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Everything posted by Jacquelinett

  1. did you install the run time? Because the problem is the library run-time. All you need to do is go to the official download and download the runtime then install it. Hope this help ;)
  2. Actually i had spent 2 day learning DirectX 8 before i get Crystalshire DE for like a week ( I was trying to alphablending stuff in my game) and I happened to learn about drawing text in directX8 using D8D3D. Since I was trying to make a label, or, i was just simply trying to make a text appear in a picture box, I searched for .drawtext but it is no where to be found. The only thing that i found that is easy to understand is how robin did the credit thingy sicne he used the command call then use the parenthesis ( and the number of the picture he want to use, in this case is 25 and i check the GUI folder and found it. So… any tip?
  3. you need vb6 for almost all the thing in EO. Without Vb6, you can only use what you have right now and can't add anything
  4. in-game gui, but i think i know what you are going to say: "Use EO Instead, it is easier, CSDE is for advanced people only :P" Blah blah, I think i know how, just go and look search for the gui name and how Robin make a box, then make the same step. But any help from you guy would be appreciated
  5. Do I have to learn DirectX 8 or something? All i want is to add some labels. Some help, please?
  6. Too bad, you are wrong, Ricky. That wasn't the problem. The problem is I forgot to add: Buffer.ReadBytes Data() Problem solved.
  7. tried that, still didn't work at all. Plus now the button on the client doesn't work. Maybe because of the loop?
  8. This is in modHandleData, at the bottom: ``` Sub HandleTimeOfDay(ByVal Index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long) Dim Hour As Long Dim Minute As Long Dim CurrentPeriod As Integer Dim Buffer As clsBuffer Hour = Buffer.ReadLong Minute = Buffer.ReadLong CurrentPeriod = Buffer.ReadInteger Set Buffer = Nothing frmMain.lbltime.Caption = Hour & ":" & Minute End Sub ``` Near the top ``` HandleDataSub(STimeOfDay) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleTimeOfDay) ``` I also created STimeOfDay in ModEnumeration on both client and server Server side: ``` Sub SendTimeOfDay(ByVal Index As Long) Dim Buffer As clsBuffer Dim Packet As String Dim Hour As Long Dim Minute As Long Dim CurrentPeriod As Integer Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteLong Index Buffer.WriteLong STimeOfDay Buffer.WriteLong Hour Buffer.WriteLong Minute Buffer.WriteInteger CurrentPeriod SendDataToAll Buffer.ToArray Set Buffer = Nothing End Sub And in modServerLoop, I added this sub, as well as call this sub in the main game loop. Private Sub UpdatePeriod() Dim Index As Long Select Case CurrentPeriod Case 0 'Midnight frmServer.lblCurrentPeriod.Caption = "Midnight" Case 1 'Dawn frmServer.lblCurrentPeriod.Caption = "Dawn" Case 2 'Morning frmServer.lblCurrentPeriod.Caption = "Morning " Case 3 'Noon frmServer.lblCurrentPeriod.Caption = "Noon " Case 4 'Afternoon frmServer.lblCurrentPeriod.Caption = "Afternoon " Case 5 'Night frmServer.lblCurrentPeriod.Caption = "Night " End Select Call SendTimeOfDay(Index) End Sub ``` It didn’t work. I tried to send the server time to the client but the label in the client didn’t change. Any suggestion?
  9. Hey, this is some question about Eclipse Engine, but it is not a bug or problem. I have been trying to make an engine of my own with Visual Studio 2010 lately, and now I come to the part when I need to know how Eclipse's tile engine work. I'm using XNA for the graphic and I learned a little about the tile engine. So here is some question: 1\. I learned that tile engine is like a set of number like: 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 and the number on there represent the tile. is that how Eclipse's engine work? I know that Eclipse Engine use dynamic map, but when you change the max map x and max map y, does it mean you simply add more number to it? 2\. This is a question to anyone who have experience with vb.net: Does vb.net have handle packet? I think that is all I'm going to ask for now… Thank :D Extra question (please, you dont have to read this if you dont want to, this is a random question :P ) Do you think Robin look attractive in real life? ;) (im not his stalker lol) My answer would be: Yes Your answer? lol Thank :D
  10. okay, so now my recipe working fine, just that i cant add tool require to it, dont know why. Everytime i choose tool require, let just say i pick hammer, then i press save and reopen item editor, the hammer is now switched to none. Help?
  11. and hey, i copied my link from Robin's autoupdator and still get a problem, it worked before. RTE 13 is really annoying, is it because i dont have ieframe?
  12. common robin, give me some help :( i worked hard on this…
  13. umh… it said that "argument not optional" when i added it to frmMain and compile it
  14. so you mean i should simply add a produce to the formload?
  15. :P Doesnt have quest system? just add one to it. There is a tutorial for house to make one.
  16. Jacquelinett

    Hellp me

    the easiest way to find out your ip address is go to no-ip.com make an account, create the ip address and type the one you just create in. Then look for portforward and add it in
  17. Jacquelinett

    Png and eo?

    convert directdraw7 to dx8
  18. why dont u make this yourself? Robin created the source, you have to develop it
  19. but shouldnt we combine both and create the best one? Yes i know according to the creator of EE, EE is not good. But hey… dont they have some cool thing too? Because they are bad doesnt mean we shouldnt look at it. EO, it is good, but have u ever see it disadvantage? Everything always have two side, the good one and the bad one. Combine both together, eliminate the bad thing out and create a good one.
  20. so hwo do you add speech bubble? i really want it :(
  21. hey, i was trying to make my chatbox transparent, here is what i have done. in mod type ``` ' AlphaBlend Public Type BLENDFUNCTION BlendOp As Byte BlendFlags As Byte SourceConstantAlpha As Byte AlphaFormat As Byte End Type Public Declare Function AlphaBlend Lib "msimg32.dll" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal lInt As Long, ByVal lInt As Long, ByVal lInt As Long, ByVal lInt As Long, ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal lInt As Long, ByVal lInt As Long, ByVal lInt As Long, ByVal lInt As Long, ByVal BLENDFUNCT As Long) As Long Public Declare Sub RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long) ``` modGameLogic ``` Public Sub ChatBlend() 'AlphaBlend for chatbox Dim BF As BLENDFUNCTION, lBF As Long 'Set the graphics mode to persistent frmMain.Picture8.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\data files\graphics\gui\main\chatbox_text.jpg") frmMain.Picture8.AutoRedraw = True frmMain.picScreenBuffer.AutoRedraw = True 'set the parameters With BF .BlendOp = AC_SRC_OVER .BlendFlags = 0 .SourceConstantAlpha = 128 .AlphaFormat = 0 End With 'copy the BLENDFUNCTION-structure to a Long RtlMoveMemory lBF, BF, 4 ' frmMain.picScreenBuffer.Picture = 'AlphaBlend the picture from Picture1 over the picture of Picture2 AlphaBlend frmMain.Picture8.hdc, 0, 0, frmMain.Picture8.ScaleWidth, frmMain.Picture8.ScaleHeight, frmMain.picScreenBuffer.hdc, frmMain.Picture8.Left, frmMain.Picture8.top, frmMain.Picture8.ScaleWidth, frmMain.Picture8.ScaleHeight, lBF End Sub ``` modConstants: ``` 'Declarations/Functions for Transparent Rich Text Boxs Public Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowLongA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long Public Const GWL_EXSTYLE = (-20) Public Const WS_EX_TRANSPARENT = &H20& 'Alpha Blend Public Const AC_SRC_OVER = &H0 ``` frmMain, sub formload ``` Dim TransRichText As Long TransRichText = SetWindowLong(txtChat.hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, WS_EX_TRANSPARENT) ``` ***************** replace the ** Render graphic ** with this: ***************** ``` Call Render_Graphics If Options.ChatBlend = 1 Then Call ChatBlend End If frmMain.txtChat.Refresh DoEvents frmMain.txtChat.Refresh ' Lock fps If Not FPS_Lock Then Do While GetTickCount < Tick + 15 DoEvents Sleep 1 frmMain.txtChat.Refresh Loop End If ' Calculate fps If TickFPS < Tick Then GameFPS = FPS TickFPS = Tick + 1000 FPS = 0 Else FPS = FPS + 1 End If Loop frmMain.Visible = False If isLogging Then isLogging = False frmMain.picScreen.Visible = False frmMenu.Visible = True GettingMap = True StopMidi PlayMidi Options.MenuMusic Else ' Shutdown the game frmLoad.Visible = True Call SetStatus("Destroying game data...") Call DestroyGame End If ```There… That what i did, but the chatbox is still not transparent, any idea? btw, picture 8 is the picture box that contain the chat
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