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Everything posted by Growlith1223

  1. anyone know a way to make it so the Points are no longer used and that stats are added automatically?If so could you share?
  2. call the Sub you just made in Sub GameLoop i think
  3. make a new Attribute and then add in: ``` If player(Index).Sprite = (Number) Then If Player(Index.Level = (Number) Then Player(Index).Sprite = (Number) End If End If ```and that is pretty much the only way i know how to do this xD
  4. hey i got an error when making items and it's in server side: ``` CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(Item(n)), ByVal VarPtr(ItemData(0)), ItemSize ```That is what it highlights D: Any help?
  5. hey anyone got a code thay can share that makes the Player's Max HP(at max level) is 999? and also how do i reduce the stat additions?
  6. Hello and welcome to my 3rd tutorial and this one is how to make the newcharactersprite sub load the face portrait instead! First locate that sub(In directDraw7) and change ``` If frmMenu.optMale.Value = True Then Sprite = Class(frmMenu.cmbClass.ListIndex + 1).MaleSprite(newCharSprite) Else Sprite = Class(frmMenu.cmbClass.ListIndex + 1).FemaleSprite(newCharSprite) End If ```into ``` If frmMenu.optMale.Value = True Then Sprite = Class(frmMenu.cmbClass.ListIndex + 1).MaleSprite(newCharSprite) frmMenu.picSprite.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\data files\graphics\faces\" & Sprite & ".bmp") Else Sprite = Class(frmMenu.cmbClass.ListIndex + 1).FemaleSprite(newCharSprite) frmMenu.picSprite.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\data files\graphics\faces\" & Sprite & ".bmp") End If ```This will make the picSprite load the face instead Next, change ``` width = DDSD_Character(Sprite).lWidth / 4 height = DDSD_Character(Sprite).lHeight / 4 ```into ``` width = DDSD_Character(Sprite).lWidth height = DDSD_Character(Sprite).lHeight ```This will make sure that your face portrait won't get all messed up and distorted… Change ``` Call Engine_BltToDC(DDS_Character(Sprite), sRECT, dRECT, frmMenu.picSprite) ``` to ``` frmMenu.picSprite = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\data files\graphics\faces\" & Sprite & ".bmp") ``` and if this is used, it should look sometihing like: ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/17905e826d6da235bb9ef111ace938fa.JPG) Bugs: There are no bugs as i see…If there is, let me know and i will try to fix it right away
  7. no, i mean the options area to change the motd and color and etc. EDIT: It only seems to reset the color of guild combo box :S
  8. hey i found a minor error. When you click on save options, it just resets the options :S I honestly have no idea why it's doing that.
  9. Mine's a little cluddered xD
  10. nvm i got it to work xD I didn't make it actually connect (Blonde moment xD)
  11. There are no errors that happen -_- It just doesn't do anything…
  12. Hi i made a server status checker and i made a more newer one but it no work D: The code is ``` If Winsock1.state "7" Then lblStatus.Caption = " Offline" lblStatus.ForeColor = vbRed lblStatus.FontBold = True Else lblStatus.Caption = " Online" lblStatus.ForeColor = vbGreen lblStatus.FontBold = True End If ```Any help? It doesn't show anything :S
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTke7eiWm7Q lol Sonic - It Doesn't Matter xD
  14. Did you ever ask him if the DPI settings are wrong? that sometimes happens when the DPI is wrong
  15. I agree with Starblazer, but if you wanted the sound on join, you would have to make the join game sub redirect to a whole new packet and make the new packet start the sound and announce the player has joined. I have a download of VB6(Legally) with a free license key.
  16. no it's still saying the same error and same thing highlighted.I think it's to do with the other 3 slots in the PlayerRec not being used and the Server is trying to send something that doesn't exist?
  17. Ok so my buddy, Ryoku, has made me a recruitment system and there is just minor erros that are keeping the game from even logging in :/ The only error is a subscript out of range ._. The one that it's highlighting is > Function GetPlayerName(ByVal Index As Long) As String > Dim Slot As Byte > Slot = Player(Index).Current > If Index > MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Function > GetPlayerName = Trim$(Player(Index).PParty(Slot).Name) > End Function The first error was with the Slot = Player(Index).Current and i fixed it by changing it to an Integer instead of Byte and it works up until the area of the name. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated :embarrassed:
  18. Ah i totally forgot about the others xD
  19. @abhi2011: > Ill find a way to mute in Map too! For the map can't you just go: ``` If isMuted = 0 Then Call AddLog("Map #" & GetPlayerMap(index) & ": " & GetPlayerName(index) & " says, '" & Msg & "'", PLAYER_LOG) Call SayMsg_Map(GetPlayerMap(index), index, Msg, QBColor(White)) End If ```Wouldn't that work? :/
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