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Everything posted by BeNjO

  1. Looks good :). Will there be an English version for us to play? :)
  2. Maps look awesome, 7.5/10 from me. Wish I had someone like you to make maps when I had a game! The possibly systems would make or break them game, Although only a select few have the knowledge/have done them though. Good luck and keep us updated!
  3. The source was on the net, only a few people still have it.
  4. @'Exception': > Go to Project. Click Properties. In the top-right corner of the General tab, there should be a box that says Startup Object. > > Set it to where your project starts from. If you have a Sub Main(), set it to Sub Main, if not, pick the form you want to load first. follow this exactly.
  5. have you tried to fix this your self? -edit- https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Must+have+startup+form+or+Submain()&oq=Must+have+startup+form+or+Submain()&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60l3&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8
  6. BeNjO

    [SKY] Speed

    ``` ' Speed moving vars Public Const WALK_SPEED As Byte = 7 Public Const RUN_SPEED As Byte = 7 ``` Just look for walk_speed as byte and change them, Your numbers will not be the same as mine as I changed mine for ease of development.
  7. BeNjO

    [SKY] Speed

    That code is already in, Most eclipse games now run by default, Holding Shift will make you slower (walking).
  8. I randomly chose to watch boku no pico last night before bed, It seems it was a wrong choice, teen lads that look and sound like women with male bits getting put into places they shouldn't be. Shame they blurred it though xD.
  9. BeNjO

    [SKY] Speed

    I think shift is walking :) ``` ' Check if player has the shift key down for running If ShiftDown Then Player(MyIndex).Moving = MOVING_WALKING Else Player(MyIndex).Moving = MOVING_RUNNING End If ```
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxlMJiL__Cw Decided to waste some more time redoing the GUI. Basically its 1 36x36 tile that's used to create shapes. This saves on loads of pictures being loaded and lots of images in the GUI folder. Still has some tweaking and need to remove all the actual GUI pictures i have like Quest Log, Titles etc and make them rendered from the same tile. Also going to add optional GUI since its just a 36x36 tile should make this process easier without folders upon folders of GUI files.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7LgOIDsOOg Very basic at the moment, You choose an item from your inventory, then click enhance, if successful your items gain +1 all stats the item has. If it fails you loose -1 level. A very simple system at the moment with chance increasing items and item cost (aswell as gold cost) for higher levels coming soon. **I just threw these in, would need to be changed at some point** From level 0 to 2 it costs 10 gold + enhancement level * 300 with a chance rate of 75% From level 3 to 5 it costs 20 gold + enhancement level * 600 with a chance rate of 50% From level 6 to 8 it costs 30 gold + enhancement level * 900 with a chance rate of 25% From level 9 to 10 it costs 30 gold + enhancement level * 900 with a chance rate of 15% The plan is to have it cost Gold and another item (Example: Rune) after level 5 to slow stuff down as gold is always easy to get in games. The chance boosting item will be taken from the inventory when "Use [Item Name Here]" is clicked and the Enhancement is attempted. Thus creating crafting/recipes and a slight economy around skilling up. Fixed a bug that allowed me to switch items in inventory and switch an item's enhancement level for a the previous item's enhancement.
  12. BeNjO

    Help with error

    @'Growlith1223': > @'xelander': > > > You don't need to bump your post after mere 3 hours, or at all, also you already had a thread with the same problem. > > > > To answer your question, make sure to install the runtime files, and make sure you install them as administrator. > > it's better to not help the troll, he's been insulting everyone who has tried to help him Kind of why we all ignore him now :p.
  13. @'Growlith1223': > as i read this entire thread im seeing the use of a Long in a situation where it will most likely never reach that high, it would be better to use an Integer, while it's not much there is a tiny bit of a faster read/write on Integers than what it would be on a Long This ^
  14. But that's basically the same thing I said I'm doing, but making it a scheduled task rather then a start up program..
  15. I don't see any option? Fyi the .dll fails to register following the guide too.
  16. I use an .exe that enables it, it runs at Windows startup so never worry about it. Heres the puush link, feel free to scan it etc. http://puu.sh/l3wE1/e5c1a8ba46.zip
  17. Name calling and insulting people who are trying to help you and get an understanding to the problem will not get you anywhere. I asked because I kind of knew you have done next to nothing for yourself. I'm no longer going to respond to any of your threads because of the lack of respect for other people, In this thread and your previous thread.
  18. What have you tried your self to fix the problem? Helps us narrow it down :)
  19. Skill's like this should be on the frmmain, as when at the main menu the skills/stats are not sent. Once ingame the skills should be sent to the client on "join game" sub in the server. This will then update the client.
  20. I managed to connect a server accounts to a mysql database, but no way would i attempt anything more. I'v done it in unity and no thank you!
  21. Looks awesome. Not to echo others but the roof on the building really made me "wtf?" but other than that looks like a fun game I would play. Keep up the good work!
  22. BeNjO

    Quest editor

    The Skywyre engine is the actual Official engine supported by eclipse. All other versions have been put "in the trash", so to speak. Skywyre is the most used and used engine on here at the moment.
  23. BeNjO

    Cute Baby?

    To be fair, If you don't have kids you really have no leg to stand on. I have 2 kids, Refuse to post pictures of them online etc, Barely anyone has seen them online. The main reason is you don't know who is going to end up making a MeMe or a horrible remark about them. The last thing you want is to wake up and your own childs face posted everywhere because someone thought it'd be fun to make it go viral as "XXXXX Baby" ect. Each to their own as I'm not going to sit here and tell you what to do. Just a heads up to what the above are thinking but putting it nicer :).
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