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Everything posted by Medleyy

  1. @Rusher: > @Aeri: > > > [Image which describes Aeri's sexual preferences] Only for you, Rusher.
  2. ![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/24/Castlevania_NES_box_art.jpg) That is all.
  3. @Rusher: > /\__/\ > (^w^)/ > > Herro! ![](http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/254/016/995.gif)
  4. I officially hate religion. Always have and always will xD
  5. I think you'd need to replace the entire graphics rendering system to mirror something like CS:DE, a massive undertaking. You'd be better using CS:DE itself or CS:DE for dummies (Much easier to use, and somewhat finished). I would personally avoid using PNGs for the way you need to handle them - in CS:DE, you need to use 512x512 tilesets which can be pretty restrictive and it's too much effort IMO. Stick to using EO and you'll probably be fine. If it's transparency you want you can achieve the same effect with dithering.
  6. @Crest: > I tried adding more paint but I ruined my favorite pair of jeans can my computer fix that? No because your computer's got a virus.
  7. This is the first time I've ever said 'LMAO' and meant it.
  8. @Captain: > Are you serious? Just because Minecraft was considered a sand-box doesn't mean it defines sandbox. Sandbox is the industry-accepted term for building games. @Omnisaurus: > No, it doesn't sounds like every other game. It actually does.
  9. @Kajamaz: > i cant compile. Who programmed the sandbox bit, if you didn't?
  10. Medleyy

    Me again xD

    Don't use EE. It's not supported, It's buggy and its generally poo.
  11. @Kajamaz: > a free roam sandbox MMORPG You can program a sandbox game but you need people to copy and paste tutorials and tell you how to use the system?
  12. @Kreator: > my body-fat ![](http://stickerish.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/AreYouKiddingMeBlackSS.png)
  13. You need to compile them in VB6.
  14. @kroko: > okay. well i know eo games never get popular but i think i have what it takes to get semi popular.. marketing is almost all! i have a few ideas that could make my game awesome. as of now my features have all been seen in other games so it wont be something special. but working in that part :P when my game is done it will come on alot og gamming medias like steam and forums and other stuff. i will also promote me alot on youtube! but thats was not the topic. dont want to bore you guys. Dude, wrong attitude. Take a step back and don't look at Eclipse games as a money-making venture, because they're not. They're something we do for fun. Even the most popular one, Crystalshire, doesn't make money (As far as I'm aware) aside from donations, which are very sporadic. Bear in mind that 90% of your audience is Eclipse, and they're not going to pay to play an Eclipse game. Just take it slowly and do this for fun, not money.
  15. Enjoy your heart attack, Kreator. How many calories do you think is in one of those? xD
  16. @SolBadguy: > BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH I also wouldn't set it as your profile picture, either - to prove a point: ![](http://i42.tinypic.com/qybtaq.jpg) ![](http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/427723_406865502673941_100000514852356_1553947_1565710117_n.jpg) I mean, Kreator's a cunt most of the time but we'd all fuck him anyway.
  17. This is all over my Facebook News Feed - I was invited to four different events for putting up posters and spraying the symbol on walls overnight and the poster and video has been posted by everyone. There are some _very_ idiotic people on Facebook commenting 'Ehh, what is this? Is it a drinking thing??' and just being too stupid to Google it. There's also a set of people writing 'I don't care about this Kony thing stop posting it omg' The more I use Facebook, the more I hate the people I know.
  18. ![](http://www.mememaker.net/static/images/memes/59073.jpg)
  19. One year closer to going senile, then death! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 8D
  20. ![](http://www.allaboutyou.com/cm/allaboutyou/images/7q/or_44a89b7912266817787021.jpg) This is amazing stuff ^^
  21. Aeri PWNs Ryoku by covering the moon in spikes and kicking Ryoku all the way at it.
  22. The guy is wearing harem trousers. This upsets me. Or I'm guessing from the radiation symbols, he was present at Chernobyl?
  23. Pretty cool. Is it meant for an inventory or something?
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