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  1. > -snip- Ohh nice! I like desk :o (though you're most likely showing off the computer instead of that xD) It's not bought yet but here's something I am buying? Hope this counts. ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1512404_1541432422748656_1918132465_n.jpg?oh=95f69e6d6f181b3dbbd6736494e2f49f&oe=55498FCF&__gda__=1430956052_057a81ecdbf964d29b410d06e9364d1f) (2009 Harley XL1200N - Sportster ( 1200cc ))
  2. Bought Construct 2 ![](http://i.imgur.com/mQJcURv.png)
  3. > In visual studio, hit Build > Build Configuration. > > > > Set the platform to x86\. If it is already x86 set it to AnyCPU, hit okay, then go back and set it to x86 again. That should fix it. - Edit- Never mind, I am a idiot. Didn't even check for a new folder in Debug >.< Fixed ^.^ Thanks
  4. George

    Old Tiles

    > it looks nice :) someone might find a good use for these. Thanks, Someone is actually already using it, the link to their game is in the comment section on the OGA thread if you'd like to check it out.
  5. George

    Old Tiles

    > I like the tileset but doent understand why it needed to be licenced like this. wouldnt CC be enough for something you dont need and wont use? It would, I changed it to only CC c: - And thanks everyone, I would love to hear more feedback to either add on to this on a later date for everyone or to even make improvements.
  6. George

    Old Tiles

    Hey Eclipse long time no see? Actually I've never really been to active here but anyways I try to contribute when I can so here you go c: I actually made this about a year and some odd months ago, for a project I was working on that failed horribly due to lack of team communication and so on, Here you have it. Tell me what you think, and be sure to check it out on **[OGA](http://opengameart.org/content/old-tiles)** to see the License(s)! ![](http://opengameart.org/sites/default/files/Tileset-%20ground_0.png)
  7. From what he has done so far I'd give him a 4 outta 5 star rating, He is fast and he works with you. granted he does have his own style on things he can mimic to a certain extent though that's reasonable for what I am needing. –- I will finish this review after i'm done buying art from him.
  8. Glad y'all like em, Makes me not regret posting it c:
  9. Feel free to use them w/ or w/o credit a friend of mine composed them for a game project we were working on but dropped due to real life matters so best if used by others have fun. and thanks. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/61939754/somber.mp3 ``` https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/61939754/somber.mp3 ``` https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/61939754/worry.mp3 ``` https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/61939754/worry.mp3 ``` https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/61939754/peddler.mp3 ``` https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/61939754/peddler.mp3 ``` https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/61939754/possibletown.mp3 ``` https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/61939754/possibletown.mp3 ```
  10. > I like to do small jobs. I usually start the batch when I get paid, then start a new one once I deliver the current one. Keeps me motivated and I don't feel overwhelm or rushed, especially since I have a morning job now. Alright, Well when I get my paycheck in the mail, I will be sure to ask for some of your services.
  11. :3 I will PM you about some work when I get my first paycheck. Do you take on 'large jobs' such as an entire 16x16 tileset with about 30 tiles(things like grass,dirt,sand,water,and cliffs), including a few 32x32 trees?
  12. Pretty sick man. I like your style c:
  13. > Yea i planned to change it, but i do not know nice readable retro font what will suit. ![](http://i.imgur.com/sbigKS4.png)
  14. > I got the file before you deleted it as i had a feeling you might ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png) > > But if your not using the license i would appreciate a copy. Will make the final product look a little better for my presentation. Pm has been sent with full download zip that you would get if you bought it on the site. Sorry anyone who sees this thread and gets their hopes up.
  15. > [Do you own the rights to this? Assuming you purchased it from someone.](http://graphicriver.net/item/rpg-user-interface/3525764) I will take down the link just in case of legal matters and arguments. Honestly I forgotten about the ToS of Graphic river so I reread them /MediaFire link will no longer work, and this thread can be deleted. - no harm was done 0 people downloaded. Though Marshy Dearest Dearest Dearest if you would like the PSD file I will send you the full Winrar with Regular License Rights and everything else since I will not be using it. Just send me a PM //edit once again to take out the usage agreement text.
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