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Everything posted by Colonello

  1. You are probably thinking of the autotiling feature. In RPG Maker autotiling is automatically built in when you place something which is why it rounds. I believe Eclipse worlds does have an autotiling function but I haven't used it in forever.
  2. > Oh hi, I'm new and clueless what i'm doing! Nice to meet you all! Welcome to the forums. :)
  3. Cya Crest, good luck on your adventure. *salutes*
  4. Looks very nice but I'd suggest changing your tags now that the game name has changed.
  5. Very nice tracks! Always glad to see more! :)
  6. ![](http://i.imgur.com/M5lmuCG.png) Hello everyone, I've been working on this project for a little over half a year and I feel as if now is a good time to post it. Although currently the engine is going under an entire re-code not too much is being doing at the moment but I'd still like to present this project to the public. **Story** >! It's been 15 years since the largest war the world of Aeisthemor has taken part in. It's the year 1500 and the world is still picking up the pieces. The gods have seemed to almost withdrawn from the world and sightings of them have been scarce because they were the ones to cause the war in the first place. Half the world has been plunged in to a permanent winter full of the creatures left by the gods. Those areas are known as Deadfrost zones. Some of the creatures have crossed over the boundaries of these Deadfrost zones and have invaded cities, villages, and now roam the wilderness. Almost every mage had died during the war and magic is somewhat of a lost art. You are one of the few people able to harness the power of magic in your body. Using magic you have the ability to perform powerful attacks known as sword skills. Use your abilities to drive back the creatures, learn the history of the war, and eventually face off against the gods. **Latest Update (5/15/16)** >! Hi everyone, I really put in a lot of work in this week hoping to get as much as possible done. Chances are there probably won't be an update next week seeing as how finals are approaching very quickly. Anyway, let's get right in to it! This update contains pretty much all map/world content. >! **The Forests** Currently the forests don't serve much of a purpose besides being pretty scenery to look at. Anyway later the forests will contain things such as quests and monsters to grind on before heading in to a Deadfrost zone. Quite a few of them will also have resources to obtain and various small villages. For most of alpha these small villages will be abandoned but based on community ideas and feedback they will be transformed in to lively mini towns full of short things to do! >! **The Battle Ampitheatre** This location is an excellent place to meet up players who wish to fight in a safe environment. You can choose between friendly or betting battles. In a friendly battle no items are lost when you die, only your pride. In a betting battle any gold you bet before the battle will be given to whoever wins! >! **Oceranaer** This is a town that is completely on the ocean. Currently it's main purpose it find low to mid level fishing spots as well as being a cool area to socialize and relax with other players. This later will also be further expanded to be up to twice it's size based on community feedback. >! **Deadfrost Entrances** The last picture displays an entrance to the first Deadfrost zone. This one is a little more chaotic than most will be but it clearly marks the entrance. The main way to know, no matter where you are, is the dead, snow covered trees as well as a small layer of snow. >! Pictures! >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/ztXlr1y.png) ![](http://i.imgur.com/8CeGBvT.png) ![](http://i.imgur.com/RTWbIcJ.png) ![](http://i.imgur.com/RTWbIcJ.png) **Features** >! - Quest System - Guild System - Leaderboards - Skill System - Ranged Projectiles - Character Customization (Hair, skin, etc) - Duel Arena System - Crafting System (Coming soon) - Attack, death, skill, and ability animations (Coming soon) **Screenshots** Don't expect anything too pretty. I figured it's best to focus on the features before the eye candy. Note: The graphics are not final and we are currently raising the funds to pay for some. >! Lirithstane (Near full size map) ![](http://i.imgur.com/G5zH1BI.png) >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/EZQmqpo.png) >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/LscBhsB.png) >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/y0hGeQB.png) >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/obUSABC.gifv) >! Dueling Screen ![](http://i.imgur.com/5PqummZ.png) >! World Map (Red box signals how much of the world is done) ![](http://i.imgur.com/btT3LOy.png) **The Team** >! Colonello: Mapping, Items, NPCs, story, etc. Interested in helping? If anyone is interested in helping with this project send a message my way! We could certainly use all the help we could get! Learn more here! [http://deadfrostonline.com/](http://deadfrostonline.com/)
  7. Since there's no info provided about the game itself on this page here is the link to topic about it [http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/136508-pythianrealms/#entry934373](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/136508-pythianrealms/#entry934373)
  8. It looks pretty good but in actuality it looks like they're just falling over rather than dying. It's probably just because I'm used to the RuneScape one (For reference for those who haven't played: [http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/File:Gravestone.gif](http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/File:Gravestone.gif) )
  9. I personally think it's a great idea. Especially when someone decides to change their name or if two names are similar. This way nobody gets confused.
  10. I dug a little bit in to it and for now I plan on getting just an average $200 license if for some reason I don't qualify as a home based business. If I earn enough money in the long run I'll change it in to a sole owner LLC (If I ever get sued they can take my business but not my personal belongings.)
  11. Thanks for the response :D Very interesting to read.
  12. Those kids tried to take his "Facts about Marshmellows" book.
  13. > Anything above $500 in gross revenue must be reported to the IRS and is taxable income. I doubt you need a business license unless you're carrying liability and perform a public service. I'd speak with multiple business law attorneys; aim for free consultations. Although they cannot give you legal advice unless retained they could help point you in the right direction. Ah I see, thank you. I'll definitely see if I can get in contact with someone.
  14. > I wouldn't think so, it's just optional memberships. That's what I think it would think too.
  15. I went and looked at my states laws and found out a license will cost me $200 yearly if I am required to purchase one (which honestly isn't that bad if 20 people had $5 monthly memberships I could easily pay that fee and keep the game afloat). I also found out that apparently it would count as a home business meaning I wouldn't be required to get one (as long as I didn't earn more than $27,000 yearly). I guess this issue is resolved. :P (Unless anyone has anything else to add).
  16. > Depends on your state laws, here I didn't need a business licence to sell online. (Apple appstore) Ah I see, I'll take a look in to that. Thanks :)
  17. Hey everyone, I plan on releasing the game I've been working on the past 7 months soon and I have a question to ask first. Before I get to the question here is something you should know before answering it. The game itself is not being sold but there is an optional membership fee for around $5 a month. It gets you access to more, dungeons, bosses, items, tools,etc, etc. I was wondering do I need a business license in order to sell these memberships? I've heard if you wish to independently sell a game you need one so I figure it's similar. Also is there any way I can sell these memberships without creating a business? For example through Steam? If you need any more info I live in the U.S. and I am not yet 18.
  18. Java is the language I'm learning now (it's my first one). I haven't gone off to college yet for it but I plan on majoring in computer science. :D Anyway my question is, how long did it take for you to get to the point where you were pretty fluent in the language? Such as you knew the majority of the concepts and were able to easily write program/games with it.
  19. These all look pretty nice :D
  20. Wow this is the best Pokemon fan game I've ever seen.
  21. Thanks for all the replies everyone. :) Anyway my plan of attack after graduating is probably applying at Ubisoft seeing as how they have a program where they hire graduates. If that doesn't work out I'll look around for possibly another studio or a smaller company that hires grads. I also do plan on working on a few games while I'm in college (and while I'm in High School) to possibly help me obtain a job faster once I graduate.
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