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Everything posted by Growlith1223

  1. @Benjo I'm sure they could do a redirect system to redirect the old forum thread links to new links. regardless, glad to see some new stuff happening about!
  2. if only I had the $10 xD but nonetheless, I hope to see this become released!
  3. did your antivirus software remove it? and if not why are you even running a 32-bit os lol
  4. @'lurv': > Fix for PVP bug: > In PlayerAttackPlayer, look for "If Damage = 0 Then". Delete it and remove the End If statement at the end of the sub. You are so late on this, dude. This has already been talked about and Jaxx already knows about this and has fixed this in the next version
  5. Looks good, joyce, nice job on making it! i'll try and see if i can spot any errors
  6. Jaxx pls, why have you not removed the if statement that leads to nothing on combat!? lol
  7. @'lurv': > Don't forget the changelog. Also, when players get warped into any map over 7, they get RTE 9 Subscript out of Range. I don't get it, though. > It doesn't appear in the error logs either. which side? server or client? regardless, this generally means a value for something like an array is higher than the array can handle, since that item within the array doesn't exist, it doesn't know what it wants to retrieve/send. if it's server side, it might be trying to access a value higher than the max value of maps or lower than 0(that can cause the crash as well). if it's on the client, it might be something didn't send quite right from the server to the client, causing a corrupt value, making it higher than the max value or lower than 0, and even sometimes not even a number(corrupted letters and numbers)
  8. Growlith1223


    Conra, this hasn't been worked on for ages, the creator of it, Sekaru, was banned recently so don't expect updates.
  9. Well, to start off, which Eclipse Origins are you talking about, there's multiple, EO 2, 2.3, 3.0, Eclipse Worlds, and the not recommended version, EO 4.0\. Regardless, nearly every engine has a download link in their respected Topics under the Custom Versions board. For EO 2, I don't think anyone has it anymore, 2.3 same issue, 3.0 is http://www.mediafire.com/download/o9gcrxmdlwsjqqx/Eclipse+-++3.0+-+Electrified+Events.rar Eclipse Worlds you can find under the Custom Versions board or look at the navigation bar on the site and it will say Eclipse Worlds, it will bring you to a GitHub repository, just download the zip. The next thing you will need to do is you absolutely must have Visual Basic 6.0\. that you will have to find on your own as we are not allowed to post any links to a Visual Basic 6.0 install. After that, you will have everything you'll need to start making a game! The Visual basic part is needed to add in features that are otherwise not present within the engine you have chosen, if you don't plan on doing that then you can still technically create a game with just the base engine, you just can't move windows like the Inventory, Main Menu, Spell Menu, etc. Any more questions feel free to PM me on here!
  10. well, not necessarily, There's more programmers here, just everyone is stating their FAV. programmers.
  11. just a question but why are you constantly re-initing everything? it should only be done when the screen changes size lol, other than that, looks good
  12. your issue most likely revolves around dll versioning, open the .vbp file in notepad, you'll see 3 lines at the very top that will have the dependencies, find mswinsock, next, you'll see 2.1.0, change it to 2.0.0
  13. @'airmax': > You still do this? Yes I still Do this shop! which I am still open for any jobs!
  14. Subscript out of range means that a value for something like an index, is higher or lower than an array's Boundaries(like below 0 or higher than for example, your max hotbar value) What is the value of Slot withing that line? you can hover over any variable within that sub if you pause or it errors and press Debug.
  15. if you think vb6 runs better than .net then you are doing something terribly wrong. .Net runs about 10 times better, you obviously have no idea how to use any of the .net languages so stop trying to act like you do. it is generally time we move to a newer language due to vb6 being old and is no longer supported as much as before. .net offers so much more than what vb6 can offer(multithreading, serialization, compression, etc) im sorry but vb6 will never perform better than .net even in a million years, it just won't happen, even if you wrote a super optimized program in vb6, you throw it into .net, boom instant enormous boost in performance. why do you think they have vb.net now? it's literally the same fcking language with a bit of a polish - Growlith1223
  16. go into the logs and read the log… i've told you this multiple times, saying that it couldn't be loaded isn't helping me or you.
  17. Go into that log and see what it says, if it's another user-type not defined for clsBuffer right click anywhere inside the project explorer and click Add Class file, you should be able to load an existing one, go into where clsBuffer.cls is and add it, you should be fine after that
  18. Go into the source folder and see if a clsBuffer.cls file is inside it, if so, you'll have to manually add the file
  19. User-type not defined generally means that the identifier, in this case being clsBuffer, does not exist, is clsBuffer anywhere in the project? look in the Project explorer to the top right, and see if the file is actually there.
  20. Your error "picture" isn't very helpful, there's a reason it says there's a log within the source files for it… either way, it sounds like you don't have the runtimes, go and install the sp6 runtimes and you should be good, google is your friend for this To answer your question on where that is located You'll want to compile the server after that and replace the executable to make it work though - Joyce
  21. yes, learn how the files are saved inside of the engine(server, modDatabase) and do the opposite of saving. and initialize the data to the correct controls
  22. So what you're essentially saying is using my own standard is bad…? ok, fine this is my last tutorial lol. EDIT: also I know complaints was the wrong word. either way, if I can't use my own standard then there's no point in posting tutorials anymore, I shouldn't have to follow this "Coding standard" instead of my own. >_>
  23. I've tested this and there was literally no change in performance nor cpu/memory usage. I done Const MAX_INT within the method because there's no point in making it a global constant since this is the only thing using it. There was literally no ms change in doing what I've done so I went with it. god damn I finally release a tutorial in nearly 3 years and nothing but complaints.
  24. @'YourBestNightmare': > @'Growlith1223': > > > @'YourBestNightmare': > > > > > Constant in function. I have not touched VB6 for years, but I am sure you will go to programmer hell for doing this. > > > > I don't see any problem here, it's only being used within that sub specifically not to mention that's like dims are horrible in subs, wtf are you on about. > > You want to defend your code? Okay, leaving this thread, I have nothing to talk about with you then. you're complaining over nothing then leave over nothing, why were you here to begin with?
  25. @'YourBestNightmare': > Constant in function. I have not touched VB6 for years, but I am sure you will go to programmer hell for doing this. I don't see any problem here, it's only being used within that sub specifically not to mention that's like dims are horrible in subs, wtf are you on about.
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