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  1. LucianL.

    Walk sound

    @Helladen: > Try this… > ``` > If Player(Index).Moving > 0 Then > If walktime = 0 Then walktime = GetTickCount + 3000 > > If walktime > GetTickCount Then > PlaySound Sound_Walk > walktime = 0 > End If > End If > ``` Same it plays it without any pause. I think i will give it up.
  2. LucianL.

    Walk sound

    @Soul: > Your logic is still flawed. Now you say: is a number plus 300000 more than that number alone? Of course it is! That makes no sense. > > ``` > Sub ServerLoop() > ... > Dim walktime As Long > walktime = GetTickCount + ####### > ... > Do While ServerOnline > ... > If walktime > GetTickCount Then > ' play sound > walktime = walktime + ###### > End If > > ``` > That's the basic idea. Tryed it and still the same over play :( and if i do it with do while it froze the client. ``` If Player(index).Moving > 0 Then walktime = GetTickCount + 3000 If walktime > GetTickCount then PlaySound Sound_Walk walktime = walktime + 3000 end if end if ``` ``` walktime = GetTickCount + 3000 Do While Player(index).Moving > 0 If walktime > GetTickCount then PlaySound Sound_Walk walktime = walktime + 3000 end if Loop ```
  3. LucianL.

    Walk sound

    Can you explain me it a little more? How dose GetTickCount work? :P Hehe i think i understand what you told me : ``` walktime = GetTickCount If GetTickCount + 300000 > walktime Then PlaySound Sound_ButtonClick End If ``` It works now and took of a bit of the over loop plays. But now how can i make it to make a pause between one play and another.
  4. LucianL.

    Walk sound

    @MrMiguu: > Or call the sound when Player(MyIndex).Moving = 0? No? I tryed something like this if Player(MyIndex).Moving > 0 then Playsound Sound_walk end if but it play the sond creazy, something like: it start to play and the next play start over it and the next one over them and it get wierd. I think it is a way to put a pause before the next play start but i don't know how to do it…
  5. LucianL.

    Walk sound

    @Helladen: > Add a timer for the length of the sound. Make it use a constant for the timer and store it and compare it with the GetTickCount. It would like look something around these lines: If GetTickCount > Constant then play the sound. Constant would be set as GetTickCount + (Sound in seconds * 1000) every time it plays a sound. Here it is and it wont play the song i tryed something like that too. ``` dim walktime as long `````` walktime = GetTickCount + 2000 If GetTickCount > walktime Then PlaySound Sound_Walk End If ``` Maybe i'm using it wrong :(
  6. LucianL.

    Walk sound

    >! Case MOVING_WALKING: MovementSpeed = ((ElapsedTime / 800) * (WALK_SPEED * SIZE_X)) PlaySound Sound_Walk Tryed to add an walking sound but the engine read it nonstoply and it get wierd. Is there a way to make it play after a few sec again and the again not continued without pause
  7. Ok i will apply it here. ModAttack - basic attack - def With W - with weapon on This is an simple calculation. Here its an exemple how i did the block based on shield: ``` ' LucianL. Public Function CanPlayerBlock(ByVal index As Long) As Boolean Dim rate As Long Dim rndNum As Long Dim shieldnum As Long CanPlayerBlock = False If GetPlayerEquipment(index, Shield) > 0 Then rate = 4 rndNum = RAND(1, 4) If rndNum = rate Then CanPlayerBlock = True End If End If End Function ' LucianL. ``` ``` ' LucianL. If CanPlayerBlock(index) Then shieldnum = GetPlayerEquipment(index, Shield) blockAmount = 0.085 * 3 * GetPlayerStat(index, Forta) * Item(shieldnum).Data2 + (GetPlayerLevel(index) / 6) - RAND(1, (GetPlayerStat(index, Forta) * 2)) Damage = Damage - blockAmount SendActionMsg mapnum, "Ai blocat " & blockAmount & " din dmg!", BrightCyan, 1, (MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x * 32 + RAND(4, 8)), (MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y * 32 + RAND(4, 8)) End If ' LucianL. ```
  8. Just sended you my application. MODAttack its the modified attack. it mean attack - def. Edited: 2 small misstakes on With W its (all code)-(F5*0.3) and on ModAttack unde with With W its -(0.3*F5) not +(0.3*F5)
  9. Hi. Can someone give me a hint on how to make this work corectly becouse the hp bar its going up and not down how it is supposed. ``` frmMain.imgHPBar.height = ((GetPlayerVital(MyIndex, Vitals.HP) / HPBar_height) / (GetPlayerMaxVital(MyIndex, Vitals.HP) / HPBar_height)) * HPBar_height ```
  10. here it is what i did. the character moves on diagonal but the server dose not save the coords and wrap you back when you move normaly http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,71807.0.html
  11. well she have a few songs writed by own shearch youtube :P
  12. @Peteyyy: > I don't like the voice she puts on, but damn she can rap. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cPW4ySRzAY&feature=related This one show her voice better. P.S. that guy scare me!
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