy of it so your on your own.
  6. It was designed to be faster or slower than normal time, thus the adjustable Seconds per Minute. I had no intention of this being a current calender. I could not find any other way to accomplish this accurately except for an internal clock like this.
  7. There is more steps than just re-sizing the picscreen, did you edit the constants? Is the picscreen size a multiple of 32? ``` Public Const MAX_MAPX As Byte = 14 Public Const MAX_MAPY As Byte = 11 ``` These set how many tiles the picscreen has on its x and y axis. Make sure you put 1 less than the actual tile count because 0 counts as one, so if it was 20 tiles across you would put 19.
  8. If you want an inbox type system, then you need to save the messages than list them for your users. Very easy not "tuff" at all, you just need some minor programing knowledge.
  9. You will need to edit the source to add that.
  10. …Edit the class.ini file to change class sprites.
  11. 1\. No 2\. Yes, you can edit the source to make these modifications. 3\. Yes, would also require source edits and would use a lot of bandwidth.
  12. This is not a request forum, it's for help with source modifications.
  13. Is your DPI set to 100%? Read the FAQ next time… FAQ:http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,67631.0.html > Q: All the images aren't lined up and some things are really big. Everything is positioned differently from in the screenshots. > A: Set your DPI to 100%.
  14. Was hardly trouble, wanted the time to stop with the server plus the modified seconds per minute. I'm not sure how else I would do that, care to elaborate?
  15. Looking for input on what to add, I have a couple questions in general but feel free to suggest anything. This is a server only for now, couldn't decide where to place the time on the client. Questions 1.Where/how would you want the time to be displayed on the client. 2.What kind of things would you like the task manager to do (Task Manager = Actions that happen on certain date/after certain amount of in game time) ![](http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/8821/serverexample.png)
  16. There's 1 start point hard coded, it requires an edit. ``` ' Default starting location [Server Only] Public Const START_MAP As Long = 1 Public Const START_X As Long = 5 Public Const START_Y As Long = 5 ```
  17. Scott

    Exp formula

    Make a new function that is called getplayerlastlevel then, it would be the same as the original except player level - 1.
  18. Your not getting me, a fresh copy of eclipse compiles you made edits and now it does not compile thus you messed something up. If you want actual help give us more information on your error such at the number and line.
  19. You obviously screwed something up or it would compile.
  20. If you want to put something on the picscreen use: Engine_BltFast You need to give it the x/y and what DDS to use. If you want to put something on any other picture box use:Engine_BltToDc You need to give it the Source of the gfx(top,bottom,left,right), Destination of the gfx(picture box,top,bottom,left,right) along with the DDS. If you want to render text use:DrawText Pretty self explanatory. Other than that, no one is going to make this for you but most will be happy to help if you get stuck along the way of developing it your self.
  21. Scott

    .exe of .vbp

    He compiled the exe before he released the source, you need vb6 for this best start looking.
  22. Did you open it up as a project?
  23. That one is used to render stuff on the picScreen like tiles/items/blood, Engine_BltToDC is used to render on any picscreen.
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