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Everything posted by Scott

  1. @GoldSide: > why The player Not muted Only > There are only written warnings > can stiill speak @Riiicardoo: > ``` > If Player(index).isMuted Then > PlayerMsg index, You have been silenced and can not talk about change", BrightRed > Exit Sub End If > ``` You would not be able to talk, the line marked HERE is what causes this, it stops everything after it from running. So with this it gets the msg string, but never uses it.
  2. Scott

    Okay, Yes, No

    Expand frmMain down, it's just below the chat box ect.
  3. Than you messed up the tutorial, make sure you re-read my whole first post and redo the tutorial, if the problem happens again let me know. Make sure you read about the format you must use to set the drop rate.
  4. Some one in another topic said changing them from images to picture boxes worked for them.
  5. Find where it calls drawplayer/drawtarget not inside them.
  6. Scott

    Pet evoluing

    First off your doing this all client sided, wrong this needs to happen server side. Second doing it all manually is just stupid, you need to write a single piece of code to handle all npc.
  7. @Marshy: > Took me about a minute to realize those were stars and not just random bullets raining from the sky. I did the same thing except I was playing trying to dodge them lol. Looks great, make the fire gfx more animated =D
  8. @Whack: > I really think the guild system will be great. But I have to agree with Pinkamina, I want it where you can only go certain places when in a party. So that way you can have dungeons etc. That's easy, I'll do it when I have some free time after the guild system is done. @Her0â„¢: > You mean a choosable (no its not lol) guild icon? And in some cases 32x32 would be as big as the sprite. Oooooooh I got you upload no, guild icon yes. I plan on you being able to select 2-3 images and off set them in any direction you want to allow for a lot of combos of icons.
  9. Never gave up real life just delayed it, it's been 95% done for over a week now only had to finish Admin Panel saving, make the /guild kick command and fix some bugs. Please let me know any issues/suggestions you have. @Aeri: > Maybe a choosable (Is that a word?) guild system that's 32x32 that you can upload? What?
  10. I'll be sure to add disband, was thinking of doing a display name/full name type deal.
  11. For any one who wants to help me test the guild system before I turn it into a tutorial here is the file. Since no one answered my cry for some phri gfx I resorted to /commands to handle everything but the admin panel. (Nothing else to really show picture wise, commands handle most guild activity) ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/e74d4b744c951a8b16401f7214fa2863.png) This is per guild to, each can have its own names/ permissions Use **/guild** in game to get all the commands, but here they are anyways ``` Make Guild: /guild make (GuildName) To transfer founder status use /guild founder (name) Invite to Guild: /guild invite (name) Leave Guild: /guild leave Open Guild Admin: /guild admin View Guild: /guild view (online/all/offline) Default is online, example: /guild view would display all online users. Kick User: /guild kick (name) 'Works Online and offline You can talk in guild chat with: ;Message ``` Please post any error you find, and give me your opinion/suggestions/criticism. There is still some small work to be done, so don't take this as a use it in my game release.
  12. Now I do love me a Pokemon game, hope you include me in that test. That move editor from a couple pages back looks awesome btw. I can't wait, looks like it's going to be a good game.
  13. Scott

    Spawn Point

    Replace your class.ini with this and see if it works. ``` [INIT] MaxClasses=2 [CLASS1] Name=Warrior MaleSprite=1 FemaleSprite=2 Strength=6 Endurance=7 Intelligence=8 Agility=9 Willpower=10 StartMap=1 StartMapx=1 StartMapy=1 StartItemCount=3 StartItem1=1 StartValue1=100 StartItem2=2 StartValue2=1 StartItem3=5 StartValue3=1 StartSpellCount=2 StartSpell1=1 StartSpell2=2 [CLASS2] Name=Magician MaleSprite=1 FemaleSprite=2,3 Strength=1 Endurance=2 Intelligence=3 Agility=4 Willpower=5 StartMap=1 StartMapx=1 StartMapy=1 StartItemCount=3 StartItem1=1 StartValue1=100 StartItem2=2 StartValue2=1 StartItem3=5 StartValue3=1 StartSpellCount=1 StartSpell1=1 ```
  14. Glad it helped, thanks for the reply.
  15. If your getting an error when you load the source you didn't follow [this](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,68399.0.html) tutorial when you installed visual basic 6. If your getting an error when you run them than you didn't install the runtime files found [here](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,65854.0.html).
  16. Scott

    Spawn Point

    Where in the tutorial are you stuck?
  17. Scott

    Spawn Point Help

    Is the max_x on map 2 big enough?
  18. I plan on releasing a guild tutorial pretty soon, just finishing up the client side stuff (make/leave/invite/view guild), so just a matter of finishing that and ripping it to a tutorial. Have been doing a lot of De-bugging, I spend more time trying to break it than I do coding it, so it should be pretty bug free. So if you can wait for **a free one** keep an eye out for it.
  19. Doing it the way your trying to is going about it wrong, copy how its done with Equipment, look at Sub BltEquipment() for how it's done in that case.
  20. Look how its done in Sub BltEquipment() you need to blt it.
  21. 1\. It seems MaxFrames lost its type again. 2.What are you trying to do here? 3.Use code tags please makes it easier to read 4.Format your code its annoying to read like that. ``` Dim itemnum As Long Dim itempic As Long Dim MaxFrames As Byte MaxFrames = (DDSD_Item(itempic).lWidth / 2) / 32 itemnum = GetPlayerEquipment(MyIndex, weapon) If itemnum > 0 Then itempic = Item(itemnum).Pic Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture("data files\graphics\items\" & MaxFrames & ".bmp") Else Exit Sub End If ```This should fix the subscript error, you where trying to use itemnum before you assigned it.
  22. You don't even have a type declared for itempic in the last snipit you posted, a subscript out of range error means your trying to access a part of an array that does not exist, so make sure your not feeding any numbers above or below its range into that array. Example. If an array is set to be 1-10and you try to call 11 or 0 you get a subscript out of range. ``` Dim TestArray(1 To 10) as Long TestArray(11) = 4 ```This would give you a subscript out of range because it's not using a number between 1 and 10 which is the min/max elements of this array.
  23. Than fix the subscript error, its simple your trying to access a part of an array which does not exist, so the number in the itempic variable is 1 of 2 things. 1.Lower than 1 2.Above your max item images
  24. Why do you have this here now? ``` Dim DDSD_Item As DDSURFACEDESC2 ``` This should already be declared in the modDirectDraw7, not to mention your trying to call it as an array when it's not which was causing your error.
  25. If it's still subscript out of range than read the last part of my post, if not what error is it now?
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