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  1. Use Photoshop, so use the Magic Wand on the background collor and so press delete, then save with ".png" extension :) done!
  2. @FinalRiku: > ``` > .lblGuildCDesc > ``` > to > > ``` > '.lblGuildCDesc > ``` Its not necessary, just create a label on picGuild with the same name! and with the size you want, its just to say for who is wanting to create a guild that you need 5000 Amethysts to do that! I did this way and got it working :) btw very extremely nice system! i'm using it on my project! Cya mate and thanks for that! it should work after you do it :)
  3. Hey Richy, i did the first way and its working now, if i dont replace with the new tutorial i'l get bugs or something?
  4. Hey, how do i add itens per quantity in editor? i need it cuz i'l give vip coins for players
  5. Hey scotch, why the guilds are lowercase? can we fix the creation system for those who want to create guilds like: OhYeH , HeLL , SoMeThING and so on..? I really want that fix and another one, the colors system that is not working
  6. Thx scoth I love you and your system! Hey, can you fix the Colors of guild? it doesnt works!
  7. Can i add a system on it that players just create guild if they has 10000 Golds on inventory? Like this system i created and think it works, but where i add this code for players just create if they have money? –---------------------------------------------- If HasItem(index, 1) Then Call TakeInvItem(index, 1, 1) Else SendPlayerMsG(MyIndex) = "You dont have money to create guild"
  8. Problem Solved! Thanks for trying to help me Erwin! I just had deleted all the accounts :D
  9. I got a problem: Subscript out of Range
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