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Everything posted by Joost

  1. Again, I see what you're trying to accomplish and it would 100% work, but my question is, why? Why not use the inventory system that works perfect? Why not check for bullets in inv every time someone shoots, and remove 1 when shot fired? It seems less complicated, more user-friendly (since bullets are displayed as normal items), it allows you to easily set up a lot of different bullet types and easier to program so I wouldn't add new variables for it.
  2. Imo I wouldn't do it that way. If you have multiple types of bullets it will just create a clutter. Get 1 extra variable on the weaps, Bullettype, and whenever someone shoots loop through player inv to find bullets, if found shoot + remove 1\. That way you dont have to add silly variables.
  3. http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/blades-edge/G%C3%A9%C3%A9n/simple My armory link btw. I pretty much quit WoW when DS came out, besides 2 heroic bosses in DS I've cleared all content in cata on heroic. Got a realmfirst for nefarion heroic, 2nd/third on all other kills i think.
  4. WoW is pretty much the market example of an MMORPG nowadays so if you're seriously trying to make an online game and have never played WoW you are doing something wrong.
  5. How much of a dick are you when you go to people's first tutorial and tell them there's much room for improvement? Either do something useful or stfu bro.
  6. recipe is in Fahrenheit and therefor completely useless.
  7. Since banks keep track of the amount of money in ATM's and the transactions made it is relatively easy to spot differences, and even though you received the money it is still legally owned by the bank and therefore the bank can/will make you pay back 100%. (even if you give the money away, since you're not the rightful owner the money still belongs to the bank) So yeah, I wouldn't withdraw 1.5 mill and spend it on gambling.
  8. Since for the visitors it will probably be the first thing they see when trying out the game, it may be a bit too much. Are you supposed to download the game first, then sign up? It seems like the call-to-action is the Download button, but is that really the most important aspect? I would really try to force new users onto a certain path, and I think at this point it'd be hard to predict what a new user would click on.
  9. An alternative to pulling it from the server would be pulling it from a .txt on a webserver. This does mean you need to add another control to your project. http://web.miragesource.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=210&t=409&hilit=news+system (PS, there are also a lot of other tutorials on that website that may not work 100%, especially the packet structure has been changed a lot, but other than that they are still very useful. Another site where you can find old MS tutorials is http://echostorms.net/Mirage/MS%20Tutorials/ (If you really want to pull it from the server, you have to do what the guy before me said and set up a connection at the main menu, which might be a bit of a hassle)
  10. When should the news message be displayed? On the main menu I suppose?
  11. The target is also cleared from the threat list if the reason of death = NPC killing him. If a player dies from another NPC or like lava or something and if the player respawns on the map the aggro doesnt get cleared and he gets instant focus again. Checking to see if a player is in an aggro list every time he dies seems like a hassle and i'm not going to bother with it tbh.
  12. ``` ' Is the target playing and on the same map? If IsPlaying(Target) And GetPlayerMap(Target) = MapNum Then TryNpcAttackPlayer x, Target Else ' Player left map or game, set target to 0 Call RemoveThreat(Target, MapNum, x) 'MapNpc(MapNum).Npc(x).targetType = 0 ' clear End If ``` If a player dies, he switches maps so the threat is removed automatically in that part of the code.
  13. shit bro, I can see a nipple there, and what a tongue
  14. Wow that shit is hot, got any more?
  15. Joost

    New mapper

    For future reference, dont use BMP as image format, use PNG.
  16. Joost

    Game Copyrights?

    Anything you make is instantly copyrighted. If you want additional security you can get stuff like trademarks but that costs money and generally wont be worth the time.
  17. Joost

    Gaming Idea

    You need to start by writing a GDD. It sounds like you have some fun ideas but nothing solid yet, and you won't get a team to make your game for you. Check out wikipedia if you dont know what a GDD is, it's the first in the list.
  18. Hey, I kind of took the liberty to make the code a bit neater. It uses Select Case instead of all the If statements. It looks better and I'm fairly sure it's faster too. ``` Select Case Player(Index).Access Case 0 If frmServer.chkPlayer.Value = 1 Then Call AlertMsg(Index, "Your access level is currently not allowed. Try again later.") Exit Sub End If Case 1 If frmServer.chkMonitor.Value = 1 Then Call AlertMsg(Index, "Your access level is currently not allowed. Try again later.") Exit Sub End If Case 2 If frmServer.chkMapper.Value = 1 Then Call AlertMsg(Index, "Your access level is currently not allowed. Try again later.") Exit Sub End If Case 3 If frmServer.chkDeveloper.Value = 1 Then Call AlertMsg(Index, "Your access level is currently not allowed. Try again later.") Exit Sub End If End Select ```
  19. It is kind of funny how many people here try to add tutorials without even knowing extremely basic code like this tutorial. No offense intended for the OP though, good first tutorial, certainly has it's uses.
  20. I would recommend doing this client-side, since there is no reason (security or whatever) to do the check server-side, it's just sending the same string twice to compare it there.
  21. Im mainly interested in fixing bugs that havent been fixed before
  22. Is there like a proper list of all bugs and links to tuts that fix them somewhere? If not, can someone make one?
  23. You should probably keep it as empty as possible because of the poor target finding of NPC's. Ranged chars may camp on the other side of the lava shooting down the boss w/o taking any damage, or, judging from the looks of it, 2 melee chars can trap the boss inbetween the pillar/statue while an rdps does all the damage.
  24. Public Const MAX_SIGNS As Long = 255 You missed that part of the tutorial, you never defined MAX_SIGNS. (PS, it is defined rather shitty in this tutorial, if you only want 255 you should make it a byte and not a long.)
  25. If you want to learn I suggest you download the source code attached. Then just control F the tutorial code and find out where it goes yourself. ps It doesnt really matter where the subs go, it will work anywhere.
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