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Everything posted by Taegan

  1. I've seen someone do this. IMO, it's awful having to see the [GM] in the chatbox every time they talk. Follow the actual tutorials. Just saying.
  2. Though I initially thought you were going on about layers, now that I reread the topic, I think you mean you want a single large effect rather than several smaller individual ones for NPCs. Confirm this?
  3. For the record, Bugger Off isn't currently playable either, so yeah, there's Crystalshire and…
  4. Taegan

    Last question

    7th topic. This is getting ridiculous.
  5. No, DrNova, no. "When a noob comes and wants to use that prog its buggy and needs to do fixes."
  6. So this is your what, 6th topic about this?
  7. Taegan

    River CrystalShire

    I made a question topic about that in Source too. o:
  8. Taegan


    Hello everyone. Quick question. How would I go about making it so that some NPCs can be spoken to from more than 1 tile away? What I want is for characters to be able to speak to shopkeepers over the counter tile, for the most part, though it'd be useful in other ways. Any help is very much appreciated.
  9. Taegan

    Hotbar Fix

    It fixes the fact the hotbar doesn't work… I don't quite remember what was wrong with it. I think it only works for the first and second spells because they were there by default. Any new ones won't be cast when pressing the shortcut key until you add the fix.
  10. If a player uses a convo to acquire an item with his inventory full the server crashes. This really isn't something you want happening considering it will happen relatively often and you aren't there to restart the server all the time. Can it be fixed or is it just something I did wrong?
  11. @Likestodraw: > Could you specify where you put the first bit of code for the noobs (points finger back at self) Open client.vbp and search full Project for``` Case "/who" ```
  12. Taegan

    Max Maps

    You do it like you did server-side, I assume.
  13. (No one's online though. o o)
  14. I would never be patient enough to test something a million times before asking for help. *praise*
  15. So you're saying you want to find a free decent custom GUI that's been posted here and that not many people have used. Hah.
  16. It isn't. It's in the source. ModConstants in both the Server and Client, I think.
  17. I thought that was just an outdated version of EO?
  18. I think GIMP's too all over the place and some parts of it are just plain weird. Paint.NET looks so neat and clean, and it's easier to use. Opinions.
  19. Notepad after all those complaints about the tutorials not working. I lol'd. Oh, did I lol.
  20. No. They really aren't. That doesn't make sense. o.o
  21. I don't see how people who can't do that or, hell, use Google, can call themselves programmers.
  22. Have you tried running it in compatibility mode with Windows XP Pack 2/3 and as an admin? I'm not sure that's the problem, but if you don't quite understand what I'm saying, it's all in the tutorials.
  23. I think you mean moRtar and pestle. And what WE need is more info and maybe a more polite request. Do you want an item, an icon, what?
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