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Everything posted by PVJsquad

  1. > You can fix this? HandleDataSub(CSaveSerial) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleSaveSerial) debug have a runtime 9 (serverside) > > All codes of tutorial inside in source 100% good check **modEnumerations **whether there has been added **CSaveSerial**
  2. cool, but it's better if you make the approval before you want to go to a friend who called you. do not directly moved that would interfere
  3. yes I can make it, but if the serial is separated from the client code, the serial can not be edited from the client
  4. > Bump, have a error in this line > > CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(Serial(SerialNum)), ByVal VarPtr(**SerialData(0)**), SerialSize > > in Serial Data, The subscript is out of range. How to fix this D: ? > > > > –-------------- EDIT I FIX THIS **( Client & Server )** > > Public this in ModConstants > > ``` > Public Const SERIAL_LENGTH As Byte = 10 ' Change this value to max length you like in your codes > > ``` > Now, go to modCode in **Public Type SerialRec **change this : > > > > ``` > > Name As String * NAME_LENGTH > ``` > to: > > ``` > > Name As String * SERIAL_LENGTH > ``` > **Client WORK** > > > > Go to frmSerial and click the txtName > > > > ![](http://i58.servimg.com/u/f58/18/38/65/59/val210.png) > > > > Change the MAX LENGTH to Public Const SERIAL_LENGTH As Byte = **10 ** > > > ![](http://i58.servimg.com/u/f58/18/38/65/59/val110.png) > > > > Cya ~
  5. i will make it simple for show some picturebox or many object in visual basic **frmMain .picClaim .visible = true** **Red** = the form name (example: Form1, Form2, frmMain, frmMenu, frmEditor_Item, …) **Orange** = the object name (example: picClaim, picCover, picSprite, cmbClass, scrlStats, …) **Yellow** = destination for showing object (example: caption, enable, BackColor, …) **Green ** = True or False so if you will make some object appear, type like that ``` frmMain.picClaim.visible = true ``` but if you want hide the object do it ``` frmMain.picClaim.visible = false ``` and if you want make toggle show/hide object do that ``` frmMain.picClaim.visible = not frmMain.picClaim.visible ```
  6. use mysql database for build registration in web to vb6
  7. cool system , but can you describe what the system for?
  8. PVJsquad

    Blurry tileset

    you need crop image to 256x960 (Max:960 maybe)
  9. what the function of title system ?
  10. try to tell developer about your problem in here [http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/forum/123-bug-reports/](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/forum/123-bug-reports/) because this place for **Other Eclipse Engine** Only
  11. try to download EO 3.0 and open the source and find HandlePlayerMove or PlayerMove then replace your code with source EO 3.0
  12. vb6 not suport 32bit icon, so convert your icon to 24bit i suggest you try to download Green Fish Icon Editor and open your logo (.ico) and change it to 24bit
  13. > Thanks Death, but my error is in buffer sever side and client, i'm using the final frontier, and i delete the buffer lines and this erro appaer.. :x Now i solve. > > > > Nice Tuto, waiting for more like a good this tuto. can you show that the error ?
  14. > U.U how to solve? rsrs > > > > [https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/10385375_479474208850255_9097954168469142182_n.jpg](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/10385375_479474208850255_9097954168469142182_n.jpg) > > > > Edit - I solve s2 thx find ``` If Not Player(Index).GuildName = vbNullString Then ``` replace with ``` If Not Trim$(Player(Index).GuildName) = vbNullString Then ```
  15. yeah just need one item for change guild logo, but the guild logo reset is randomly so don't make two or many items type RESET_LOGO because the item have same effect
  16. PVJsquad

    Login Problem

    in first time of server started and open client login , the player can login and play the game but after logout and login back the server not get packet data from client (Set breakpoints methods.) but the client sending packet to server
  17. PVJsquad

    Login Problem

    i cann't login back after logout game in VPS , but in localhost i can login back after logout game
  18. PVJsquad

    Login Problem

    I've got a problem, the machine I use is Eclipse Advance when i login for firstime the client is work absolutly, but when i logout then login back the client is stuck not doing anything even the login form that should disappear it does not happen before it when i take debug in ip localhost the error disappear but when i place the server in VPS or playing online the error is appear *i edited some script i change frmMenu suprt rendering system but not edited TCP module
  19. some value not correctly maybe that value is 0 or higher than max value Player(index).NPCQuestProgress(npcNum) = Int(QuestProgress) check on Index, npcNum and QuestProgress if there number have invalid value you must check why the value can be invalid :p
  20. Hello guys i have problem with my engine I've previously added [http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/128175-eo-30-tile-based-simulated-lighting-system-10-deathbeam/?hl=light](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/128175-eo-30-tile-based-simulated-lighting-system-10-deathbeam/?hl=light) which makes the problem is when I would add tile to light systems ``` Public Const TILE_TYPE_LIGHT as long = 'some number ``` and i add some script in **CalcVertexBrightness** ``` Public Function CalcVertexBrightness(LightX As Long, LightY As Long, VertexX As Long, VertexY As Long, Optional isTile As Boolean = False) Dim X1 As Long, x2 As Long, Y1 As Long, y2 As Long, distance As Double, LightSteps As Long Dim lXDistance As Long Dim lYDistance As Long Dim lDistance As Long Dim lVertexDistance As Long Dim lDistanceNormal As Long Dim lLightSteps As Long Dim lTileX As Long, lTileY As Long If Not isTile Then X1 = ConvertMapX(LightX * 32) + 8 Y1 = ConvertMapY(LightY * 32) + 8 x2 = VertexX y2 = VertexY Else lTileX = LightX - StartXValue lTileY = LightY - StartYValue If lTileX < 0 Then lTileX = 0 If lTileY < 0 Then lTileY = 0 X1 = ((LightX * 32) - (lTileX * PIC_X) - Camera.Left) + 8 Y1 = ((LightY * 32) - (lTileY * PIC_Y) - Camera.Top) + 8 x2 = VertexX y2 = VertexY End If lDistanceNormal = CLng(Sqr((PIC_X / 2) ^ 2 + (PIC_Y / 2) ^ 2)) '// Calculate distance from vertex lXDistance = CLng(Abs(X1 - x2)) lYDistance = CLng(Abs(Y1 - y2)) lVertexDistance = CLng(Sqr(lXDistance ^ 2 + lYDistance ^ 2) / lDistanceNormal) If lVertexDistance
  21. you just add the animation death in Client side on sub ``` Private Sub HandleNpcDead(ByVal Index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long) ``` and make sure if the animation has been finished then add ``` Call ClearMapNpc(n) ```
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