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Everything posted by RyokuHasu

  1. ya, but for more NPC's mat once you'd have to do a few mods… not shure how though yet XD lol my best work comes from saying i cant do it, then doing it anyway lol
  2. Can you help me add it then? i dont know how to call the NPC number again in the map cahnge so it will fit the ner parameters of sub callpet( index, mapnum, npcnum) =/ i did add that last one… and i couldnt fighure out how to call the number of the pet
  3. I dont recomend "at once", less room for regular NPC and other pets, just use my system, only down side i had to get rid of the map thransfer of pets… and fsp would most likey be lost if one person was controling to much... MABY 2 at once , maby
  4. Never mind… =X sorry i didnt relize yours was a better fix *bows* thank you =D
  5. HEy did you add in my combat fix? you left it so if your pet dies there is an error, i fixed that…. you just have to disband still befor respawning... please take a look at the npc combat mod i posted on last page
  6. RyokuHasu

    Item GFX'ng

    And use a universal sprite size with all the Player sprites so it matches all the charaters
  7. Got an slightly old computer lieing around? gathering dust? for the cost of a few FPS just run it off an old computer and leave it RUNING 24/7 … only closing it for updates and edits and sceduled down time.
  8. RyokuHasu

    Character GIF

    if adding Mp3's are possible, im sure adding other inage types is possible, BUT if you want to change image types easily use FREE and OPEN SOURCED GIMP http://www.gimp.org/ The alternitive to ($500) Photoshop
  9. Sorry for tripple post but…. I FIXED IT =D your pet will now die ... and not cause error basicly i made it check if the victim had an owner, if it did, its a pet, if it has no owner its a Regular NPC i just took the victim commands from Player attacking NPC and addapted them to the "if-then-else" i made and i added the loop remove target from all others for pet and NPC for mor complex battle conditions... i hope i helped... =D * * * Replace Sub NpcAttackNpc with: ``` Sub NpcAttackNpc(ByVal MapNum As Long, ByVal attacker As Long, ByVal Victim As Long, ByVal Damage As Long) Dim i As Long Dim Buffer As clsBuffer Dim aNpcNum As Long Dim vNpcNum As Long Dim n As Long Dim PetOwner As Long If attacker MAX_MAP_NPCS Then Exit Sub If Victim MAX_MAP_NPCS Then Exit Sub If Damage
  10. your welcome =D im helpful… somtimes lol
  11. O.o oops i miss read the order of the posts XD that makes all the diffrence… >.< ... I fail somtimes with basic motor skills... sorry
  12. after the start of the Sub, replace that 1st line
  13. ^ awsome logo? < Found a pet system error V might know the error
  14. banned cause im not an idiot, Im Autistic. (thats true)
  15. D= ERROR: when the pet DIED it had an out of range error happened and tyhe server crashed… ill find the location in debug mode for you =X In modcombat in Sub NpcAttackNpc Error: ``` TempPlayer(MapNpc(MapNum).Npc(attacker).PetData.Owner).target = 0 ``` when your Pet dies upon a closer look i see there is only setting for if the Pet make the kill, and not if it GETS KILLED… =X however i have no ability to fix this.... maby somthing along the lines of if target = pet then set of commands for an NPC win end if else if target = NPC then set of commands for a Pet win end if T_T but this is just an outline i have no idea how to make yet =X
  16. BANNED FOR DOUBLE POSTING!!! lol, see that lol
  17. Ok i just deleted all the mods and compiled it, now what?
  18. you know your a geek when you fight over if you're playing the game correctly .. lol
  19. ok lol XD and sorry for disasembling most of your call pet stuff… i needed to for the new mods
  20. You would have to write a complete mini-game script…. I have some ideas, but no idea where you would start...
  21. You dont… you lock them in place and place a Shop tile infront of them, shop entered upon walking in front of them ... =P its the way i do it... (not best idea in the world)
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