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No Name

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Everything posted by No Name

  1. No Name

    Public Apology.

    I would primarily like to see an updated Eclipse that ran off of VB10 or something more supported of late. However, I would also like for it to be open sourced and simple enough that I could start to learn it again. Forgoing that I would like to see some updates to EO Gold.
  2. I have something for this. >! Title: Inverse >! >! Story: >! >! In the beginning of the Information Age there came a name, an unknown name, that engrossed the online world in controversy. wrote on hundreds of forums, chat sites, social media websites, and others. All of his posts were in the form of poetry, and, while beautiful, they haunted their readers. >! >! _Twas on high that the great origin spun._ >! _Dwelt did he on the nature of the mortals he doth birth._ >! _Within his mind two voices spoke._ >! >! _One did believe humans able to run._ >! _Whilst the other thought them to return to dirt._ >! _From them his mind broke._ >! >! _He who sought blood to purge the waste._ >! _He who sought to give them a chance._ >! _Twas thus that Inverse was born._ >! >! _The mists that cloud the face._ >! _Will make the sinners of this world dance._ >! _Where the heavens are the earth, and the earth is the heavens._ >! >! At first it was only the readers that sought his work, but soon events began that made the world take notice of his name. They called it "The Great Incursion", and the effects were both wonderful and horrible. In a single night, that occurred world wide, all humans that were, or would be, considered major criminals by the laws of their home nations vanished into a thick, rolling fog. This fog hung around areas that had little to no illumination, and continued to take people who wandered into them. It took them to Inverse… >! >! Inverse; where the world spins in reverse, what was land is now sea, sea is land, the sun shines from beneath the water, and the sky is filled with dark, descending spires of black and red volcanic rock. Those who enter this world find their true shadows revealed to them if they stay near the ever-present fog. Only the light from the Star-Light Seas can banish the fog, and if you give into your fears, hopes, dreams, or any powerful emotion when facing these Reflections. You will be forever consumed by that feeling, and become a monster, for good or for evil. Only by accepting the Reflections can you resist their call, and become strong enough to survive Inverse. Whichever path you choose the siren's song of magic will sing to you silently. >! >! The world of Inverse can change if the emotions of people are strong enough, and the Star-Light from the water grants the drinker the power of magic for a price. That price is your emotions. Emotion fuels your imagination to create spells, and the stronger the emotion the stronger the power. Can you resist the Reflections? Can you control your own power? Or will you fall into fear and shadow? >! >! Make the choice. Stand tall, and seek out the Creators of Inverse and the Tower of Drasil. Perhaps, one day, you can return to that place in your memory. The one you call home. >! >! I wrote a couple different stories from this.
  3. Elder Tale is the name of a virtual-reality game from the anime "Log Horizon". Not that I'm saying that you should change the name, just thought you should know before someone less savory then myself came a-ranting.
  4. No Name

    Zones in Mapping

    The server is running the gold license. I double checked that problem.
  5. No Name

    Zones in Mapping

    Very well. >! [![](http://i814.photobucket.com/albums/zz65/pquarrella/Mapping%20Photos/Error_zpsc8882af4.png)](http://s814.photobucket.com/user/pquarrella/media/Mapping%20Photos/Error_zpsc8882af4.png.html) As I stated there is nothing for me to click on to create a new zone. All I can do is edit and save the one.
  6. No Name

    Zones in Mapping

    Well on the right hand side of the form all it shows is > 1\. Zone Name and then nothing beneath that. No numbers or anything. It's the same for pets and player house editors too. I've tried clicking below the number and have had no luck.
  7. No Name

    Zones in Mapping

    While I was mapping I tried my hand at creating zones, but I could only create 1\. I'm wondering if there is reason for this.
  8. No Name


    Yes it is, although it does require some complex event editing. Also since you received an answer change this to [solved]
  9. If you type into the forums search bar "tilesets" or type it into the google search you will find tons of tiles to work with. Just make sure you set the top left square of the set to a solid color for background, or it'll show up weird (AKA: won't be transparent were it should)
  10. Make sure to change this to [Solved]
  11. No Name

    New project

    Make sure to change this topic tag to [Solved]. Additionally I had a similar issue. Took a bit to figure it out, but if you have it again just go around and wipe the maps in the Editor. Takes a lot less time.
  12. Ah, but wouldn't that work for only the first time of playing a character? If you wanted a recurring spawn point (Say like diablo 3 with you spawning in the respective quest hub each log in) would that be possible with the current event system? Hypothesis; Placing an event on each map that run on parallel processing that uses a series of switches or a key variable on players that is changed by resting in cities. It would read the variable/switch upon log-in and then warp you to the respective zone?
  13. Dear Growlith, You and I have talked here and there whilst on the forums, and I have a question for you. I have been in the market for 2 separate code systems, and I haven't found a good tutorial that could provide me with a direction. Recently I have been incredibly busy with life to do much programming, and my attention span seems bent on destroying my coding skills. The two systems are; 1\. A talent tree editor 2\. A NPC boss editor #1: The basic idea is that there would be a set form with the locations for the skill/talent icons, and you would just substitute the skills (graphicly at least). Or an alternative idea is a dynamic form that you can move the skill links and icons around to make unique trees. These trees could be linked with the Spell Editor or just draw on the game's current spells (a slider or dropbox), and could link to the game's classes. #2: This one is a bit more tricky. I've always wanted bosses in my game to be more then just normal NPC's with a status effect (which was glitchy back in Elysium). Instead, I was thinking of having them be able to cast magic, use abilities, and even have custom scripts and spells. I feel like this could be possible with the current event system, but would be a bit of a challenge for me to use. ================ I would like your opinions on the possibility of these two systems for the current engines (Dawn), and your estimates on the prices of each. No need for you to work on them unless I can pay you. _Your's in Fellowship,_ **No Name** PS: I am posting this here to see your interest in the matter, and possibly get other's takes on the ideas.
  14. The interesting thing was that the city…house...thing...that I was building was over 500 square blocks in size, and went +64 and -64\. Needlessly a massive complex....It became hard to navigate except in creative mode.
  15. I would be interested in playing minecraft again if I had people of like mind to work on it. I used to have quite a city (it was a house….but), and I stopped because it became boring.
  16. **Greetings everyone. I've been making some maps, and so I thought I would share them with those that care. They are for a game idea that I'm testing, but feel free to comment and make suggestions.** ![](http://i814.photobucket.com/albums/zz65/pquarrella/Advent1_zps4cfd10bd.png) This is the opening room of the game. There is a puzzle, and a rich dialogue npc to work with. [![](http://i814.photobucket.com/albums/zz65/pquarrella/Advent2_zps4346ceea.png)](http://s814.photobucket.com/user/pquarrella/media/Advent2_zps4346ceea.png.html) This is the first puzzle map I created. [![](http://i814.photobucket.com/albums/zz65/pquarrella/Advent3_zps7c870463.png)](http://s814.photobucket.com/user/pquarrella/media/Advent3_zps7c870463.png.html) This is the center of the Traveler's City. It also contains a complex door puzzle using the event editor. [Further maps soon]
  17. I might have an idea or two for your lore. I will need time to create a suitable virtual enviroment (building the world in my head to experience the idea), and place my ideas and script on a page…or two. (I want 10 million for this) Honestly, just want to see this game progress. Even if it's a display game. It is showing off the potential of the (mostly disliked) EO-Gold, and maybe sparking a few fires here and there. After all there can be no progress without sacrifice and, at least, one person to invest in it.
  18. I remember the old Mirage Source. It's actually the engine a company called "CyberConnects LLC" used to create their Dot Hack game about 6 years ago. It got me started on programming, so I could consider it my roots (Not a great root, but still a root). In the spirit of that I am going to download this, and see what the hulla ballo is all about. Additionally, I've been thinking about donating to the community at large in order to spur some more developments. I may be a programmer, but I tend to be lazy :3
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