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Everything posted by Bcm27

  1. Bcm27

    Monster Respawn

    What you going for a minecraft game? :P You would have to have some scriped special thing. And unleess you have a time system already installed. Your going to have to do that first.
  2. Bcm27

    Server Channels

    Wouldn't it be easier just to make copies of your game. And host them through different ports? Aka port 4001,4002,4003 ECT? And just label them serve 1, 2 and 3?
  3. Bcm27

    Chat bubles

    You can find CE:DE in robins bundle. http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,74117.0.html Btw, when I looked robin changed his name to Harry Potter. WTF?
  4. Bcm27

    Special Status

    I agree with Bonk. Your testing your limitations on the amount of threads you can make in a day. :P I looked around for you though. :P http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,69454.0.html Is one title system… I wish you the best of luck!
  5. Bcm27


    @Anna: > WTF is Minecon? Seems like a pretty weird thing to go to..:)
  6. @Whackeddie99: > Robin saves the day! He said he LOVES US! :D You mean he loved us temporarily. Mark my words. You will grow to hate some of us. :P
  7. But..Most wood isn't cut from the same tree. :O So, you should add a little gap or something.
  8. Wouldnt you like to know?
  9. http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,67631.0.html Read.
  10. I am also using Windows 7\. Eclipse Origins was created to work on a windows 7 machine. So you should be fine. I looked around for your router. So check out some of these links. I looked for a video of your router. >! https://www.google.com/search?q=2wire+2701hg-b+port+forwarding&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a#q=2wire+2701hg-b+port+forwarding&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbo=u&tbm=vid&source=og&sa=N&tab=wv&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=8c60c12fc1b63e38&biw=1348&bih=405 I googled your router. >! https://www.google.com/search?q=2wire+2701hg-b+port+forwarding&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
  11. Rolf, I got a warning for blasphemy..Wonder who set that up?
  12. @Lady: > You know what my title was back then? > > "Eclipse Newbie". Ha. :P Lets see how many people join your little church.
  13. Looks pretty damn epic. Id help you out of I could. I'm just not experienced in any of those programs. I used to have them on my PC I think. Never really used them. So in the to the trashbin they went. But good luck! If you can get the gameplay and story line right. It could easily be a very nice game.
  14. Hahaha. This thread made me laugh so hard. :P A Eclipse CHURCH? :)))
  15. Ah. Ask a friend? Or better yet. Get a crappy computer to run it off of.
  16. What type of Router do you have?
  17. Just portfoword. Its the simplest answer to your problem.
  18. Open up the shop window. **admin panel** And create a shop. If I remember correctly. The basic shop that comes with EO. (Eclipse Origins) Has a few options. The item that is for sale. And what the shop owner is willing to trade it for. Either money or Monkey Brains. All depends on your choice. You then set the amount of that item that you are willing to accept for the item your selling. For instance. Your Npc is selling A for 5 Ys. OR hes is selling 5 As fpr just 1 Y. Hope this helps. Bcm27
  19. Its been awhile. A little longer than 3 days. :P Im a big fan of tower defense. Download link?
  20. :O paintball. Havnt seen that before. :P So long as its done right. IT will be cool. Ill probably give it a try once it comes out.
  21. haha, now that sounds like a good project.
  22. Bcm27

    Nation States

    @Kusy: > Is pronography frowned upon in your country Bcm? That surprisingly hasn't come up yet Kusy. :P But it will be if it ever does.
  23. What I ment was just "No" and nothing else. Could we get back on topic. Charles, is there anything else you need?
  24. Bcm27

    Nation States

    Wow, my citizens are sex addicts..I've had the one about teenage girls getting pregnant three times now.. Birds, Bees, And Breeding Teens A study has shown that an increasing proportion of teenagers in SHE3P are falling pregnant. The Debate "We need comprehensive sex education to be mandatory in all schools," says Jean-Paul Chicago, a teacher while tidying away some diagrams that make your eyes water. "The plain fact is that teenagers will experiment with sexual intercourse despite what society or their parents wish. So I say give these kids free contraceptives, and make them fully aware of the consequences of their actions. Information is what they need, not condemnation. If they ignore it then hey, it's their own damn fault." "If you give them contraception it'll just encourage them to do… terrible things," says Max Wu, a religious parent and member of Moral Minority. "And what's with giving them so much information? There's even diagrams for goodness sake! Have they never heard of 'monkey see, monkey do'? They'll just go and try it out, mark my words! The solution is simple: girls should be kept at home and away from the monkey house of lustful impetuousness and young males until they are of marriageable age. Teaching teenagers abstinence and chastity is the key, not giving them step-by-step manuals." "However sex education is taught, it is still social engineering and so undermines parental authority," says conservative newspaper columnist Dave Falopian. "My own son learned about something called 'homosexuality' the other day! For shame! We all know it should be Adam and Eve, not Adam and... Geoff? Anyway, my point is that sex education should be dropped from schools and instead taught by parents the way they see fit. That way children will get consistent messages and parents, not society, will cop the blame if any of their kids fall pregnant." _**"No-one's asked me my opinion yet," says Catherine Gratwick, a teenage mother as she bottle-feeds her baby. "I think it's perfectly obvious what the cause of teenage pregnancy is - teenage boys! My son's father is the one that got me into this mess. He's the one who pressured me into having sex, but all the education is focused on the girls. Teenage fathers should be made responsible for their actions for once and be made to join the military so they can send their wages back to pay for their children's upkeep. If that's not a deterrent, then I don't know what is."**_ This is the position your government is preparing to adopt. "I think we've missed the fact that maybe this teenage pregnancy phenomenon is not such a bad thing," says Johann Clinton, a famous demographer. "We need the population to grow, we need more people of working age, we need more tax for public services, et cetera. There are plenty of sound demographical reasons why we should be encouraging women to have families. By all means educate them about the dangers, but I don't think we ought to discourage teenagers from procreating - it's nature's way you know."
  25. @eric125: > no No? Who are you Robin? He is correct though. You don't need hamachi to run your server. What your trying to do is called" portforowding". It IS possible to use hamachi. But its not the best. But it is a option if you for some reason cant portfoword. Heres a link:http://portforward.com/ IT all depends on your type of router. Sometimes you have go through a firewall. Other times you dont. That site lists most routers and how to portfoword them.
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