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Everything posted by shadowdeath

  1. You unaligned the tiles/sprites. You'll probably need to realign them so they're aligned correctly.
  2. shadowdeath


    I don't think he speaks english. He's having a hard time making a request.
  3. I believe someone made a tutorial for that, but it requires Lightning's Pet System.
  4. We aren't allowed to tell you a link. Instead, Google "VB6 Torrent".
  5. Not like that was obvious at all. Anyway, i'm sure that'll help out some noobs.
  6. Use bltSprite as framework. You will need to modify the code existing, or you could make a new blt.
  7. "i want to know" "i was wondering" No one's gonna make you a script just because you posted, bud. Better look at some tuts.
  8. Your stupidity of game development amazes me. Learn thw basics before making a game. Right now, you have 0 knowledge. EO won't work without knowledge of VB6\. It's just framework for games.
  9. Those are the weirdest sprites I have ever seen.
  10. I see. Anyway, very nice game. Love the graphics and the features.
  11. It's because he apparently has no knowledge of anything in life. Including Plagiarism.
  12. He means transition, I believe.
  13. This game amazes me. What engine does it use again?
  14. Besides the Giant GUI, I'd say that this is looking quite good. Even though it uses a far outdated engine, I can see a bit of potential in it. I love the final fantasy-ish graphics. :D
  15. > oh okey and it was my friend that draw the background and he is working with me on the game so yes i can take copyright for it. and thanks for your replay ![](http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRBp-P8grTqKCwG4Lw_9miXJoTtoCTPKO-j_2tBSbu8Q2L9pgimpw)
  16. Actually, it would be quite easy to use it for Game Development. I have before, but then again, I'm not the best at sketchup so the graphics sucked. But, if you take your time, and if you install some plugins, it could be a great tool. :D
  17. You did a couple of things wrong, Ryoku. Let me point them out. ;) 1. Replace the ScrlConv Code with this: ``` If scrlConv.Value > 0 Then lblConvNum.Caption = "Conv: " & Trim$(Conv(scrlConv.Value).Name) Else lblConvNum.Caption = "Conv: None" End If NPC(EditorIndex).Conv = scrlConv.Value ``` 2\. Replace the Combat Code with this: ``` If NPC(npcNum).Behaviour = NPC_BEHAVIOUR_FRIENDLY Then If NPC(npcNum).Convo = True Then InitChat attacker, mapNum, mapNpcNum End If Exit Function End If ``` (In Number 2, the "False" should be a "True")
  18. > It's some really shitty text ruining a perfectly good picture which you stole without giving credit to. > > It's terrible. > I'm 300% sure your "friend" (if you even have any) didn't make that picture. ![](http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQLMNJSHQBVC-ixOmoS9bLvt0WDrp1Mdyh1WW1UZyZrbmnwEvRZ)
  19. Odd. I know they don't look anything like it. I have no idea why, they have seem to have a similiar feeling to RMVX/Breeze (Probably because of the chibi-like style….)
  20. I'm telling you. They remind me of RMVX. And Breeze. Not sure why.
  21. It looks like you googled "cool dragon background", copied and pasted it onto Photoshop, did a tutorial to make "Cool Text", and then added a sub title. Making a new one with all custom graphics is my only advice.
  22. They aren't great. Polygons are too easily visible, especially in the "chair" model. Also, the textures are…eh...
  23. It does look quite good, especially with the alpha blending. Text is much nicer now, and it all really sticks out. I like the old, textured feel of it. Like Burned Paper or something. However, the Chat Box is really quite akward. It's just an inner shadow on a sepia box. :( I'd suggest making a nice border for it, and then darken all the ends. Anyway, everything else looks good and functional. :D
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