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Everything posted by Sickey

  1. Thanks, I've found it. Will pre-download it once I get home.
  2. Sickey


    I love how I posted a thread about Salem beta, but now everyone asks where to sign up for it lol. However, yeah I got beta. Im having a hard time to getting started, watched the "help videos" But I can't seem to find any damn smooth rock!
  3. Now to find where to download.. lol. I'll post which server I'll be on when I know which servers theres to choose from. Also Im in +1Gmt. So there's a 8Hour difference between us.
  4. Seeing this thread is turning into a zombie "descusion" Checklist: [x] Car. [x] Weapons. [x] Epic Metal CDs. [ ] Zombie apocalypse. [ ] Drive around like a boss. [ ] Crash and burn. [ ] Die slowly and painful. ![](http://www.gearfuse.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/zombie-weapon.jpg) Let's get this going!
  5. Haha, Im so stupid. I bought the game from a Swedish game store (Bought it online) I just registred the key (I pre-ordered the games days ago, but never saw the key) but as soon I registered the key, BETA WEEKEND! Hope too see you in game. :)
  6. Grass looks much better now. But the house looks really weird. The perspective is really weird, the house is like top down, but the items are not, for example the windows.
  7. Pretty much as Rithy stated, also it's pretty fast paced. And well it's not realistic, like most of the FPS's are trying to be. And the trading adds alot to the game too, the fact you can find and craft hats/weapons and then trade them for other stuff is actually pretty cool.
  8. @Rusher: > Your imaginary friends don't count. He was refeering to his two dads.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3_MhrAVQTA
  10. Off topic: First picture is from WoW, right? Second is from Heroes of might and magic, right? And the third is also WoW, right?
  11. Playing it quite often, feel free to add me, "Sick /[A]\"
  12. Sickey

    Noob Posting

    wut how u mak3 cursor fast? mine is so slow?!?! :@ :@
  13. Sickey

    Can you read this?

    Looks awesome. I don't really like the way the "R" kind of connects to "Crimson" though.
  14. ![](http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Thaitanic_9ccf40_3532185.jpg)
  15. Looking forward to GW2, haven't played the first one, but looks great! I'll Pre-Purchase it 10th april.
  16. The lizardman is amazing! Everything looks pretty epic to be honest. Keep up the hard work!
  17. Why did you type the whole type the whole topic with "Code"? Looks silly and is annoying. The sprites are okay, could use some more work though.
  18. All talk about hobbits and guilds actually made me want to download LOTRO and give it another chance, the main problem Im having with MMORPG's is someone to play with lol. Will consider downloading it once I get my PC back.
  19. @Whack: > YES FINALLY A ECLIPSE PORNIGINS You're too young for porn. On topic: What kind of easter egg is this? Im pretty sure you just want someone to please your erotic desires.
  20. Never played classic, but Runescape 2 was the best by far! HD looks like crap, the updates are crap, everything is crap.
  21. Oh! My bad, not when it's "open" when it's up and running..
  22. Greetings Eclipse! Im pretty sure most of you know the game "Haven and Hearth". And some of you might know their new project, "Salem". It's basicly a 3D version of HH. Anyways, beta is approaching and I thought I'd share it with you. Link to beta sign-up: http://beta.salemthegame.com/?ref=e0b84333372 *When Beta is up and running, feel free to discuss it here.*
  23. The progress looks really good so far! Keep up the work lads!
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