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Everything posted by Infuriated

  1. Sweet, I can't wait. ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//biggrin.png)
  2. Thanks for all the great info guys, I'll keep all the posts here in my mind and find the path that will click with me the best and, this should prove pretty useful for any lurkers with similar issues. :)
  3. >! ![](http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn167/Ichikami/20120815_174327.jpg?t=1345072032) Look away! I hate taking photos of myself, lol.
  4. Haha. @Zonova: > Looks very cool. Do you know what language this is in? No idea, the only info I could find says it's in C#
  5. Infuriated

    Tileset WIP

    Wow! Great improvement, you corrected pretty much everything I was going to pick at in the first post, especially well done on the water ridges. Let's see… The dirt paths seem kind of flat, and not worn down at all. And just some nitpicks, I think the top of the cliffs could use some bushels of grass where it meets the other vegetation. The tree's that aren't pine also do not have any grass poking out in front of the roots like the pine ones do.
  6. I'm inclined to say the Chibi style. BUT, If your planning to do paperdoll, the major downside is the fact that everything except the headgear is going to be barely notable. So I'd make some crazy cool headgear to compensate and ride that aesthetic to cash shop town.
  7. Aye, It's easy to tolerate because he always brings such epic news to the table.
  8. Anyone else playing this? It's basically Dwarf Fortress with Stonesense (an isometric visualizer) built in and utilizes a mouse based interface and a hot bar. The similarity is striking and a lot of people have spouted "CLONEZ" but I'm pretty excited about it, due to the fact of Dwarven complexity and ASCII turned most people off of the greatness of Dwarf Fortress. A lot of people say it's also like Towns, but I've never played that so I can't comment there. It's not nearly as complex as DF, however, a snippet of DF's complexity makes for somewhat of a challenge for those who haven't been playing DF, although the learning curve is pretty much curbed due to the visuals and interface. There's quite a bit to do but it's in alpha right now, and the developer is taking a page from Minecrafts book and selling the alpha for 20% off until beta where it will be full priced. So it's 7.99$ now and will go for 9.99$ upon release/beta(?). There is also a demo where your limited to 6 days in the game. If your into DF hardcore though, you might find that you prefer the ascii and keybinds over the mouse and sometimes tricky isometric view. E75mL6R42i0 http://gnomoria.com/ warning: THIS GAMES MUSIC IS HORRIFYING. That is all.
  9. I've been waiting on this game as well, It looks FANTASTIC. It reminds me of 3D Dot Game Heroes on an epic scale. Game release aside, I've been eagerly waiting just to hear more from his blog.
  10. The black outline stands out quite a lot while the actual details within it don't stand out too much. I'd suggest trying to make the metal band and jewel stand out more with their own outline and make the outline of the actual shield not completely black, still make it really dark just not pitch black. There's a lot of work to be done but this is where i'd start.
  11. @crzyone9584: > You just have to find the right outlet for learning code your own way. I never really thought about it that way, I recently seen an open source Roguelike made with Python, maybe I'll try looking at its innerds and see if I can't make anything click. Thank's for the advice, man. @Marsh Yeah, I've actually been around for a very long time and I've started countless private projects that never seen the light of day, maybe I should start putting myself out there and join a project, I just never did because I'm flaky at best when It comes to sticking to any one thing and it kills me to leave anyone hanging. I think I need ritalin or something, lol.
  12. I've ALWAYS had trouble with trees myself, they're hard. If you don't nail the perspective they look retarded and if the trunk doesn't flow well with the grass or foliage it goes to shit and if you flop with shading and lighting the foliage will just blend with the grass or look like a giant pillow shaded cotton ball. I'll post my, probably, most satisfactory tree that I made a couple of years ago. Feel free to examine it and try to understand what I did, just don't blatantly rip it off lol. (trick is to find the techniques you can reproduce without having to copy it) I also recommend doing this with a better Pixel artists work, places like Pixeljoint or Pixelation are boiling over with talented people to study. Just a thing to note, I purposely pixel'd this in 2x2 pixels because I'm a nerd and enjoy that pixelated SNES look. If I reproduced this with single pixels it'd be half the size (2 16x16 instead of 32x32) eitherway, I hope you can learn something from it. ![](http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn167/Ichikami/treeyo.png) The mockup it belonged to, ![](http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn167/Ichikami/edits.png) This is probably in no way a fantastic tree, but I'm sure there's _something_ to learn from it, lol.
  13. So yeah, for a number of years I've been a half assed human being. I've attempted to learn programming numerous times over the course of my life and every attempt has turned into a hurling ball of fire colliding with the ocean and quickly dissipating into vapor. I get obsessed, and then hyped, look for a guide, find one and proceed to read a couple chapters/parts/sections/whatever and lose interest nearly instantly because there's seemingly no gratification until much, much later on and I just do not have the attention span. On top of this, I only know basic math and that's always stuck in the back of my head, whispering, "you're a fucking idiot, just go do pixel art" and so I always do. My first solution was narrowing down on more simplistic languages and eventually I found Python, and that had to be the furthest I've made it into programming, which I managed to learn almost enough to make a trash dos-window choose-your-own-path adventure 'game'. I've heard a lot of experienced people say you should look at existing code, but I'm not really even sure where to start with this as I have no idea what's going on to begin with. What's the best way to familiarize myself with a language to learn enough that I can tinker on my own? I did like Python but that may have only been because the tutorial was more tolerable than most of the other borefests I'd come across. Note: Really, at this point, my huge grandiose dream is being able to make something along the lines of an ASCII/Roguelike game. Help me penetrate the ocean, Eclipse!
  14. I'm getting IMPATIENT. I DEMAND CHAOS REALM. ALL. OF. MY. HATE. Just kidding, about the rude parts anyway. Looking forward to this! Back to lurking, for the time being. /escapestotheonewaymirrorsoftheboards
  15. I love games like this, and most, if not all of these concepts grab my attention. I'll definitely put in some time to try it out soon. @Meteor: > 2\. Looks like a cheap ripoff of haven and hearth. What. The only thing they truly share is the survival-esque genre, H&H really can't be claimed to be the source of that. :confused:
  16. Gradients _basically_ when you go from light to dark smoothly, it doesn't really add much to the lighting or detail.
  17. I'd change the color up, a little brighter and find the sweet spot between yellow and orange to get more of a gold vibe from it. Even if you intend to use them in a darker setting (dungeon or something) it's always good to make dropped items pop from the background (same for sprites). And as Azy suggested, some sheen/glimmering in places can help. As for the perspective I can't really give much critique since I don't know if you're aiming for top-down or from the side. (looking like from the side at the moment)
  18. Looking good! Been lurking in this topic for awhile, so much potential. :) Really liking the described Class system, definitely a step in the right direction! The staple Pokemon formula really needs these kinds of additions to flourish in an open MMO/ORPG environment, in my opinion at least. Also, I'm with limiting the players to one Class. Not doing so would kind of defeat the purpose of them I would think… Unless your bounced back to level 1 once you change your class, that might be alright.
  19. Weird, I emailed Nintendo asking about your email. ``` Greetings, Toxicity. Regarding your previous e-mail, we could not verify that the e-mail you described ever existed. ```Sincerely, Luigi, CEO of **Nintendo of America Inc.**
  20. I've felt like trying to polish up on my Pixel Art skills as of late so I thought I'd just dump anything I churn out here, I really don't know If I'll be active with this but you will at least get a single tile out of the thread being here, a chest I made to get the ball rolling. I don't really mind requests, just realize that the purpose of this thread is not to take requests, or else I'd have put this in the request sub-forum. If you do feel the need to request anything know that whether I do it or not just boils down to if I feel like it and If I feel like I can do it, and whatever I do will be put in my first post for all to use. If you feel the need to have something and want no one else to have it then PM me, but I am not a service, so just assume I won't do it and you may be surprised instead of disappointed. Here's what I have for now: ![](http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/3334/greenchest.png) Also, everything I post in this topic is free to use or edit as you please, It's entirely up to you to give me any credit and all I ask is that you do not claim to have made these yourself. Thanks.
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