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Everything posted by Repercussionist

  1. Go to the File menu, click Make Eclipse.exe or Make Server.exe
  2. You need to compile it. File>make "title here"
  3. If you look through the resources section, you will find that many of those images have already been converted. There are also some image converters floating around in the forums, though I'm not sure on the specifics of each one.
  4. http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,71652.0.html There are some sprite tutorials in here.
  5. If you're wanting to change from using .bmp to .png, which is the most common thing I see, then you'll need to recode the engine to incorporate directdraw8 instead of dd7.
  6. There are a couple tutorials over in the tutorial section, specifically under the source chlidboard.
  7. If you want to change classes, go to Server/Data/classes.ini The "spirit" label is purely graphical. Edit the images in Client/Datafiles/graphics/gui/main/, specifically the files main.jpg and bars/spirit.jpg
  8. It would be easier to add an abbreviation ([US],
  9. @Socuine: > If you done that, hit _CTRL + **SHIT** + I_ to invert the selection. :confused: :cool:
  10. @greendude You would need to make sure that both servers could access and save the accounts and bank data so that you wouldn't have two different accounts for each server. Also, I would add a world selector into the login page instead of trying to make people rummage around in .ini files. This would probably be preferable if you were going to do really heavy edits to the pvp system. Actually, it would probably be the better option in general. @op But just to throw this out there, another idea, since there is already a pvp system in place in eo, and you can trigger whether or not each map is pvp in the map editor, would be to create copies of all your maps on the same server, use a selector at login to see if they want to go to the pvp set or the safe set and, depending on their choice, log them into the right set. You would also have to put checks on your warp spells to make sure you send them to the right place in each set. I don't know what kind of a toll having that many maps might take on playing, though. Both of these ideas would need some other little supplements added, depending on how you want your system to work, but they should be simple fix-as-they-arise things.
  11. I was reading through this thread with the sound off. I played one of the videos anyway and could not stop laughing.
  12. Look in modInput at how the other /commands are dealt with, specifically ones with a command and a value (/ban, /kick, etc) since that's what you're wanting. Set up a case for /spritechange, do the access and value validation checks, and, if everything works out, call the code to be executed.
  13. @angus123 No, that will only change the amount of Willpower that the classes have when a new character is created. @op The position of the stack numbers are handled in the directdraw mod of the client. Open it and search for * * * ' If item is a stack - draw the amount you have * * * Change the stuff under that heading. To change the time before health regeneration after damage, go to modServerLoop. Under the sub Server Loop find * * * ' check regen timer * * * Change the 5000 to the time in milliseconds you want them to have to wait after combat before regenerating vitals. Also, just for your information, if you want to change the time between regeneration bursts, find * * * ' Checks to update player vitals every 5 seconds - Can be tweaked * * * in the same mod/sub and change the 5000 to the time in milliseconds you want it to be.
  14. You're banned for trying to start an infinite loop of banning for banning for banning for not banning for a reason.
  15. Wouldn't this pose a problem if the crash was caused by a critical bug that needs to be fixed before a restart? I wouldn't want to corrupt data, or have the sever in an infinite loop of crash/restart while I was away from my system.
  16. That's a neat idea, but that would only work if there was a counterpart for each sex. If it was something you wanted only one sex to have, maybe something that the other sex couldn't /possibly/ use, you'd have to use a restriction.
  17. Eh, it allows for easy changing in game. They buy the clothes they want from a shop and equip it at their leisure. And that was just how I was planning on using it. Take a look at WonderKing. Most all of their equips are gender based. :P
  18. From the tone of your post, it sounds like you're planning on it being a consistently identical drop for each kill. If it randomly drops something you can't use, then sell it. It's the same way for class requirements. Besides, my idea for this was character customization (hair, clothes, etc.) that was separate from armor.
  19. I'm more curious about what draws you to the pvp system. Purely interest-based, not one of the trolly questions where I question your motives by throwing you a question with a harsh, insulting inflection. Game theory has always fascinated me.
  20. Kobeki, you're banned because the word filter strikes again.
  21. ^ Is tasty awesomesauce. < Avatar is a narwhal. v Eats pie on a consistent basis.
  22. The Pursuit of Happyness Or for a woman: Teeth
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