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Everything posted by Growlith1223

  1. i actually liked SAO, second season was kind of iffy but i did enjoy it A couple anime to recommend: Grisaia No Gaijitsu Rokka No Yuusha Shingeki No Bahamut Ao No Exorcist
  2. ok redoing my tests for this type of stuff, An integer is handled within a 2.3ms timespan for a 1 To 32k for loop. a Long is handled within a 1.8 For loop, HOWEVER, i have noticed that there was a small jump in memory consumption with a Long than what it would be with an Integer, being as a Long is 4 bytes memory and an Integer is 2 bytes of memory.
  3. @'Joyce': > Boost? I'm not sure I understand how constantly having your data converted between a Long and Integer will be faster than just flatout using the format it'll convert to anyway. I wasn't talking about converting back and forth i was talking about switching to Integers where needed since i highly doubt anyone ever is going to go past or even needs to go past 32k, just seems a bit unreasonable there(except for maybe experience)
  4. @'Joyce': > I wonder about that, generally I would say pick what seems the most appropriate.. In this case an Integer, but VB6 Integers are rather strange. It's a small speed boost to choose an integer over a long but it adds up, trust me and with vb6 you need all the speed you can get >_>
  5. @'Madses': > @'BeNjO': > > > I randomly chose to watch boku no pico last night before bed, It seems it was a wrong choice, teen lads that look and sound like women with male bits getting put into places they shouldn't be. Shame they blurred it though xD. > > Lmao! > I kinda was wondering what it was last night, now I know XD It's the best anime ever man! hands down the best anime in the world, no, the universe!
  6. @'Joyce': > As far as I am aware the runtime will convert any integers to longs in VB6(Internally, mind you.. You won't be able to use the full address space reserved for a Long yourself), which would make using an integer pointless as you'll just make it a tiny fraction slower with more limitations. Might as well just throw a value of 1 onto a Long, im sure it'll convert! EDIT: Correction, judging from what you just said, might as well just throw no limitation and use a Single, im sure that'll be exceptionally fast
  7. @'Suky': > When I asked the question is because I read. > > I spoke with Sky and he did not answer me, apparently he ignored me. How do you expect me to talk to someone who ignores me? That was two days ago. But, thanks Sky… thanks ;) The wonders of being busy
  8. @'xelander': > You don't need to bump your post after mere 3 hours, or at all, also you already had a thread with the same problem. > > To answer your question, make sure to install the runtime files, and make sure you install them as administrator. it's better to not help the troll, he's been insulting everyone who has tried to help him
  9. @'Gahduvdeth': > @'Miharukun': > > > Anime that makes you puke alot or even worst = Boku No Pico > > NO. WHY. WHY WOULD YOU EVEN MENTION THAT. OH MY GOD. NOOOOOOO. NO NO NO NO NO. boku no pico is life tho
  10. @'Miharukun': > @'Growlith1223': > > > An integer's max is 32767(at least in vb6 it is, in .net it's the same size as a Long but a Long is larger in .net if i remember correctly) so yes, it can reach it, you shouldn't be using a variable bigger than what you absolutely need, it's waste of memory and a waste of speed > > Ahh that's what i needed :D thank you so much bro! > > so, i just go find byte and change it to Integer right? Just go into modTypes, look around for PlayerRec, look for Stats(1 To Stats.StatCount - 1) As Byte. change that to an Integer, ofc you will have to change a lot of the subs that interact with those stats(change them i mean) and change their constructors(the word after As) to Integer
  11. im going to recommend corpse party :D
  12. An integer's max is 32767(at least in vb6 it is, in .net it's the same size as a Long but a Long is larger in .net if i remember correctly) so yes, it can reach it, you shouldn't be using a variable bigger than what you absolutely need, it's waste of memory and a waste of speed
  13. as i read this entire thread im seeing the use of a Long in a situation where it will most likely never reach that high, it would be better to use an Integer, while it's not much there is a tiny bit of a faster read/write on Integers than what it would be on a Long
  14. Add picturebox to event box(unless it's being rendered then just call a renderTexture), create a sub to draw this, D3ddevice8.Present(0, picturebox.Handle, ByVal 0) It's not really that difficult to do really
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6-ZGAGcJrk
  16. I have yet to have a problem when using this tutorial even on windows 10 so there's something you're obviously doing wrong lol
  17. What's the point of a .exe if it's just a registry addition, go into settings, click load/unload and never have to worry about it ever again?
  18. sorry but im not here to sugar coat your day, but congrats!
  19. You can fix this by learning how the code works :D We're not here to hold your hand through the process of you making your game, you want to make, you have to fix it, we give you hints towards fixing it, you choose to be lazy and want the answer right away, which is why i won't help you
  20. If you can't understand the basics of a bounding box then there's no hope in telling you why the buttons don't work.
  21. @'Gahduvdeth': > Excellent! ![](http://i.imgur.com/Zw2HgtA.png)
  22. dayum, if i had the money i would definitely hire you xD im working on a game i just lack the skills to do graphic work lol
  23. http://www.hugi.scene.org/online/coding/hugi%2025%20-%20coding%20corner%20graphics%20adrian%20boeing%20the%20directx%208%20pixel%20shader.htm http://t-pot.com/program/16_vertexshader/index.html oh no, i showed something that was related to shading! i forgot to post more links to even more detailed options!!!
  24. that is because it is outside of the gui you derp, piece it together lol, there's a reason there's a tiny image below the buttons!
  25. are they inside of the GUI Window? that system uses a bounding box type of thing where if it's outside of the window it's meant to be on, you can't interact with it, ofc you could change this by removing a couple lines
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