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Everything posted by BeNjO

  1. I agree on most parts about new language etc, but i could not, nor have got, the time to learn C++ (although i would love to!). I managed to make a "bot" to play bitefight (web based game) for a friend but thats as far as my C++ days have gone. VB has always been my number one coding preference and would use VB or C++ (unless it was open source and fell in love with C++, ya' never know).
  2. lel, unlike yourself i have been around since Elysium was around with Pingu, i have worked on SilverDale - pre Justin take over, prospekt online, plus my own "game". My homicide online thread proves i can code. Just voicing opinions and there was no need to drag me into your post.
  3. i should of really removed this from my sig, but it really depends on what you can offer? I'm still looking for the above plus a auth server. I feel obliged to say i am waiting for some money to clear into my bank, would rather discuss payments and amounts through PM.
  4. scripting would not benefit me and others as its not VB coding, and last time i used sadscript i almost gave up any hope. I guess it was always going to end this way. I just hope Eclipse good luck and i'll still be around just for the projects people make and other open source engines.
  5. the only thing i can suggest is open source. I like many of the older members used to love releasing tutorials and tinkering around "under the hood" but can not anymore. I understand the reasoning behind it but i, like alot of people, have no real need to come back because there is nothing we can do around here.
  6. port is changeable via the Options.ini in the data folder, just change "Port= ####" to any port you wish, as long as it is an open port it will work. (as you would know if you have been here for years :P) Im unsure of the minimum requirements to run the latest EO, as i'm only interested in open source so maybe an admin could answer that one for you.
  7. change them to ``` If txtExp > txtEXP_max Then txtEXP_max.Text = txtExp txtExp.Text = 0 End If ``` you could of just read it, and relised you used a textbox for the txtEXP_max value to be defined in the item editor, thus meaning it needs to be a .text for input
  8. Just curious if anyone wants to buy/trade this? Cash or tutorial payment accepted (need instances/auth server)
  9. yeah, we ran several versions over a space of 5 years, Black Market Online, Black Market Online Revolution, Crime, Crime Syndicate Online and Homicide Online (in order) you buy and sell drugs to gain reputation or slay the NPC's to gain reputation. You could rob banks and drink at bars etc.
  10. If you have any screen shots / more info i might applie, heres a link to my text based game: [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/131232-homicide-online/](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/131232-homicide-online/) and a picture: ![](http://i46.tinypic.com/35cpoom.jpg)
  11. really like the killing event, im too lazy to rip it but would love a tutorial ![:o](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//ohmy.png)
  12. im just outside of York
  13. Im in UK, been to the Multiplay series for some BYOC CS:S gaming, would meet up if in uk some time ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  14. BeNjO

    My Pixel Art

    oh my god, those are awesome, sell me the dwarve sprites to use!
  15. i could host? PM me any info/questions.
  16. BeNjO

    So SkyNix Epic 24/7

  17. another thread? im sure you posted a slightly better version but then after you threw a hissy fit it was locked?
  18. BeNjO

    TF2 Minigun

    the middle picture looks like a photo my mother would show me (minus the gun lol) looks really old, maybe its the hair/top? Good effort though ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  19. Hello again! You may need to forward your ports. By default alot of routers come "capped" to stop hackers from abusing ports to gain access to your computers/attached devices. Pick a port that is not the same as default say 556, for example. With a port in mind see this guide on how to do it. follow the guide but use your chosen port: http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/routerindex.htm If you have not already done so you may also need to do this: then in the Clients data folder find the config file, open it and change the Port=#### to Port=556 (our example number) and change the Ip=###.###.###.### to Your current public ip (found here: http://www.ipchicken.com) then save and exit it go into the server config and change Port=#### to Port=556 (again our example) save and exit. Run the server again and people an connect with the NEW client config. So your friend will have to change the ip/port in there config or just re-send them the whole client again. P.S: can you mark your other topic as SOLVED. Thanks
  20. BeNjO

    Error 339

    hi and welcome, This generally means you need the runtime files located here: http://www.robin.freemmorpgmaker.com/eo_runtimes.zip Download them, unzip them then run the .exe that is extracted. You may need to reboot you computer after. If you need any help please post here or a new thread if its not on topic. Some general FAQ's are located here: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/114245-eo-faq/ Doug
  21. LOVE desktop tower defense games, will download soon and will leave feedback placing towers was hard, they seems to plonk down anywhere really.. the npcs walked the determined path which is obviously the idea.. but i can place turrets on said path and they walk over/under them. whats the max wave? im on wave 49. edit 2: Sorry, really got boring after wave 50 ish, i ended up using cheat engine to speed things up.. got to wave 90 odd and then let my self die. Really need air/anti air, boss warnings and make them boss like. All i used was Rail guns… hope this goes somewhere and i didnt waste my time writing this ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//sad.png).. add a online high score feature!
  22. ![](http://sphotos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/31325_1422383447685_261828_n.jpg) from april 2010.. i dont do pictures.. thats my first born child, now 4 i have also lost weight since…srsly
  23. I have to disagree with you finally CMF ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png), i had over 30 players on a Elysium game many years ago (average online player count was 10-13) the server was buggy to hell no one back then fixed anything and i was using a custom version from Pingu. Still the problem remains that new computer handle the client fine older computers (like any game?) struggle. The problem your having is what happens in any game? packet loss maybe? not sure never had this problem. My wife's old laptop that was a crock of sh## ran Eclipse fine so i would have to say sounds like one computer is really out of the ark? or packet loss? Change the max FPS of the engine for the laggy computer and see if that helps?
  24. > Not to mention the server is probably hosted on a computer that's…not the best for hosting. Its probably a family or personal computer that's littered with other things. have to agree, Youre better off getting a purpose built server or pay someone to host it on a good server. Running it on a bog standard computer will not help you in the long run.
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