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Everything posted by Zexion

  1. Uh…are you going to program the gui? If not...then what exactly will you do? You are basically asking for others to make the game o.o
  2. Did you recently change anything, or did it just start spazzing? Also, does it happen on a blank copy?
  3. Welcome to eclipse ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) Can you post some more information? It's kind of hard to understand what you are talking about. I understand the first question, but I don't know the answer. The second question is a little … vague.
  4. I've already made the layout and graphics of my gui, and I normally know how to change it, but when it comes to dx8 engines, I am completely lost. Can someone tell me exactly what codes I need to edit? I am making a kingdom hearts mmo (yes another one of those fan-mmos, and yes another one of those kingdom hearts mmos.) I don't want to know a quick fix, or cheap way to do it. I'd like to know how to code a button individually to make it have a normal,hover, and click icon, and how to make it do something. I'd also like to know how to edit existing parts of the gui. The chatbox, for example, is too big. I found the sub to change the dimensions, but that made me think. Why is the chat box width 412x125, but the graphic for the chat box is 512x256? I also notice several graphics have empty space. Why is this? Is it needed for something?
  5. Thank you so much, I already knew how to code the custom hairs in from scratch, but I had no idea how to change the color by code. This saves me from having to do so many pictues, and the concept can be applied in several places such as clothes, face pictures, and more ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//biggrin.png)
  6. > Get away from using pant or gimp…use paint.NET > > Best free painting software > > (Www.getpaint.net) To be honest, the only thing I wouldn't recommend GIMP for, would be text-art such as logos because although you can make professional quality logos on GIMP, the amount of effort it takes, is simply not worth it. That being said, I do use gimp for my pixel art, and while I am far from being professional, I'd like to think that I am above average. It really isn't the program that makes the spriter; if you can sprite then you would be able to on any program.
  7. Yes, that means 3.0 total, not 3.0 per core. Otherwise it would state 6.00GHz somewhere on that line.
  8. accidental double post. remove if possible ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  9. > Son. Apart from your graphics being mediocre at best and pretty bad mostly, this does not belong in show off but in resources subforum. > > Stop acting like a snob with a stick up his ass - you need to be good at what you do to act that way. Show some humility, and if you can't, learn some. > > You could have just asked me to post unrelated stuff in this thread, would work exactly the same as posting that I shouldn't do it with bold, huge font. > > Now proceed to report me so a mod comes here and moves this pompous joke out of show-off. You sound extremely jealous to me, tbh. While these are not exactly pro, and their may be some minor issues here and there, they are still REALLY good. I think the op, can post anything they want, as they aren't begging you to post on their thread.
  10. Does EO even have directx 8?
  11. > How the duck do you have those stats in only 2 days 0_o….. No i mean on my first post, I put the wrong stats picture. Those were from my second day. These were from like the 6th or 7th
  12. Oops lol i put the wrong stats picture o.o That was my second day lol. ![](http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/5030/skillsx.png) this one is from yesterday lol
  13. Not bad, but you still need to work on choosing better colors. Also, the one with black is definitely better imho.
  14. I play too since last monday. My bank: http://imageshack.us/a/img716/2158/bank1xp.png Stats: http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/6278/statswfc.png I didn't want to put them in the post because they're kinda big.
  15. I use gimp for everything. Pixel art, photo enhancment, coloring, anything really.
  16. Sorry for double posting, but i wanted to bump it, and add some more info aswell. It seems that no matter what item I equip, it does this bug. Whether it be a helm, a weapon, or a platebody, they all increase my stats to 255\. When i unequip an item, it fixes the stats again, even if i have another weapon equiped. Ex: Player has helm equiped. Stats are normal. Player equips weapon. Stats are 255. Player removes helm. Stats are normal.
  17. Sure here you go ![](http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/7804/errorpw.png) The left one is a before picture, and the right one is after. I made a mistake it seems that this random boost does make the player hit super hard. The item itself has normal stats the highest being 20. >! ![](http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/2622/itemscreen.png)
  18. For some reason, when I equip any weapon or armour, no matter what the bonus is, or the players level, it always makes the bonuses show 255 for every stat. It still attacks as if it was a normal bonus, but it shows up as 255 on the stat screen. Whats wrong?
  19. hmm…it stopped doing it all of the sudden. I just changed the walk/run speed because I had running to 6 and walking to 8 since i want it to run when pressing shift. It seems to be fixed on its own though...
  20. okay so I'm testing online play with 2 accounts, and for some reason when the other (non owner) character is on the same map as me (the owner), and the map has alot of enemies, the other players speed goes insane! Like she starts running super fast for no reason, and the more enemies she hits the worse it gets! I just tested it again, it only seems to happen to non owners, and only when they hit the biggest monster on the map? Wtf is causing this?
  21. Okay so I changed the picscreen size, and now my menus are displayed on the picscreen. I tested my trading screen for the first time, and I found that the trade menu displays a gray color over the entire picscreen, and blocks the inventory from being shown. So I basically can't trade. How do I remove this coloring effect? Pics below.
  22. @Mortal: > I got an compile error :( probably forgot/added this in the wrong place: ``` Dim tmr250 As Long Dim Autoanim As Long ```
  23. I'm trying to get my buttons to open a menu when clicked and close it when clicked again. I keep getting an error for the seventh case. If i remove the conditions and the else for the seventh case, it doesn't give me an error. ``` Case 1 If Not picInventory.Visible Then ' show the window picInventory.Visible = True picCharacter.Visible = False picSpells.Visible = False picOptions.Visible = False picParty.Visible = False picQuestLog.Visible = False BltInventory ' play sound PlaySound Sound_ButtonClick Else picCharacter.Visible = False picInventory.Visible = False picSpells.Visible = False picOptions.Visible = False picParty.Visible = False picQuestLog.Visible = False ' play sound PlaySound Sound_ButtonClick End If Case 2 If Not picSpells.Visible Then ' send packet Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteLong CSpells SendData Buffer.ToArray() Set Buffer = Nothing ' show the window picSpells.Visible = True picInventory.Visible = False picCharacter.Visible = False picOptions.Visible = False picParty.Visible = False picQuestLog.Visible = False ' play sound PlaySound Sound_ButtonClick Else picCharacter.Visible = False picInventory.Visible = False picSpells.Visible = False picOptions.Visible = False picParty.Visible = False picQuestLog.Visible = False ' play sound PlaySound Sound_ButtonClick End If Case 3 If Not picCharacter.Visible Then ' send packet SendRequestPlayerData ' show the window picCharacter.Visible = True picInventory.Visible = False picSpells.Visible = False picOptions.Visible = False picParty.Visible = False picQuestLog.Visible = False ' play sound PlaySound Sound_ButtonClick ' Render BltEquipment BltFace Else picCharacter.Visible = False picInventory.Visible = False picSpells.Visible = False picOptions.Visible = False picParty.Visible = False picQuestLog.Visible = False ' play sound PlaySound Sound_ButtonClick End If Case 4 If Not picOptions.Visible Then ' show the window picCharacter.Visible = False picInventory.Visible = False picSpells.Visible = False picOptions.Visible = True picParty.Visible = False picQuestLog.Visible = False ' play sound PlaySound Sound_ButtonClick Else picCharacter.Visible = False picInventory.Visible = False picSpells.Visible = False picOptions.Visible = False picParty.Visible = False picQuestLog.Visible = False ' play sound PlaySound Sound_ButtonClick End If Case 5 If myTargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER And myTarget MyIndex Then SendTradeRequest ' play sound PlaySound Sound_ButtonClick Else AddText "Invalid trade target.", BrightRed End If Case 6 If Not picParty.Visible Then ' show the window picCharacter.Visible = False picInventory.Visible = False picSpells.Visible = False picOptions.Visible = False picParty.Visible = True picQuestLog.Visible = False ' play sound PlaySound Sound_ButtonClick Else picCharacter.Visible = False picInventory.Visible = False picSpells.Visible = False picOptions.Visible = False picParty.Visible = False picQuestLog.Visible = False ' play sound PlaySound Sound_ButtonClick End If Case 7 If Not picQuestLog.Visible Then ' show the window picCharacter.Visible = False picInventory.Visible = False picSpells.Visible = False picOptions.Visible = False picParty.Visible = False picQuestLog.Visible = True ' play sound PlaySound Sound_ButtonClick Else ' show the window picCharacter.Visible = False picInventory.Visible = False picSpells.Visible = False picOptions.Visible = False picParty.Visible = False picQuestLog.Visible = False ' play sound PlaySound Sound_ButtonClick End Select ```
  24. Hello I added the altar quest system, which made this little white box appear, and a menu that is very empty. Obviously I don't want the little white box, or the menu to be empty, but how do I make the client load an image for the quest background and a button for the little white box?
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