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DnC Games

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  1. DnC Games

    How to?

    hi again everyone i was wondering how would i get vbkeyTab to target the nearest npc if any one can give me some code to show me what i need to do to get this to work that would be really great thank you exampl of the way i think some of the code would be: ``` If GetKeyState(vbKeyTab) < 0 Then 'code to target npc goes here Else addText("There are no NPC's near you to target", BrightCyan) End If ``` for any help thanks in advanced
  2. ok i want to learn how to use the EO 2.0 blt stuff but cant find out where to start is there any tutorials to show me how it all works on EO 2.0 and yes i have VB6 ok i just want to learn how to make images background transparent so i can have them overlay the pic screen and show up so please help me show me some examples of how to make an image have a transparent background or show me some real good tutorials that explain good cause well look below and read what it says lol thanks in advanced for any help
  3. just wanted to say thanks for the confidence i think i can do it to and hearing that others think so to helps
  4. thanks robin that helped me alot i got it working now
  5. i changed the byte to long like this and i still get the same mismatch error 13 ``` Private Sub cmdGivePlayerItem_Click() Dim PlayerName4Item As String Dim PlayerSpecialItem As Long Dim PlayerSpecialAmount As Long txtPlayersNameForItem.Text = PlayerName4Item scrlGivePlayerItem.Value = PlayerSpecialItem scrlMyItemAmount.Value = PlayerSpecialAmount Call GiveInvItem(PlayerName4Item, PlayerSpecialItem, PlayerSpecialAmount, True) End Sub ``` please someone help me
  6. ok here is some code that is all server side it adds an item give system to the server like the pic below but when i go to use it it give me an error but still compile RTE: 13 type mismatch this is in debug mode [![](http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/9027/errorrq.png)](http://img27.imageshack.us/i/errorrq.png/) ``` Private Sub scrlGivePlayerItem_Change() myLblItemNum.Caption = "Item: " & scrlGivePlayerItem.Value End Sub ``` ``` Private Sub scrlMyItemAmount_Change() myLblitemAmmount.Caption = "Amount: " & scrlMyItemAmount.Value End Sub ``` ``` Private Sub cmdGivePlayerItem_Click() Dim PlayerName4Item As String Dim PlayerSpecialItem As Byte Dim PlayerSpecialAmount As Byte txtPlayersNameForItem.Text = PlayerName4Item scrlGivePlayerItem.Value = PlayerSpecialItem scrlMyItemAmount.Value = PlayerSpecialAmount Call GiveInvItem(PlayerName4Item, PlayerSpecialItem, PlayerSpecialAmount, True) End Sub ``` and this is what the server window looks like [![](http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/8059/serverlook.png)](http://img9.imageshack.us/i/serverlook.png/) so if any one can tell me how to fix this that would be great thanks
  7. thanks on that info but how would i go by making the server match an item up with the account and never give that item out again in less that account is destroyed? example: item 1 = first account item 2 = second account that is pretty much want i need the server to keep track of but i don't know how to do it so please if any one can show me code or point me to a tutorial that explains it please i really need this part for my game
  8. ok when i have a shop and an item in it … how can i make it when the player buys that item if for ever vanishes from the shop??? and how can i make that every time some on creates an account the start of with an item but the item is different for every account? please help me i use [EO]2.0 please if can show me code for it please thanks
  9. ok i have done everything that this tutorial below says to do and when i go to compile my client i get this error so i guess it want me to find the tileset but i don't know how to do that so if anyone can tell me how and what to do to fix this that would be great thank you in advanced error showing below also TUTORIAL I FOLLOWED: [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,65616.0.html](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,65616.0.html) ERROR: [![](http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/7357/errorpl.png)](http://img545.imageshack.us/i/errorpl.png/)
  10. ok so i found the problem and here is the fix for anyone else that has this issue in your client source go to "modTypes" search for PlayerRec at the end of ' General before ' Vitals add ``` Sex As Byte ```and there you have it every thing works right even on [EO]2.0
  11. hello again people i have tried to do this edit down below but when i go to compile the client i get this error [EO] Sex-Based Requirements for Equips: [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,68906.0.html](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,68906.0.html) error: >! Function GetPlayerSex(ByVal Index As Long) As Long ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler >! If Index > MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Function GetPlayerSex = Player(Index).Sex ' Error handler Exit Function errorhandler: HandleError "GetPlayerSex", "modDatabase", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Function End Function the same as the person on that topic and still no answer for him so i thought i would ask her why and how can i fix it??? can some one please tell me how to fix it i really want this edit
  12. ok i would like to know how to make more chats like trade chat and party chat so if any one can help me by pointing me to a tutorial or explaining it very well here i would say thanks cause thats all i can really do so umm… thanks in advanced
  13. hello everyone i have spent hours and read a lot trying to find a way to always show the location of the player on the screen but i have not had any luck so if some one can show me how to do it with out the /loc admin command or point me to a tutorial or any thing that will help me in any way i would say thanks
  14. ok i will try the dd7 thing once i figure out where to start with it
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