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Everything posted by Jumbofile

  1. Im not sure what made the color go away. First try to replace all of the " color " in the code with " colour " and try messing with this line: ``` RenderText Font_Default, Chat(i).text, frmMain.picForm.Left + 5, (frmMain.picForm.Top + 555) - (i * 20), White ```
  2. There have been a couple of WoW threads but why not make a new one in spirit of the new expansion pack coming out Thursday! If any of you play add me on skype and on wow. Skype: [email protected] RealID: Jumbofile#1487 I play on Aggramar US
  3. Ok so C# it is, you guys have any good resources to help me learn?
  4. What language do you guys think would be a good language to learn for my first language and why? I was thinking of C# because of unity, c++ for CryENGINE SDK, or Java because of jmonkey. What are the negatives and positive to these languages and whats your opinion on learning and using these languages with the engines listed above? Its not really my first language because I know HTML and enough vb6 to use eclipse but I want to learn a new language and dont know where to start. Please dont say google it because I would like to know your opinions and be able to ask questions if needed.
  5. Here is the newest version with the known bugs fixed. [https://www.dropbox.com/s/nfwk0x17phsdgmr/ProjectCubedv2.rar?dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/s/nfwk0x17phsdgmr/ProjectCubedv2.rar?dl=0) If there are any bugs just post in this thread. Eye candy: ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/a19653af43ebfcf925fae810007fb6a6.png) ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/d99be7398b9ce727a46cb7ac99d2d496.png)
  6. Jumbofile


    What do you think of my current logo? Which color looks better? ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/533bdfc8294435419392ff66bf46de27.png) ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/3d402a73cfc559ebb7718b58fce556c7.png)
  7. I have fixed the screen resolution problem but I decided I will turn this into a good base so everyone can have a good option for a sidescroller engine. I plan on: -Changing GUI -Re-Organizing Menu -More Bug fixes
  8. I'm going to try to squash all of the bugs, shouldn't be very difficult.
  9. I cant remember the exact code but I usually make a button on frmMain and put this in the click event ``` 'Change number to shop number Call Openshop(1) ``` This way is much easier.
  10. Finally finished the first part of character creation overhaul, "Class" select! http://youtu.be/yfvNkVr33xY
  11. **100% Credits to evilbunnie!** **DOWNLOAD FIRST!** [http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/15ae53c777c9ce5119cbb34e142d89a7.rar](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/15ae53c777c9ce5119cbb34e142d89a7.rar) **IMAGE >! ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/0fc758453fa538c7fa722c42320dc0e4.png) First, open the client and add at the very bottom of "modText":** ``` 'Evilbunnie's DrawnChat system Public Sub DrawChat() ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If App.LogMode = 1 And Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo ErrorHandler Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To 6 RenderText Font_Default, Chat(i).text, frmMain.picForm.Left + 5, (frmMain.picForm.Top + 555) - (i * 20), White Next Exit Sub ' Error handler ErrorHandler: HandleError "DrawChat", "modText", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear End Sub 'Evilbunnie's DrawChat system Public Sub ReOrderChat(ByVal nText As String, nColor As Long) Dim i As Integer For i = 19 To 1 Step -1 Chat(i + 1).text = Chat(i).text Chat(i + 1).Color = Chat(i).Color Next Chat(1).text = nText Chat(1).Color = nColor End Sub ``` **Then replace the sub "AddText" with:** ``` Public Sub AddText(ByVal Msg As String, ByVal Color As Integer) Dim S As String ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo ErrorHandler S = vbNewLine & Msg frmMain.txtChat.SelStart = Len(frmMain.txtChat.text) frmMain.txtChat.SelColor = QBColor(Color) frmMain.txtChat.SelText = S frmMain.txtChat.SelStart = Len(frmMain.txtChat.text) - 1 'Evilbunnie's DrawnChat System ReOrderChat Msg, QBColor(Color) ' Error handler Exit Sub ErrorHandler: HandleError "AddText", "modText", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub ``` **Then in "HandleSayMsg" under:** ``` frmMain.txtChat.SelStart = Len(frmMain.txtChat.Text) - 1 ``` **Add:** ``` ReOrderChat Header & Name & ": " & message, Color ``` **Then in "modTypes" under:** ``` Public Options As OptionsRec ``` **Add:** ``` 'Evilbunnie's DrawnChat system Public Chat(1 To 20) As ChatRec 'Evilbunnie's DrawnChat system Private Type ChatRec text As String Color As Long End Type ``` **In Sub "Render_Graphics" above:** ``` ' draw fps ``` **Add:** ``` 'Evilbunnie's DrawnChat System DrawChat ``` **Go to frmMain and delete picChatbox and replace it with the one found in extrafiles.****rar** **Replace chatbox.bmp inEclipse Worlds\Client\data files\graphics\gui\main** **with the file in extrafiles.rar**
  12. Update!: -Fixed Score bug -Added 2 lane mode -Made a screen after death so you can read score Plans for next update: -Fix collision bug -Increase speed of cars over time -Better Graphics (maybe) Same Link: [http://ghngames.com/ht](http://ghngames.com/ht) * May have to clear Offline Website Data
  13. First game In construct. I plan to add-on and add different graphics. [http://ghngames.com/ht/](http://ghngames.com/ht/) What it has right now: -Random Car spawn -Moving bushes -Points -Menus -2 Lane mode (Added 9/27/14) What I want to add: -Custom player cars -Random car images -Better graphics -Highscores -Madness Mode -Difficulty selector -Maybe more… Bugs: -Cars will collide and delete each other, this is due to my lazy way to stop overlapping cars ~~-Score doesnt reset~~ (Fixed 9/27/14) Eye Candy!: Game Over ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/64844288122f0efa9562bb9a5de18036.png) 2 Lane ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/5c92efedc6718b40dff45d934e52c37f.png)
  14. >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/a6nQr0U.jpg) PC >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/GiMTVl1.jpg) Desk >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/A8OVET7.jpg) Rubiks cubes >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/UpdtHAY.jpg)
  15. If I already have VB6 installed will replacing it with this be worth it?
  16. Building my first pc! I have a budget of $700 and i already own a disk drive and a copy of win 7. [https://pcpartpicker.com/user/jumbofile/saved/9nJmP6](https://pcpartpicker.com/user/jumbofile/saved/9nJmP6) What do you think?
  17. Wow… this is amazing. This engine is what I would like to think is a big step for VB6 engines. It has character customization, more interesting combat, and it runs well on my old machine (20-25 fps on a fully populated map). The only thing I think its missing is a Quest log (If there is one, I didnt find it) but besides that its a great engine. Maybe another thing is to have is a right click menu to have easier access to things like trade and inspect. Im glad to see this re uploaded and im hoping the best for this engine.
  18. This looks amazing! I love gamemaker and its simplicity. What do you plan to release this on? HTML5? Win? IOS? etc… I also see that you plan on adding a networking system. I recommend you stay away from 39dll as it is poorly programmed. Try FaucetNet and using a C# sever. Best of luck with this!
  19. A feature that I would think to be made would be a full character customization. Different hair styles, face styles, eyes, and different colors for all that. Also included in that would be race selection, faction selection, and gender. Its a lot but I thought it was one of eclipses biggest downfall. Also what happened to that engine with action combat you had? I would like to see eclipse games with interesting combat.
  20. 1st all the way 2nd is too thin 3rd is obnoxious and hard to read 4th is too blocky 5th This is my second choice
  21. Im using PVO and I have no programming experience.
  22. I want to make it if you double click an item in a shop you buy it and if you double click in inv you sell the item. Thank you, Greg
  23. If you are using a DX7 engine you will get that error.
  24. Screen shot. [attachment=1232:fullscreen.png]
  25. Tested it again…. ![](http://www.speedtest.net/result/3486239949.png)
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