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Everything posted by hisherwin

  1. Hmm.. I don't see any problem with the code you shown.. Or maybe the "Camera.Bottom" is the problem. Try giving them a fixed position and not using a formula position except for the (i * 20) because it is needed to wrap the next text
  2. Use CS:DE? xD Anyway, I know it is not quite easy on rewriting your current chatbox into transparent one.. just try it, rip CS:DE chatbox.
  3. Nope. I don't think it's possible to make a stable transparency on a textbox/richtextbox.. Why don't you just render them? it is possible that way, well even if there's a method to make a transparency picturebox/textbox/richtextbox/etc.. i don't think it will be a stable one
  4. I first use Computer when i started to get horny at the age of 12, you'll probably know what kind of things i did xD PS: If your going to tell that i'm lying, i've been using Game Boy Advance to entertain myself and i don't know computer at the age of 5-10
  5. > Jesus Christ, what the * am I looking at? -.-, They are still beginners, don't expect something better.. On-Topic: are those made on paint or did you draw it and you did a line draw?
  6. The other pc must have the tilesets that was being used on the data files folder.
  7. It's not the engine i'm release actually.. it's the source of this engine is what i'm talking about.
  8. Add a Scrolling message at the top for those birthdayers..
  9. > Yeah I know, John, it is humorous indeed. > > > > Also Sherwin you should set a set price rather than a 'haggle with me price' since you'll have various people (assuming you get some clients) arguing about how x person got it cheaper and how they want their money back. > > > > -Kibbelz Lol i get your point, i'll think about the price later.. i'll calculate the time i spend on this project ehehe
  10. Notification only? erm, maybe a prize or something will be better
  11. > It looks good sherwin however no one will pay $50 for this. > > > > all the best, > > > > -Kibbelz Okay then.. i'll try lowering the price for a bit.. :P
  12. Well i'll just think about what to do when someone wanted to buy it.. for now i'll leave my mind blank B)
  13. Well i can't send .exe because they might turn virus..
  14. **Introduction** This is not an RPG Maker it's a Visual Game Maker Note: The graphics on the screenshot are not mine, so they are not include at the pack (Except for the User's Interface) What i mean graphics is the Characters and Backgrounds **Screenshots** >! ![](https://scontent-a-hkg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t1.0-9/p403x403/66165_720336274668735_1073305963732388073_n.png) >! ![](https://scontent-b-hkg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t1.0-9/p526x296/10553521_720334908002205_3587251244930648367_n.png) >! ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/10325305_720334871335542_852962383505067986_n.png) >! ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/10492591_720334951335534_8544275313500458453_n.png) >! ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/10463940_720334974668865_4178597462173654569_n.png) >! ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t1.0-9/p403x403/10518693_717051731663856_4369248902084460669_n.png) >! >! **Price** >! Let's make a deal on Skype >! Payment should be done using Paypal >! >! **What's include to the file?** >! - Game Source (Note: I can't send .exe file, so you need VB6 to compile them) >! - Game User Interface Resource (Well i bought them so i think i have the rights to sell them) >! >! **What's not include?** >! - Game Graphics (Character and Background) but i'll provide one each for sample >! - Game Sound (I'll just going to put one on music and one on sound for sample) >! >! **Credits** >! Creator: Sherwin/Kazuto >! User Interface: Eternal Arts (By Mr.Faux) >! >! **Contact** >! **Skype: **hisherwin >! >! EDIT: Note this is a Beta version so you can't expect all things on a simple dating game are include >! For example: This game doesn't have Mini-games include
  15. Is this a Tutorial? Why don't you just draw another text which the y value is different?
  16. Do your video card support DX8? i also have this problem when i remove my Video Card and just use the built-in.. but when i insert it again, the problem disappear and we have the same code line problem so i think that's the problem.. Make sure that your video card support DX8 and you installed the runtime properly
  17. This is not a Runtime but it have the dll's, ocx's eclipse use.. create a installer using that one and install it.. on that way you can install the runtime for eclipse
  18. bump just how many bump's am i allowed to use? XD
  19. Wow the way you ask questions are detailed.. There's only few people like you on this site right now On-Topic: On item editor (/edititem) create a weapon and that weapon must be a tool type On Resource editor (/editresouce) the resource must have a hp greater than 0 and a tool requre add a image at the Map Editor (/editmap) on attribute add a resource attribute, select a resource then put it on field/map Equip the item tool, then attack the resource
  20. oh.. finally ur back programming it. this remind me about the pokemon trainer base engine i made last year ago hope to play your game soon.
  21. i like retro games but not those kind of retro it might be better if it is colored xD
  22. INFERNO.. still having this problem? add me on skype.. i'll try to help you.
  23. as far as i know, numbers of paperdoll isn't involve with the error.. check this solution * try to have only 400 paperdoll..check if it will work.. * try to check if the ItemRec on server side match the ItemRec on the client side * try to delete the old item data if it didn't work.. add me on skype (username: hisherwin) i'll try to help you there. Note: don't add me if you didn't test the solution
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