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Everything posted by abhi2011

  1. Please post here when you start a livestream and best of luck!
  2. Nice tut. Wanted to ask if a paperdoll is added will it show? Also isn't a 2H a weapon? So shouldn't cmbType or whatever it's name is, so only if 2h chkbox be visible if the item type is a weapon?
  3. abhi2011

    Quest Problem

    We don't support Mirage or any other clients other than CD:DE and EO.
  4. You mean pet system? You can use pet system for human pets 2\. But 1 pet/person.
  5. Nice tut. Basic but needed.
  6. That was fast. I meant the tut was for Mirage. I use EO
  7. That is for Mirage not EO. Also the tut only tell you how to show a .bit image. Doesn't explain how player movement takes place and stuff. Basically it means "Read the tut and figure the rest out."
  8. Do the same as above. IDE meaning in the source code. When the error comes click Debug. Will highlight code in sub. Paste here!
  9. Happy B'day. And by any chance are you PeanutReaper from CS forums?
  10. Yep. I have read half of it. Though I didn't understand much of it. If possible can you tell me what is blt?
  11. Can some one actually make a tut for me explaining how things in EO is drawn in the game. Such as Player sprite. And how does the sprite change when the player presses an arrow key? And how tiles when selected and placed in game how the same xact sprite come in?
  12. And how do you do that. Xcpt for chaning the main subject?
  13. Oh. That is what you meant. Well thank you for helping me figuring out something that might have taken me days to figure out. Now I have to learn a few about class module commands. Thanks again!
  14. I get that part. What I am asking is what do you mean by the buffer goes along with the packet handler? Is it after the packet is sent or when received you mean that!?
  15. There is no ``` ' music in map properties frmEditor_MapProperties.lstMusic.Clear frmEditor_MapProperties.lstMusic.AddItem "None." strLoad = Dir(App.Path & MUSIC_PATH & "*.mid") Do While strLoad > vbNullString frmEditor_MapProperties.lstMusic.AddItem strLoad strLoad = Dir Loop ```
  16. What do you mean by the buffer goes along with the packet handler? i.e what is packet handler here. I thought packets were handled in modHandleData. The data goes with what? Thx for the header and the writelong help though i knew how the were processed.
  17. So..are you saying that class modules is used because a buffer is used like a 100 times. And that class modules can start out fresh with the code already added. And it can be used again for something else? What does writelong do? Put a name to the packet? And learning the winsock control why dont you just send the data without a buffer? I've read tuts explaining that you can just you the send data event. Like this ``` Winsock1_senddata ``` or something.
  18. Hey guys. can someone (experienced) help me by explaning what a class module is? And how it it used in EO(other than it is used for sending packets) And also what is a buffer? By buffer i mean what is the buffer in modTCP where ``` Sub SamplePAacket() Dim Buffer As clsBuffer ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteLong CRANDOMPACKET SendData Buffer.ToArray() Set Buffer = Nothing ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "randompacket", "modClientTCP", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear ``` In this piece of code what is Buffer.WriteLong CRandomPacket (other than the fact it writes the name of the packet ) and what is buffer.toarray()? I know there is a Sub in clsbuffer and some code. Xcpt I don't know that is an Array. Please help!
  19. @Scypher: > Wouldn't it be better to add Ticket ID's so you can reference them again later, and have these loaded into a screen so Admins/Moderators can read up on them in-game? > > Anyway, thanks for giving me the idea of adding this into my own thingymajick. :] Possible. Though the report has to be saved. And the report should be given a number. Or you can just type something like /reportcheck or something and view a whole list of all the player names that have been reported and have reported.
  20. a new serial? though i have never tried the tut i cant be of any help! i will try to add and try to help!
  21. Never tried it. So mine doesn't crash! And do u mean u changed an already made serial number or u added 1?
  22. So this happened when you tried the save a serial but the server crashed?
  23. @Alatar: > I've been out for a long time and i'm probably gonna be out until mid July at least. I have the unfinished v1.2 to work with so in a couple of months I will take note of all the report bugs and stuff and finish this system. > > Note: Im not going to add any other feature, just give this source edit a 'final' version or at least a (nice) working one. Nice
  24. Other than my name on the pic what I am supposed to see? Just restart client.
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