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Everything posted by abhi2011

  1. Just setting the port of you're server doesn't work. You need to open that port on you're router firewall.
  2. As long as you are sure they aren't a virus then you can upload them. The import thing to note is that it is best recommended to compile the .exe by the user.
  3. > Is this a Tutorial? > > > > Why don't you just draw another text which the y value is different? > good tutor bro This isn't a tutorial
  4. IUnknown is a built-in class of vb6 so it shouldn't give a missing library. check your components there might be something missing there
  5. IUnknown is a built-in class of vb6 so it shouldn't give a missing library. check your components there might be something missing there
  6. > Alright, so today's goal is to get what I have on github, after I'm done I'll take in some developers for a team of people who want to help out. I'll give a job list of things that need to be done while I'm working on other stuff, Whoever does what I'll log it and add you to the credit for what you did. You really don't need a team. If a person who knows how to program in C# then he can "fork" your source code that is get a copy of it work on it and then push it back to the repo. It'll be on a different "branch" which is a section of the repo. You can integrate it into the master branch i.e the main branch which is controlled by you if you feel it works. Allows for bugfixing by the community. I don't know much about C# but if give a base could fork it and work on bug fixes and such
  7. > Well right now I'm looking for content, If you're an artist or anything that would be helpful If you have this on GitHub then I could probably help you out by forking your repo
  8. An external call to a dll might have fucked up somewhere. Probably CopyMemory
  9. > How the hell does one make an account admin to get access to the devsuite? Create a normal account. Make it admin via server. Use devsuite
  10. Before you even add features get a programmer to fix all of the bugs withing CS:DE
  11. Not sure if this has been mentioned but you get abstractness (if that's even a word) from interfaces. A good example in a game would be an interface called item (Let it be IItem). This IItem is basically our baseless item. It doesn't have any extra information other than what all it should do. I can now create an specific item class like Gold which is based upon IItem meaning that I get everything IItem has. An example of using IItem would be like this: Say you have a method like UseItem which accepts an item. If you didn't use an interface you would have to declare a UseItem for every type of item or create a method with a parameter type of a variant/object. If you used an interface the variable type could be IItem and boom you can pass in a class as long as it based upon IItem. [Outside Link](http://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/145437/why-use-an-interface-when-the-class-can-directly-implement-the-functions)
  12. abhi2011


    Good luck Marsh. Hope you get in :)
  13. As Sherwin said make sure the Item rec on server matches with that on client. You can do lenb(item(1)) on server and client to check whether the size is the same. (Copymemory doesn't care about how it is ordered or if all of them are of the same data type it only cares about the size)
  14. VB6 doesn't have direct support of the Mouse wheel. If you want to detect mouse wheel events you'd need to interact with the API. Google Mouse Wheel Hook vb6\. This will give you a bunch of tutorials that you can use to hook the API
  15. Why wasn't I informed of this topic?!?! Nice collection Matt
  16. There are somethings that should never be kept client-side for security reasons. Usernames and passwords are one of them. Therefore you cannot just do Player(index).Login. You'll have to create a field called login and then send the username from the server to the client.
  17. > try to use zlib.dll Compression won't protect the images. If anyone knows which compression algo you used they could just as easily decompress your textures.
  18. Also remember that the IP isn't sent over to the player.
  19. Compression isn't encryption. It isn't protection. If you want to protect your graphics create an encrypter or have one made for you.
  20. I'm not sure if your problem has been solved or not. I'm going with it has been solved. Please set the topic status to Solved. (Edit the main post and go into full editor)
  21. > First of all, resource files are compiled within the **.EXE** Actually they aren't. VB6 .res files can stand independent of the .exe > i have a custom encryption engine for dx8 in fact the only one that does not lose transparentcy from .pngs. What do you mean not lose transparency? I've created and encrypter for Both Nin and another game and they don't lose transparency.
  22. Create an encrypter. It's the best method
  23. Eclipse 4.0 is closed source meaning the source isn't released. The engine has a Silver and gold edition. Silver is a free with limitations and gold is full version. You have to buy a licence for gold. If you want a good engine with features and source use Eclipse Worlds
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