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Everything posted by PVJsquad

  1. Try this [https://www.dropbox.com/s/2jz72mfyq7v3wpw/EA%20%2B%20Serial%20Code.zip](https://www.dropbox.com/s/2jz72mfyq7v3wpw/EA%20%2B%20Serial%20Code.zip)
  2. > The file is against the terms of service. > @death keeper gk bisa download :/ well if so, I will re-upload the file
  3. > @Deathkeeper Masih Error bang :3 error gmna?
  4. Try [http://www.mediafire.com/download/xy00sjnycxb48n1/EA_%2B_Serial_Code.zip](http://www.mediafire.com/download/xy00sjnycxb48n1/EA_%2B_Serial_Code.zip)
  5. > File is blocked check again, I had to try and successfully download it
  6. ~~Twice T_T Post~~ I recommend if you use the EA, please put together just between DevSuite with the Client, to facilitate coding on EA engine system
  7. **Eclipse Advance + Serial System** now i will realese the system in Eclipse Advance I don't recommend that you use the EA machine **MediaFire Download** [![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/c25cfec333453c68bdd8ab45f350dd89.png)](http://www.mediafire.com/download/xy00sjnycxb48n1/EA_%2B_Serial_Code.zip) **DropBox Download [**![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/4babbbba2867e1c196d961df7e734957.png) Use **Devsuite **for editing Serial Code System for call Serial Editor type "/editserial"**](https://www.dropbox.com/s/2jz72mfyq7v3wpw/EA%20%2B%20Serial%20Code.zip)**
  8. > I am using a custom engine my team and I are making now :-) can i know what you custom engine use ? > Lama banget :3 laptop nya lagi di bawa ma kakak bang sabar ajja -_-
  9. > Via Pm ato disini gan ? disini ajja sekalian bisa digunain oleh banyak orang , tapi sayangnya uploadnya gagal mulu bang (maklum gratisan) jadi kayaknya butuh waktu lama :3
  10. > masih :( error kayak gitu : ( gmna ya ? ntar gw buatin deh EA yang udah di kasih Serial Code Systemnya > It works for me you still use Prospekt Source ?
  11. I'm Interested can you make one logo for me ? if you don't mind it Tittle : **Lagraven Online** Sub Tittle : Unlimited Adventure Begin Tittle Color : Purple (details color : #530FAD) Sub Tittle Color : Something Good Tittle Size : whatever but don't be large text SubTittle Size : Like entertaiment in Moktavz entertaiment Background: galaxy milky way Refrence Please make subtitle Like this , I love it ![](http://freemmorpgmaker.com/uploadfiles/8b7604ba87086c055b15786043ab8ed7.png) for Themes you can Add some planet like Saturnus Earth etc (if it make cool stuff ,if it make ugly dont add it)
  12. > dapet error :D : [http://prntscr.com/1hlyv8](http://prntscr.com/1hlyv8) udah masukin ini di modConstants "Public Const EDITOR_SERIAL_NUMBER As Byte = 7 'or next number" Angka 7 bukan berarti harus tujuh liat "Public Const EDITOR_ …" Sebelumnya Kalo angkanya 5 berarti ``` Public Const EDITOR_SERIAL_NUMBER As Byte = 6 'or next number ``` ganti angka 7 tadi jadi 6 ,gtu mas
  13. > BTW kan gak ada cmdClaim di frmMain .. :3 buatin tutor untuk E A :3 Liat "add textbox and command button name it **txtCode** and **cmdClaim"** di Tutorial CLIENT WORK berarti kamu coba buka **frmMain **lalu bikin (tambahin) textbox sama command button ganti nama textbox jadi txtCode ganti nama button tadi jadi **cmdClaim (**Sebelumnya biasanya Command1**)**
  14. > Udah si udah tapi yang terakhir > > ``` > double click the command and add this > Dim a As Long > If txtCode.Text = vbNullString Then > txtCode.Text = "Not Valid Code!" > Else > For a = 1 To MAX_SERIAL_NUMBER > If txtCode.Text = Serial(a).Name Then > Call SendSerialGift(MyIndex, Serial(a).Item, Serial(a).ItemValue) > Call ClearSerial(a) > Call SendSaveSerial(a) > > txtCode.Text = "Item Send to your Inv..." > Exit Sub > End If > Next > txtCode.Text = "Not Valid Code!" > End If > > ``` > nah itu buat form lagi ? ato gimana dobel klik tombol "**cmdClaim**" di frmMain trus masukin tuh kode Oh iya hapus yang tulisan ``` double click the command and add this ```
  15. do you use 1 account for 3 characters system?
  16. > Buatin aja lah bang .. Kirim link via PM :3 kalo ini dibuatin , tutor yang lain bakalan kaga bisa bang mending nyoba dulu kalo error Screen Shot dan kasih tau ane
  17. > ane error terus -_- ulang lagi bang kalo bisa masih seger tuh mesinya (EO atau EA nya) ikuti dengan baik pasti jalan kok saya sudah coba tutorial ini pada EclipseVB (EO) sukses gila bang :D
  18. don't add this ``` ' Guilds GuildFileId As Long GuildMemberId As Long ``` in **CharRec,** try to add in **PlayerRec** modTypes and Start again fo coding Scott Guild Sytem
  19. > that's the weird part no error is displayed not even in the Error log Its so hard for find it, why you not try to use other engine :biker: > Bisa buatkan saya Demo ? pakai Eclipse advanced ? saya memasang ini gagal itu udah jelas bang, kalo demo ntar lama lagi belum upload lah belum koneksi gagal lah :blink:
  20. what you use engine ? EO DX7 or DX8?
  21. delete your player data and guild data in server folder
  22. try find a script that used to wear equipment, add animation script after it
  23. > Man its been a while since this tutorial was fixed. Anyways I keep getting an error on Prospekt Source. When I try to save the Serial the Server says it stopped running and asks if you want to close or debug. Can you tell me where the error?
  24. lot in certain games using the method packing files critical files in a file, can we call. PAK file . pak files are typically used to pack the data as graphical images used in the game I ask is there any of you who know how to make the image packing and still readable by the system? mode packing is very nice to prevent image has been replaced or other Sorry for the Language I use the translator
  25. like my tutor before, but you render it in DX8 and Use AM/PM Good Work
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