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  1. Smited


    Update: New Screenshots. Added Communities.
  2. Smited


    ![](http://buhloo.brydia.com/wp-content/themes/nova-lite/images/BuhlooLogo.png) Smited Here! For those of you who don't know me already. I'm Smited, 20 years of age and from Florida. I own a web/graphic development company called GreatPath Studios. So I'm currently working on a project called Buhloo. (I know pretty awesome name.) It's a fairly knew project so there aren't to many details about it nor are there a lot of progress or images to show at the moment. As the project progresses I will update the thread. Soon enough it will be filled with a bunch of breathe taking content. What is Buhloo?: >! Buhloo is a community directory website that host a place for everyone based on there specific interests. Ex: ( If you like baseball we have a community to think, live, and breath baseball. If you Like gaming we have a community for you too.) Basically a community for anyone who has an interest or hobby Staff positions Available: >! Community Admin: 0/4 >! Community Moderators: 0/20 Screenshots: >! Buhloo Home Page: >! ![](https://scontent-a-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/t1.0-9/10563169_434436630018570_1026244244582805547_n.jpg) >! >! >! Buhloo Communities: >! ![](https://scontent-b-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/l/t1.0-9/10370903_434436623351904_290503511777287492_n.jpg?oh=6bd79e9084a1d6ee4c0da7fcdf8c741f&oe=5441ADC9) >! >! >! Community Feed: >! ![](https://scontent-a-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t1.0-9/10540417_434436616685238_2657192192516145180_n.jpg) >! >! >! Community Shoutbox: >! ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t1.0-9/10561796_434436626685237_1785961922449941133_n.jpg) >! >! >! Community Forum: >! ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t1.0-9/10540546_434436636685236_5385576328120220533_n.jpg) >! >! Application: >! >! 1) What position are you applying for? >! 2)Why do you think you would be best suited for the position you have chosen? >! 3) What is your age? >! 4) What is your timezone? >! 5) Do you have previous experience in the position you have applied for? (If Yes please list previous experience.) >! >! >! Communities: >! >! ~Business~ >! ~Gaming~ >! ~Programming~ >! ~Sports~ >! >! Important Information: >! >! All applications will be looked at. >! You will receive a follow up message whether approved or denied. >! All applicant's MUST be able to present themselves with in a professional manner. >! Please Private Message me the application do NOT Comment it below. Comment section will be used for any questions or feed back about the project. >! Thank you, Smited.
  3. Nice tut King. I have something similar to this on my server. Otherwise I would use. Should be helpful to others though.
  4. @ Robb. Thank you. Not sure f I'll be able to do my self but I will give it a try. I would like items to permanently have randomized stats whether in arena or not, Like if a monster drops a certain item the items stats are randomized. EX. (Sword of Fate Lv. 50 wep. Stats, randomize 500-599 Str) compared to a a lvl 10 wep (Sword of fire Lv. 10 wep. Stats, randomize 1-99 Str) and then a more rare wep would be like ((Super Rare)Sword of Fate Lv. 50 wep. - stats, randomize 550-650 Str) If that makes any sense at all.
  5. Hey Robb, is it possible to make an arena system where players can enter either a 1v1 a 2v2 and a 4v4 match with a stake and wager. So the players in the match can bet items or currency. and then a system where players can bet on what team is going to win? Also if it is possible Items with randomized stats. The stats are above and below a certain amount depending on the item level and rarity?
  6. I decided to just not use EO 4 Engine.
  7. Updated personal info. If not enough info was given please leave a comment on anything I should include. Any questions just ask, I'll be happy to answer. Thank you.
  8. It's EO 4.x so I have no access to any source. I have no Idea what has happened to it.
  9. ![](https://legendofraa.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/2.png) **Read the whole post before applying. Applicants who do not read whole post will not be accepted.** Hello Smited here with a new Project - Legend of Raa. I'm 20 years of age. I am currently a Business Major and have an AA in entrepreneurship I minor in Marketing. I've been in the 2 fields for the past 4 years. I'm fairly new to this community but I like it so far the people are nice and helpful, I hope I fit in well. So to start off I need a team for my project, to view the project its self check the link section at the bottom of this topic. Thank you. Positions Available: >! -Game Developers 0/3 >! -Website Developers 0/3 >! -GUI Artist 0/1 >! -Pixel Artists 0/3 >! -Graphic Artist 0/1 >! -Audio Tech 0/1 >! -Mappers 0/3 Payment Types: >! **The price of wages/percentage of ownership will both be negotiated upon application approval.** >! >! 1) Temp - Hourly wage. Bi-weekly pay unless terminated, then you will be payed the day of termination. >! You can be terminated at any given point with out prior notice. >! >! 2) Intern - Work on the project for the sake of the project. After 4 months you will be hired directly by GreatPath Studios and open up to more projects other than LOR. >! >! 3) Equity - Own a percentage of LOR. Application Format: >! 1) Label sections on application. >! >! 2) Section content must be in spoilers Application Form: >! 1) What position are you applying for? >! >! 2) What type of payment would you like to receive? >! >! 3)Why do you think you would be best suited for the position you have chosen? >! >! 4) What is your age? >! >! 5) how long have you been working in the field you are applying for? >! >! 6) What are some of your previous experience? >! >! 7) Provide some samples of work you've already done. >! >! 8) Provide 3 References and their 2 best forms of contact. Important Information: >! 1) Follow application format. Submissions that don't comply with application format will not be reviewed. >! >! 2) Do not fill out number 4 on the application simply skip it and go straight to 5\. This is a **MUST!** This will determines how well you follow directions. Thank you. >! >! 3) References will be contacted. >! >! 4) Do **NOT** post applications in comments under this topic! Please PM your application to me directly. If you have any questions about the application or application process you may leave a comment. Thank you. Reasons for Denying Applications: >! 1)Position applied for has already been filled. >! >! 2) Not enough time in field of work. >! >! 3) Invalid References. Links >! Legend of Raa - Project topic page: >! [http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/135752-legend-of-raa/](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/135752-legend-of-raa/)
  10. Love this! Definitely will be following. Keep up the good work Skyward! Suggestion, maybe ordering each of these based upon it's rating. Ex: Highest rated game would be first visible in a descending order to the lowest rated game. Oh and maybe some sort of "Formula" for how you come up with your ratings. Ex: No Bugs = 10 + features = 5 + design = 10 + storyline = 5 + uniqueness = 8 divide by amount of things it was rated on. Overall review = 7.6
  11. Yes it's 100% up to date.
  12. I'm looking for one. Can I see some of your work?
  13. Regards to Eclipse 4.0, When loging in as a normal player the server allows me to log in. After changing the normal player to an admin and logging out., I'm no longer able to log back in to that account. It just sits on login screen but adds a black bar at the bottom and loads map name. (See screenshot) To log back in I have to create a new account and make myself admin again. Very frustrating when trying to build server. Any Idea as to why this is happening? Screenshots: >! ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/10464113_426548157474084_7099373109882697006_n.jpg)
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