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  1. The concept is really unique, looks like it's going to turn out to be a pretty fun game.
  2. @Lukin: > The first one is kinda good, the second one though, teaches you more wrong than right. Would only recommend the cliff wall section, but use it as a stone ground tile. >.> > > Tree: [http://www.firefruitforge.com/?tutorials/Pixel_Art/19-Pixel%20Art%20-%20Tree](http://www.firefruitforge.com/?tutorials/Pixel_Art/19-Pixel%20Art%20-%20Tree) > Other GOOD tutorials: [http://www.firefruitforge.com/?tutorials/Pixel_Art/](http://www.firefruitforge.com/?tutorials/Pixel_Art/) That's exactly what I meant when I said it was "awesome" :P. I have already found firefruitforge.com but the tree that is done their seems to be completely different from mine ): and mine doesn't work well with it. - Thanks anyways :D Peteyyy: Same story I already know about that tutorial :P thanks anyways. -Johnny
  3. I had already read the first one ;) and the second one was amazing thanks. :P -Johnny
  4. Can someone advise me on how I should go about shading this tree: ![](http://s2.postimage.org/4isdxt0/TREEE.png) I'm attempting to make my first tileset and would like some advice. Anyone know any good tutorials? Thanks, Johnny
  5. 9lucky

    Main GUI

    Is it just me or does anyone else think that the yellow part of the border is too bright. -9lucky
  6. @Quess: > I agree waterfall should be made with the lighter color palette than water was. Yeah I had noticed that as well, not sure why I didn't fix it. Funky Jammer: Thanks :P Peteyyy: Yeah I will try and make everything in a little more detail, the reason everything is mostly one color is because I was trying to go for a very simple design and it seemed to be the easiest way to do it since I am a beginner.
  7. @Chuchoide: > EDIT: Is this for DoL? We aren't sure if we will use it yet or if it will be too much work/not good enough. Put an updated version with new grass what do you think? I left the older version as well so you could compare.
  8. @9lucky: > In case you were wondering the waterfall is pretty much a recolor of the rmxp waterfall and the tree's have the same lighting. Yami: Like I said some of them are RMXP tiles just recolored. Chuchoide: Thanks, I will try to do the grass like that and see how it turns out. As well as go over the cliffs again. -9lucky
  9. I have decided to attempt to make a tileset. The goal was to not make it very detailed but to just try and get some practice. I know its not very good but I think its not bad for my first tileset. How should I do the grass, I don't want it to be too detailed but at the same time I don't think I should leave it plain. Constructive criticism is appreciated. Newest version: >! ![](http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/8461/maap2.png) V1: >! ![](http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/3540/maap.png) In case you were wondering the waterfall is pretty much a recolor of the rmxp waterfall and the tree's have the same lighting.
  10. Looking good, I might just have to use these. -Johnny
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