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Everything posted by Exception

  1. Argument not optional simply means you aren't passing enough values into a procedure, as well, you don't have an optional "fallback", if you like. "Party_ShareExp TempPlayer(attacker).inParty, exp, attacker" "Public Sub Party_ShareExp(ByVal partyNum As Long, ByVal exp As Long, ByVal Index As Long, ByVal mapnum As Long)" As you can see from Party_ShareExp, you need to pass PartyNum, Exp, Index, and the MapNum. Guess which one you're missing. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  2. > No, I believe they both use constants to store the version. Anyway I am glad it is now working. You was right the first time. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png) The clients use the application settings, server uses constants.
  3. You're using npcNum, without actually assigning it a value, hence the subscript errors. You're attempting to use a structure that doesn't exist. (In this case, NPC #0\. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)) Also, why are you iterating through each quest, in the player name drawing procedure? Not mentioning that it's going to render with -each player on the map-, rather than loop through a large amount of quests, loop through your map NPCs when your map loads, and grab whether it has a quest, then (Known as caching. It's better to get what's needed beforehand, not constantly!), and use said stored variables to draw. Although, if that's from a tutorial, shouldn't that code be in DrawNPCName, not DrawPlayerName? I think a npcNum argument exists there, hence the need for it. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png) Pseudo-code: Public CacheQuestNpcsVar(1 To Max_Map_Npcs) As Byte Public Sub CacheQuestNpcs() Dim i As Long For i = 1 To Max_Map_Npcs If Npc(i).QuestNum > 0 Then ' Check for players quest details here, to grab [!]/[?]. 'For [!], make CacheQuestNpcsVar(i) = 1. 'For [?], make CacheQuestNpcsVar(i) = 2. Else ' Here, the NPC has no quest. We can clear it. CacheQuestNpcsVar(i) = 0 End If Next End Sub Then, in it's OWN SUB Public Sub DrawQuestNpcs For i = 1 To Max_Map_Npcs Select Case CacheQuestNpcsVar(i) Case 1 ' Draw [!] here! case 2 ' Draw [?] here! End Select Next End Sub EDIT: Sorry 'bout the nesting. No idea what happened there.
  4. PV is dated, and seemingly has no ongoing support. By all means, use it, just keep that into consideration.
  5. Exception

    DX7 vs DX8?

    Uhm…, here goes. Anyway, when I hop onto my laptop later, I'll fully explain the differences including hardware, usage, and benchmarking. I have no intention of fully-explaining on an iPad. In summary, the DX8 API was released in 2000\. Anything 2000+ will more than likely support DX8, provided it has a video card (naturally.). Can't remember about DX7, but really, if your target audience is using a pre-2000 machine, you need to reconsider. DirectDraw7 is not "theoretically" faster in any shape or form, although, speed is dependent on how you handle rendering, graphic sizes, graphic cards, and tons of other variables. A major key rendering method to remember is that EO2 blits [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_blit ] (which is the proper term for rendering a graphic to an empty space, or what's known as the backbuffer, and then copies that entire backbuffer, and renders it all in one go, in short.) and actually manages loaded graphics. _EO3 does not manage loaded graphics, hence why it may be slower for some. In terms of how it renders, I can't completely remember, I've not used EO3 in a long while, but I think it just creates each individual vertex that makes up the sprite, makes up a rectangle, and puts that loaded memory into said vertex buffer. I cannot remember if there is any form of raster-pre allocation, although, considering it IS technically 3D, I have doubts about the validity of this paragraph. Read the last paragraph before you criticise me, and feel free to correct me. Oh, and there's POT to consider. POT is annoying. As for the other APIs…they're bloody useless to start! They either no longer have a practical use, or have better alternatives...Why would you consider DirectSound when you have FMOD/BASS, DirectInput when you have raw input, DirectPlay when you have Winsock, etc... There's nothing bad about DX8\. In my opinion, there's unnecessary thoughts relating to compatibility and speed. Although there are valid cases where DX8 runs terribly, I can't blame them, but the reasoning is often more exaggerated than needed. By the way, this is all from memory. As I said, I'll explain more in depth, and if I have made any, I'll correct any mistakes or misinformation here, and I'll also go do some research to back it up for you guys. Check back. M'kay?_
  6. ITT: Why VB6 could do with multi-threading. * * * Anyway, as far as the issue goes itself, it's never happened to me (this is the first time I've heard of such issue.), so unfortunately, I can't actually offer much towards actually fixing the cause…although, I imagine the cause is more spec. related than server related, as proved earlier. Out of curiosity, could you post the specs of the WinXP and Win7 computer you used (including your download/upload speeds, if they run on different networks), and tell us if your server is compiled to native code, or pseudo code (Can supposedly make a difference. I've never personally noted or cared about it.)? I'd like to see if we can determine an actual cause, and work on properly fixing it. PS: I've not read this topic fully. Probably should do. Tell me if I'm incorrect about something. :>
  7. £7.90? If I don't find the means sketchy, I'll be glad to pool in. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  8. Just so you know, your navigation goes crazy on an iPad. Might want to fix that. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  9. It does, but why would you want to use an API from 2000?
  10. > Who cares about MB? well why wait an hour before a player can play the game and be happier? Downloading MBs takes an hour for you? I'm sorry to say this, but you're stuck in the late 90s. As for the rest of your post, tldr. > I fail to see why this would be illegal? All I'm simply doing is changing the format of the file I'm not editing the files in any way. He's refering to games that use trademarked graphics/concepts/music. Monetizing that is illegal.
  11. I fail to see how loading BMP graphics into memory, then creating additional PNG graphics in memory - and not even for a valid reason -, and using an additional high memory usage program on top of a running game, will be lightweight, and save memory. The only engines now that actually use BMP is EO2… and EO2 is already extremely memory efficient, and even if it takes up space, it's not a lot (ie 280 MB vs 70MB in a rar? Yes there's s noticable difference there...but who cares about MB?) EDIT: Your poll is leading.
  12. Exception

    .NET ENGINE v1.0

    > Hey man, winsock isn't the greatest in the world, its putting an obselete object on a good game engine, I would recommend using whats already built into the frameworks library like System.net, if you need help with any of that let me know, I made my own game engine and Im using asynchronous sockets You're serious, right? WinSock is practically as low-level as networking gets with Windows. System.Net is BASED on Winsock, as is every other popular networking library, eg, Lidgren. EDIT: Let me reiterate. As low-level without heading to Raw Sockets.
  13. Exception

    Donate to Eclipse

    > I have money , but it's only $79 To post that you have $80 for no reason and then to post that is just downright rude and disrespectful.
  14. > The game index by Carim isn't that good, he's very partisan!! I wonder if you're saying that because you keep PMing me, and I keep refusing to put your game on the list, hm?
  15. Those current screenshots/scenes you have, are they all in an actual game engine, or are they just rendered at the moment? Regardless, I still want to pet that turtle. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  16. > Well, currently I get around 9,000 website views a day so I'm sure a few of them would be willing to atleast try the game… So it could add up to around 500-1000\. ![^_^](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//happy.png) I get 12-17K a day (fluctuates quite erratically). Still got 85 members. Go figure.
  17. Hey guys..this topic might be old… But the **point still stands!**
  18. > Uh, okay. Well, he _is_ right. Combine your suggestion, Vaughn's helpful theory, and render in the past, and you're onto movement that works pretty well synced, regardless of latency.
  19. Wait, this is in the news? We can freely post here now? O_o
  20. Has it occurred to you that the people who have the most remotest possibility of entering would already have some premium from of Visual Studio? :3
  21. Breakpoints. Lots and lots of breakpoints. But in all seriousness, master breakpointing, and you master debugging.
  22. It's nothing mindblowing, if I'm honest, but compared to 80-90% of the games here, it appears to look, function, sound, and play better in just about every aspect. Of course, from what I'm told, there isn't even combat, items, or NPCs at the moment, and just a few simple maps, and I've already stated that I believe they released far too early to constitute a basic game. Am I jealous? A bit, because they have a fully fledged active team, they've managed to do it within a reasonable timescale, and Justin provides a pretty disposable income at his arsenal, making it easy for them to grab stuff. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png) Buuuuut it's nothing that I couldn't do within time…nothing that anybody couldn't do within time, really. :] @Skideria: Not a personal attack. Just what I believe at the moment.
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