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Everything posted by Joost

  1. This thread is pretty hypocritical towards fangames, since literally every Eclipse game uses stolen music or graphics.
  2. I'm a bit worried about this sub performance-wise. Unless I'm missing something, this will loop through all the accounts and open them, if you have 1000 accounts that's 1000 files that're being opened, of which like 5% might actually be a member. Can't you just store an expiration date in the player's file and check if the date is in his file every time he logs in? If date expired, remove premium, if not do nothing, if player adds subscription increase date by 1 month. ``` Public Sub TimedEvents() Dim strload As String Dim i As Long Dim Filename As String Dim f As Long Dim index As Long 'Global routine, every night. If frmServer.txttime.Text = "12:00 AM" Then strload = Dir(App.Path & "\data\accounts\" & "*.bin") i = 1 Do While strload > vbNullString Filename = App.Path & "\data\accounts\" & strload f = FreeFile Open Filename For Binary As #f Get #f, , AEditor Close #f If AEditor.IsMember = 1 Then AEditor.DayCount = AEditor.DayCount + 1 Filename = App.Path & "\data\accounts\" & strload f = FreeFile Open Filename For Binary As #f Put #f, , AEditor Close #f End If index = FindPlayer(Trim$(AEditor.Name)) If index > 0 Then If IsPlaying(index) Then If AEditor.DayCount > 30 Then AEditor.DayCount = 31 AEditor.IsMember = 0 MemberUnEquipItem index If Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).IsMember > 0 Then PlayerWarp index, Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).BootMap, Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).BootX, Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).BootY End If End If End If End If strload = Dir i = i + 1 Loop End If End Sub ```
  3. If you give a list of features a lot more people will be able to look at it, maybe you'll even get some things done for free. I'm always looking for interesting stuff that has nothing to do with the client, so if that fits the category just shout.
  4. You added ``` Call PartyJoin(p, index) Exit Sub Next i End If ```to your code again, which isn't really a performance loss since it will never actually loop (since i is never being used), but it is really really stupid. call it bitching, but even with 0 programming experience your code just looks absolutely dreadful.
  5. That's the thing, I think this'd be a horrible start. There are more variables defined and unused than there are defined and used variables in some subs. Besides that, there are several other problems with this framework. Fixing this up'd be just as much work as just adding it properly yourself.
  6. ``` For i = 1 To MAX_PARTY_MEMBERS Call PartyJoin(p, index) Exit Sub Next i ```on a scale from 0 to 10 on absolute pointlessness that has to be a 10\. a loop for absolutely no reason at all, the i has to loop to 4, is defined as long, and is never actually used, nor is the partnum variable. This code (if you can get it to work) will mix any player in any party group, the variables you actually need to define like lastsearch arent mentioned. Like you mention yourself, you probably did this in a few minutes and it is full of bugs so no game should consider using this.
  7. if you check the source code for the webpage you can see it's not checking for a virus, its just a picture with some text. site-part at least is completely pointless nvm it actually does work
  8. You provide no source and the only link in your article doesn't work. For all I know, you came up with this crap yourself. Link now does work, refers to a crappy page that doesnt do anything, probably fake.
  9. @GunnerWolf: > 100 people isn't that much considering I could pay 1-5 dollars a month and have thousands see it Not every e-mail adress is worth the same amount, mailing 100 gamers about your game is a lot more useful than buying a 10k email list off some dodgy site and emailing those people.
  10. A boolean with a value of 4 is 4 times as true as a boolean with a value of 1?
  11. ``` Public Instanceof; MAX_PARTY_MEMBERS as BOOLEAN = 4 ``` wait, what?
  12. copy/paste the code from if npcx to End function and I'll show you where it goes. cba typing over all the code.
  13. if you like soad, this is a relatively new band that sort of sounds like soad, it's pretty sick http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrn8cVXEeMQ
  14. so cant u just do ``` newtileset = oldmapx * oldmapy newmapx = 0 newmapy = 0 ```And split up every tile in 32*32 with top left tile being tileset 1, tile next to it tileset 2, etcetera. The x/y data for the tile will be irrelevant so all you need is right tileset.
  15. couldn't you split up each tile seperately in 32*32 and just load the appropiate number? or am I missing something there?
  16. I posted this somewhere else as well, but if you have some basic knowledge of programming and you know what you need to find in this code and change (basicly compare the maprec) then you'll probably be able to do it yourself. Trying to do things yourself is always a great way to learn. ``` Sub ConvertOldMapsToNew() Dim FileName As String Dim i As Long Dim F As Long Dim X As Long, Y As Long Dim OldMap As OldMapRec Dim NewMap As MapRec For i = 1 To MAX_MAPS FileName = App.Path & "\maps\map" & i & ".dat" ' Get the old file F = FreeFile Open FileName For Binary As #F Get #F, , OldMap Close #F ' Delete the old file Call Kill(FileName) ' Convert NewMap.Name = OldMap.Name NewMap.Revision = OldMap.Revision + 1 NewMap.Moral = OldMap.Moral NewMap.Up = OldMap.Up NewMap.Down = OldMap.Down NewMap.Left = OldMap.Left NewMap.Right = OldMap.Right NewMap.Music = OldMap.Music NewMap.BootMap = OldMap.BootMap NewMap.BootX = OldMap.BootX NewMap.BootY = OldMap.BootY NewMap.Shop = OldMap.Shop For Y = 0 To MAX_MAPY For X = 0 To MAX_MAPX NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Ground = OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Ground NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Mask = OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Mask NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Anim = OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Anim NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Fringe = OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Fringe NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Type = OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Type NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Data1 = OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Data1 NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Data2 = OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Data2 NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Data3 = OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Data3 Next X Next Y For X = 1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS NewMap.Npc(X) = OldMap.Npc(X) Next X ' Set new values to 0 or null NewMap.Indoors = NO ' Save the new map F = FreeFile Open FileName For Binary As #F Put #F, , NewMap Close #F Next i End Sub ```(and if it doesnt work out, I'm sure you can PM one of the guys who offered to do it for programming advice, free knowledge yumyum)
  17. Joost

    Nicer Eclipse

    Is this the only measure being taken for new members, or will the site in general be more friendly towards new users with little to no programming experience?
  18. @jcsnider: > @Joost, consider this… the Nightly version of EO converts all graphics in memory to powers of two... if his tilesets are thousands of pixels in length, then finding the next power of 2 to fit would be huge and 90% of graphics cards could not support it. So there is a good chance that a part of the job will be splitting his tilesets and therefore editing each of the maps values to draw from different tilesets. This could be significantly larger of a project than you think. True, but only for the nightly version. For everything else paying anything more than 10 bucks (hour of work) would be getting ripped off imo.
  19. ``` Sub ConvertOldMapsToNew() Dim FileName As String Dim i As Long Dim F As Long Dim X As Long, Y As Long Dim OldMap As OldMapRec Dim NewMap As MapRec For i = 1 To MAX_MAPS FileName = App.Path & "\maps\map" & i & ".dat" ' Get the old file F = FreeFile Open FileName For Binary As #F Get #F, , OldMap Close #F ' Delete the old file Call Kill(FileName) ' Convert NewMap.Name = OldMap.Name NewMap.Revision = OldMap.Revision + 1 NewMap.Moral = OldMap.Moral NewMap.Up = OldMap.Up NewMap.Down = OldMap.Down NewMap.Left = OldMap.Left NewMap.Right = OldMap.Right NewMap.Music = OldMap.Music NewMap.BootMap = OldMap.BootMap NewMap.BootX = OldMap.BootX NewMap.BootY = OldMap.BootY NewMap.Shop = OldMap.Shop For Y = 0 To MAX_MAPY For X = 0 To MAX_MAPX NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Ground = OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Ground NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Mask = OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Mask NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Anim = OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Anim NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Fringe = OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Fringe NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Type = OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Type NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Data1 = OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Data1 NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Data2 = OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Data2 NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Data3 = OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Data3 Next X Next Y For X = 1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS NewMap.Npc(X) = OldMap.Npc(X) Next X ' Set new values to 0 or null NewMap.Indoors = NO ' Save the new map F = FreeFile Open FileName For Binary As #F Put #F, , NewMap Close #F Next i End Sub ```You will have to look at the differences between the map types inbetween 3.0.3 and eclipse and change that sub accordingly to make it work for you, but it is probably silly to pay 30 bucks for that.
  20. meh, I like the overworld map stuff but the battles are just fugly atm.
  21. afaik besides confusion which can overlap w/ anything stuff like sleep/paralyze/poison cant overlap, so you might want to do a status as byte instead of all the options as booleans. also I dont know where you want to keep data like growl that decreases something by one stage. Might need to set up stuff for that too.
  22. Hi, That looks pretty cool. The thing I'm most interested to see is the combat system though. From what I have seen pretty much all online pokemon games use a shitty form with buttons for combat instead of doing it the proper way like the gameboy games. Have you started to work on that yet? Would love to see some screenshots. By the way, I attached an xml to my post, it contains 493 pokemon with all their data incl evolutions, abilities and what tm/hm they can be taught. Might be useful for you, will save a lot of time collecting data.
  23. I would do it this way. It doesn't require adding new variables. It checks the access level required on the item, and if the user cant use it the user cant pick up the item. ``` If Item(MapItem(mapnum, i)).AccessReq
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