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Everything posted by Lynxaria

  1. Lynxaria

    My game

    Omg that picture Eckhart hahaha
  2. @DovahTech: > It's re sizeable. I'm pretty new to logo graphics and I was hoping on getting some tips on how to advance this logo from some basic text to an actual logo. So far all I've had are blunt comments on how bad it looks. Should start out smaller if you're new graphics. Like, perhaps with your signature (yes you guessed it, that's pretty bad too lol). The smaller space is actually a good starting point, as it won't allow you to use such large obnoxious fonts, and gives you an opportunity to make the best out of the space you have. Once you're comfortable with that, then try out a logo design. Also, everyone here is rather blunt, if it looks like crap it looks like crap, its our way of showing we care enough to tell you that its crap, and to fix it. I wish when I started with graphics someone was there to tell me my stuff looked like garbage, would have saved me a couple years from doing the wrong thing (Lense Flare GO)
  3. Lynxaria

    Poor Kevin

    I agree with Kusy, I couldn't help but feel bad for the girl, even if she did seem rather needy. I was waiting and waiting for the dude to just say something, anything, and when he finally did she did stop (for the most part).
  4. Lynxaria

    My logo

    @Grim: > Hello pplz, i just felt like putting my new logo on here :D > It's pretty basic but i hope everyone likes it! > > NOTE: I made it in like 5 minutes ._. > > ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/213397b5589788580678b1e774ffa9b5.png) Is this a joke? I'm pretty sure this is a joke…..right?
  5. @MrMiguu: > That's because they're contacts. I do wear contacts, but not colored contacts. They truly aren't -that- blue, but the bathroom lights I suppose made them appear more vivid.
  6. I wish I had the talent to play the piano, instead I learned the flute. I quite like Serenade of Water as well, very beautiful.
  7. @Zonova: > Nice picture ^-^. The beanie looks cute. I think that's a beanie anyways… whatever the purple yarn thing on your head is :P Who wears purple beanie's Q.Q It's black haha and thank you!
  8. Eh… sorry for the large photo again, just taking them straight from FB. ![](http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/297346_10150802779605788_579310787_20864290_1422291672_n.jpg)
  9. @♥: > Spelling mistakes are unacceptable. We can overlook that just this once right… no? Fine, I baked another one :( Now I need a nap. ![](http://21stbirthdaycakes.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/21st-birthday-cakes-for-men.jpeg)
  10. @Lilith: > lynx how do you handle a hedgehog? do you need gloves or something. The one i was thinking of buying's spins were way to sharp to hold. you couldnt really pick it up. When a hedgehog is scared or pissed off, they go into a 'ball' mode, and stick their spines out so they are sharp and are pretty painful when holding, and also make a rather amusing hissing noise. When they are calm however and not crumpled into a ball, they are quite petable, and friendly. Mine is a prick though, and is fairly hard to handle, so I use gloves. At the moment I use an old pair of winter gloves that are water protected, which probably is not ideal, but they work. I've herd they can take up to a year or more to be able to hold without gloves, as they are very nervous animals, a fart in the wind would scare it (mine anyway lol). However, once you get over that 'initiation' a hedgehog can be quite the pet… I've herd of a friend who's hedgie follows him around like a dog, and begs for food. lol I'd also recommend making sure you pickup any spines they tend to shed after handling, stepping on one of those things hurts like a sonofabitch.
  11. @S.J.R.: > I didn't know Robin's real name is Lucy Lou. > > Yours faithfully > Stephan. Hey, it's the thought that counts!
  12. Happy belated birthday, I baked you a special cake since you are so speical. ![](http://www.thecakestore.co.uk/acatalog/hedgehog_cake.jpg)
  13. @Crest: > I'd do one now but since im at school I can't install downloaded font styles to photoshop -_- Alright I won't bother then, though it would be nice to add to my portfolio.
  14. I can make one for you when I get home from work, if you're willing to wait. I think he only wants to use that particular font for the logo, not the overall colors/design. What colors would you like?
  15. I don't think Growlith really means images, instead the actual hex colors to be changed that way there is no need to create a ton of GUI's for each color.
  16. @Zonova: > What exactly do you feed your hedgehog? lol mine eats cat food…apparently they like that better then actual hedgehog food. I picked mine up at the local pet store, think he was about $100\. ![](http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/425364_10151333480160788_579310787_23220607_790872482_n.jpg) Sorry for the uber large image, it's the best one I got at the moment.
  17. Lynxaria

    First Map

    I like this, it flows well, nothing appears blatantly out of place, and you seem to be sticking to one tileset which is a godsend (if not, they do go well together). If this is your first map, can't wait to see more.
  18. I never really posted any introduction when I first joined this community, so…hello! Name is Lynxaria, or Lynx for short, real name is Kristen if that matters (which I dobut it does). I come from the northern depths of Canada, currently reside in Regina Saskatchewan. I do graphic design and some web development in my free time, and have been for about 10 years. I also am an avid gamer, love my MMO's, and FPS (Counter-Strike hyah!) games. I am 24, soon to be 25 (OGOD). I am divorced (was married for two years), and have a pet hedgehog. It's nice to meet you all.
  19. I quite like your art style, I can't draw worth a damn thus I admire anyone who can really draw a human figure. I particularly like the bold lines, nice. The last picture you have there reminds me of Bordeaux from .hack. I've gone all nostalgic.
  20. Looks more natural, now that you added shoulder movement. I like the sprites style, very unique.
  21. Lynxaria

    New stuff!

    Wowzors, you certainly are talented! This is some very nice inspiration.
  22. @DrNova: > What momentum. I am not good at this, and at this rate it will take me years to finish a tileset needed for a project. I have a tree, some meh dirt, and some grass no one likes though I do. Its overwhelming. I think I may use tiles out there already and hire an artist later. Aww, don't take it too personally, everyone has to start somewhere! 10 years ago my graphic design was horrid, i'd ask all my website pals for tips, and ideas, and even use to ask them to make me banners and the sort. Now 10 years later, I have improved, and now make websites and graphics for other people. It takes time, and a lot of work, and even more mistakes before you get it right. Like my mother always told me, "I yell because I care.". Take what everyone says as a nice push to keep trying, you'll get it eventually.
  23. Kudos for working on your own tiles, everyone has to start somewhere, right? The tree colors could be less…bright green, a darker shade would look much more realistic, the tree tutorial Nameless Soul posted is a nice reference to use, color and shading wise. Shading will be your best friend, if you don't use it correctly, it will just look like a tree pasted onto the ground, with no depth, no sense of realism. A darker outline on the trees (Like the tutorial, and most tree tiles we see) would really do wonders, so the trees don't look to be blending into the grass/dirt tiles. Here's a decent picture guide that works pretty well, the colors notably. ![](http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/1091/1582p95.png) Keep up the momentum :)
  24. @Resaberus: > Question I have is this within the point of realism and possibility and how can it be accomplished. Well, Anyone can have the idea to make a game, if its 2D, or 3D, sandbox, fantasy, steampunk, or FPS. It's pretty clear everyone here would like to, or is in the process of making a game, or has already. It's really a matter of having the initiative and drive to _finish_ it. Do you have coding skills? Do you know someone who does? That's a pretty big prime factor of if something can be done or not. It sounds like you may want something a little different from the games we've seen on here, perhaps far more custom, thus creating your own tiles and sprites. Are you good with graphics? Pixel design? GUI design? Or once again do you know someone who is? Will they be willing to work with you? What would this cost you….most certainly a lot of time and patience. The bigger the game, the more unique and out-of-the-box, and the more you sway away from the usual games found here (and other sites too no doubt, just usuing this forum as an example), the longer you'll be developing it, and the greater the chance you'll grow bored and weary of it before it's finished.
  25. As long as you work on all of your ideas, compile them, and even just start on some things you have the ability to work on (Sprites, or tilesets, GUI, story, etc). there's no reason why an old flame can't be rekindled. For my own game it's just me myself and I, however I have compiled a treasure trove of ideas, even if it's just on paper for now, with a collection of graphics and custom sprites I plan to use, it's still a starting point. If you manage to get all the basics together (Classes, zones, map, spells, story, lore, etc.), you should have no problem getting a team together, seeing as they'd see you have initiative, and a nice starting point. Your ideas look pretty solid, stick with them and see the project through :)
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