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Everything posted by Bonk

  1. Bonk

    Equipment Slots

    Ehh, depends on the game. On an Eclipse game, I'd say Helmet, Weapon, Armour, Legs and Shield slots, but for a more detailed MMO, your ideas would work well. For Army/Shooter games, I'd say Arms, Legs, Body, Helmet and Camo gear slots would be in order. Having too many slots might leave you open for conficting armours and too many at once looks terrible.
  2. You'd have to be a blithering idiot to not know that the Berlin Wall was in Berlin. And if they don't, they're obviously not worth discussing on the internet because they probably don't even know what a computer or the internet is.
  3. You don't need a survey to prove that more people know these things than the ones that don't. It's assumed general knowledge. What's the capital of France, then? Or England? Or Spain? I bet you'd know that. And I can almost guarantee that 99%, if not 100% of the people that read this thread would know that.
  4. @DDunit: > Hadrian's Wall isn't in Hadrian, as far as I know. Yes, but it's a commonly known fact that Berlin (The capital of Germany, for God's sake) is a city. It's also a well known fact that Hadrian's wall was built by Emperor Hadrian. The apostrophe is a _slight_ giveaway.
  5. No. Download Robin's History Bundle and use the CS:DE server.
  6. The server isn't in there, because it uses a normal CS:DE server. Just download Robin's History Bundle.
  7. If you want a picture of me, just look on any Hollister Bag. They keep printing pictures of me on them :/ Look: ![](http://recarry.com/wp-content/uploads/wpsc/product_images/holister%2003.jpg)
  8. Characters in EO can be any size you want, but 8 way movement is an extensive source edit.
  9. Plus he's asking children. And they're Scottish. Here's some stupid Brits from Jeremy Kyle. A 62 year old woman (and a hideous one at that) who strips in clubs. Bear in mid she gets her boobs out when she walks out, but there's a blur (And a long one, too) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDtlTxY76bU
  10. There's also the best of the original revenge sprees, Shenmue. Biggest flop in the World, but it was revolutionary. It had things like QTEs, selectable battle moves, the ability to learn moves, Gameplay affected by how quickly you complete the QTEs, or the game itself. The weather is randomly generated, and if it's raining, the NPCs use umbrellas, or if it's snowing they wrap up. They where amongst the first to use lip-syncing and they even programmed in some of the classic Sega arcade games as minigames. Cost £70m to make, raked in only £52m, due to lack of advertising. Damn good game.
  11. @Robin: > You've got to keep in mind that they'll have asked tons of people these questions and plenty of them will have gotten it right. They cut those out and left us with a purposefully warped perspective on the intelligence of an average American. > > Trying to rationalise it is just silly. Most people are just stupid, regardless of country. Exactly, Robin. America gets crap for being stupid because of these purposefully edited videos. I just posted it because it was funny. America's stereotyped because of George Bush (Prime example), the fact they're always in the media and that quite a lot of us Brits don't like what they did to our language. There's also people like the Westboro Baptist Church and Southern rednecks, who we put on TV because we find them hilarious. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZaCiP2_2RM **"And awn the therd daiy, Gawd created the Reminton Bull Acshon Raiffle. So mayn cud faight tha dighnosawrs. And the ho-mo-secksooals. Aiimen."** I can seriously believe that the World is full to the brim with stupidity. Amur'ca just gets the most publicity.
  12. Tomb Raider 1, not Anniversary Version, though. Lara's best adventure and where it all began. Then they re-made it 10 years later to make it 'modern'. In reality they watered down the storyline and focused on the graphics. A good play, but nowhere near as good as the original pointy-boobed Lara running about in a partially 2D right-angle party. You can really tell they where rushed whilst building it, because they put the Roman Coliseum in Greece, named Thor as a Greek god and thought it would be a great idea for Lara to have the Ark of the Covenant by her front door. One of those great games where the mistakes really do make it better. Just look :D ![](http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lgs7w0qhHT1qbdfzxo1_400.jpg)
  13. @Alexander: > You're saying that one is entirely competent when put in front of a camera? Yes.
  14. Like Kusy says. You should make several leaf-clusters and put them in in layers. Have a look at Anna's tutorial for making an entire tileset in Photoshop, it's mega-useful. Also, look at how ice appears, it's transparent, so try and add some glazed-over green to it.
  15. I fully understand your point, but if someone says "Where was the Berlin Wall?" you say Berlin. If your brain is so slow that you can't remember where KFC comes from, I'm afraid you won't get anywhere in life. Despite the fact that these people are, in your opinion, in some kind of hot-seat, he had time to think. Between being asked and saying "I don't know" He said erm a few times and managed to ask "What, the chicken?". Thinking time enough, methinks.
  16. Seriously, not knowing where something is when you've just said it is not jusy being put on the spot, it's sheer stupidity. They didn't even know where the Berlin Wall was, for God's sake. I mean, how idiotic is that? They all just want to invade everywhere withput even knowing it's political beliefs, religion, or even where it is.
  17. You really need to sort your game out from what I see. You're using a pre-made GUI (Which you didn't bother to finish), RMXP graphics (Which have been done countless times), mis-matched health, mana and experience bars, the mapping needs improving tenfold, the game name is just [Gibberish] Online like every game we see on here, you haven't modified Origins and you've used ultra-generic classes. You don't seem to be contributing anything to the project, either. You need to get some more experience before even attempting a game.
  18. Bonk

    Copyright laws?

    @Bcm27: > This topic is more entertaining than anything else. :P It's verging on the Shame of Hall :D
  19. @Alexander: > When any person has a camera put in front of them, how can you expect them to think clearly? "Do you know where KFC comes from?" "What, the chicken? No." "Do you know what it stands for?" "**Kentucky** Fried Chicken." That really is stupid, not knowing where something is when there's a huge clue in the name. Hell, they don't even know where the bloody Berlin Wall was.
  20. Bonk

    Copyright laws?

    That still doesn't make it yours, you know. If you want to protect your graphics, get a Creative Commons Licence.
  21. Bonk

    Copyright laws?

    You don't get out much, do you? But really, you should have realised you can't copyright someone else's engine whilst stealing someone elses already copyrighted graphics?
  22. ![](http://funnypicturesimages.com/images/image/george-bush-funny-pictures.jpg) …Really..?
  23. Bonk

    Copyright laws?

    Out of interest, who and how where you going to sue over some pixels?
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