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Everything posted by MrKris

  1. World of Dot's is going to win! You all know it.
  2. Okay Tale of Fail is over, replaced it with World of Dot's, there is some screen shots up there now.
  3. @Chuchoide: > I did the tree thing **on** purpose ;D Sorry I had to fix it. It bugged me.
  4. Sweet stuff man, keep it up and ill give you a raise ;) ….....nvm you don't get payed.
  5. Dude if you make a game out of this it could be the next WoW, your going to make so much money!!! I'm Jelly
  6. The most amazing song ever, So far Away, by A7X http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77RGt6dqCPE
  7. MrKris

    LA Rising

    I'm going too :D can't wait. I wish A7X would play though :P maybe next time.
  8. @IdoFreePixel: > I am a fan of big bosses, so they will only get bigger. Some will even have multiple parts to them you have to fight. Oh like zelda games, when you kill one part of the boss, another comes out of the old one or something like that?
  9. Amazing new boss, is there going to be more boss's like that? With different elements? That would be really cool.
  10. Thanks for joining the team, its great to have you.
  11. Why not just get them separated already, there is no point in cutting them yourself when they are already done for you.
  12. MrKris

    Host Problem

    The image is too small, I can't read it.
  13. MrKris

    Sprite help

    It's a little fat, that's about it. The face looks fat because it has no mouth.
  14. @Repercussionist: > You're the next Picasso! Looks nothing like Picasso's work…. Picasso was more spontaneous, and wild.
  15. Good feature, bad tutorial. You didn't say where to search for the code, lots of new programmers would be really confused by this.
  16. @Boxman: > well I'm back. After a lot of fighting with my blowup doll we broke up so I guess I'll be hanging around here again Ello Boxman Welcome back.
  17. Here are some tutorials http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,70137.0.html%20%5Bcolor=orange http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,27849.0.html
  18. Did you just copy my topic :o how dare you! They are way to clean, no shading, and the tree is to round! xD
  19. @Bloodmorphed: > Well the first few times I played it like you said above. I had no lag problems at, no stuttering, it ran as smooth as a fish swimming down stream. > > But then it just stopped and started stuttering, idk if their patch made it do that or what. I have never been able to play that game, but I only have a little Dell Inpspiron 560 :p not the best gaming computer out there.
  20. It's suppose to be bad :p that's the joke. People asked for graphics, I gave them graphics. They never demanded quality.
  21. I like Tale of Fail, cause it rhymes. I'm the cat in the hat, I like stuff like that. (See what I did there xD ) Edit: Ill be down to make a game like "RO XD" with the Admirals permission of course.
  22. World of Dot's is something I have made for a competition my friends an I have been doing. We are making the worst games we can with custom graphics. So tell me what you think of my graphics :) **Local Inn** >! ![](http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/6937/map1n.png) **Dot Forest** >! ![](http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/9093/map2vd.png) **Army Dot Forest** >! ![](http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/7719/map3x.png) **Square King Caslte (Outside)** >! ![](http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/8099/map4p.png) There are going to be 4 classes, made up of different color and size dot's. Blue dot- Normal attack speed and moderate damage. Red dot- Fast attack speed and low damage Orange dot- Slow attack speed and High damage Pink dot- Fast attack speed and moderate damage, but has higher defense then the other classes.
  23. @Akatsuki_1: > Yeah, but if you actually think ahead, i am also referring to any new boss that will be added. You never know though, there could only be two in the whole game. (Doubt it though)
  24. @cowin000: > check to make sure the port in Config.ini in the data files folder matches the IP in the options.ini in the server directory. The port has nothing to do with it if you are running the client on the same computer as the server. Okay, check the Config and make sure the IP is set to "localhost" if not, change it. If you want to run the client on a different computer as well, make sure the Config has the IP of the computer the server is running on and you have the Correct port forwarded. The port number can be changed in the config as well.
  25. The whole GUI is terrible in my opinion, looks like you made it when you were board and lazy. GUI is not one of those things you just whip up real quick, it takes time and practice. The sprites on the other hand are alright.
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