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Everything posted by Ryo

  1. replace drawguibars with this ``` Public Sub DrawGUIBars() Dim tmpWidth As Long, barWidth As Long, X As Long, Y As Long, dX As Long, dY As Long, sString As String Dim Width As Long, Height As Long ' backwindow + empty bars X = GUIWindow(GUI_BARS).X + 96 Y = GUIWindow(GUI_BARS).Y Width = 254 Height = 89 Call Directx8.RenderTexture(Tex_Face(Player(MyIndex).Sprite), X - 96, 0, 0, 0, 128, 128, 128, 128) Call Directx8.RenderTexture(Tex_Char(Player(MyIndex).Sprite), X - 32, 64, 0, 0, 32, 32, 32, 32) 'EngineRenderRectangle Tex_GUI(4), x, y, 0, 0, width, height, width, height, width, height Directx8.RenderTexture Tex_GUI(4), X, Y, 0, 0, Width, Height, Width, Height If Map.Moral = MAP_MORAL_NONE Then RenderText Font_Default, Trim$(Map.Name), X + 37, Y + Height - 19, BrightRed ElseIf Map.Moral = MAP_MORAL_SAFE Then RenderText Font_Default, Trim$(Map.Name), X + 37, Y + Height - 19, White ElseIf Map.Moral = MAP_MORAL_BOSS Then RenderText Font_Default, Trim$(Map.Name), X + 37, Y + Height - 19, Pink End If ' hardcoded for POT textures barWidth = 241 ' health bar BarWidth_GuiHP_Max = ((GetPlayerVital(MyIndex, Vitals.HP) / barWidth) / (GetPlayerMaxVital(MyIndex, Vitals.HP) / barWidth)) * barWidth Directx8.RenderTexture Tex_GUI(13), X + 7, Y + 9, 0, 0, BarWidth_GuiHP, gTexture(Tex_GUI(13)).Height, BarWidth_GuiHP, gTexture(Tex_GUI(13)).Height ' render health sString = GetPlayerVital(MyIndex, Vitals.HP) & "/" & GetPlayerMaxVital(MyIndex, Vitals.HP) dX = X + 7 + (barWidth / 2) - (EngineGetTextWidth(Font_Default, sString) / 2) dY = Y + 9 RenderText Font_Default, sString, dX, dY, White ' spirit bar BarWidth_GuiSP_Max = ((GetPlayerVital(MyIndex, Vitals.MP) / barWidth) / (GetPlayerMaxVital(MyIndex, Vitals.MP) / barWidth)) * barWidth Directx8.RenderTexture Tex_GUI(14), X + 7, Y + 31, 0, 0, BarWidth_GuiSP, gTexture(Tex_GUI(14)).Height, BarWidth_GuiSP, gTexture(Tex_GUI(14)).Height ' render spirit sString = GetPlayerVital(MyIndex, Vitals.MP) & "/" & GetPlayerMaxVital(MyIndex, Vitals.MP) dX = X + 7 + (barWidth / 2) - (EngineGetTextWidth(Font_Default, sString) / 2) dY = Y + 31 RenderText Font_Default, sString, dX, dY, White ' exp bar If GetPlayerLevel(MyIndex) < MAX_LEVELS Then BarWidth_GuiEXP_Max = ((GetPlayerExp(MyIndex) / barWidth) / (TNL / barWidth)) * barWidth Else BarWidth_GuiEXP_Max = barWidth End If Directx8.RenderTexture Tex_GUI(15), X + 7, Y + 53, 0, 0, BarWidth_GuiEXP, gTexture(Tex_GUI(15)).Height, BarWidth_GuiEXP, gTexture(Tex_GUI(15)).Height ' render exp If GetPlayerLevel(MyIndex) < MAX_LEVELS Then sString = GetPlayerExp(MyIndex) & "/" & TNL Else sString = "Max Level" End If dX = X + 7 + (barWidth / 2) - (EngineGetTextWidth(Font_Default, sString) / 2) dY = Y + 53 RenderText Font_Default, sString, dX, dY, White End Sub ```
  2. ok a moment i don't use reborn
  3. just render the player face and the player sprite with the gui bars . it's done by every mmorpg so you're not stealing the idea ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  4. Ryo

    New Anime

    Yes naruto shippuuden is great you should watch it! Naruto on the other hand except those combats: Naruto vs sasuke Gaara vs lee. And drunk lee Is just boring.
  5. Ryo

    New Anime

    Seriously no one is talking about **Death Note?** It's THE best anime ever made!
  6. Ryo

    New Anime

    Yes it is, sad they are going to stop it this mounth…
  7. Ryo

    New Anime

    Fairy tail Death note (best anime you ll ever watch) Great teacher onizuka Full metal alchemist brotherhood HunterXhunter
  8. Although i didn't register until 3years ago I knew this forum for years! It was the previous mods and devs that set the example! The community just followed their behaviour… Great to see someone with better judgement ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//wink.png)
  9. > For the first year of Pokemon Cyrus (when they were reaching around 100+ players, and yes, Cyrus was orignally made with Eclipse) they had a server with **4 mb upload < 1**, 2 mb download, and 9 ping, which isn't too too bad next to this one. Its not like Eclipse Games will ever reach around the number of players that Pokemon Cyrus has. the upload is the most important thing for an eclipse server so don't neglect it ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//wink.png) + cyrus server sends extremely less packets per player than any eclipse server!
  10. there is a lot of problems when you run the server and the client on the same Pc, I tested eo though and i couldn't reproduce this.
  11. send me the source in a mp (client+server) i'll debug it for you as soon as i can
  12. change this [background=rgb(248, 248, 248)]' Check for disconnections every 30 second[/background] If Tick > tmr5000 Then For i = 1 To MAX_PLAYERS If GetPlayerVital(i, Vitals.HP) = GetPlayerMaxVital(i, HP) Then If frmServer.Socket(i).State > sckConnected Then Call CloseSocket(i) End If End If Next UpdateMapLogic tmr5000 = GetTickCount + 30000 End If to ' Check for disconnections every half second If Tick > tmr500 Then For i = 1 To MAX_PLAYERS If frmServer.Socket(i).State > sckConnected Then Call CloseSocket(i) End If Next UpdateMapLogic tmr500 = GetTickCount + 500 End If and delete If Tick > ML Then UpdateMapLogic ML = GetTickCount + 300 End If sent from mobile check the synthax.
  13. You re updating maplogic twice every 30seconds and every 0,3sec why?
  14. Ryo

    [EO 2.0/3.0] Guilds

    It would be a bad idea to do that… If you have to, look how teams share exp, It s easy really
  15. Hhhh that made my day XD Anyway on topic, can you please post your serverloop if you changed it(or changed the subs it calls)? so we may help you,
  16. just use lightmaps, easier lighter and the result is way much better :/
  17. Ryo


    Most of the posters do comment there code, It should be enough, What they should explain is not the code itself but how they optimized it, that's the hard part,and I have the impression most of the members are just happy if something run. Everyone should consider their program as a train if one wheel is going at 5km an hour all the train will…
  18. Ryo

    Base D3D8

    Nicely done! Thank you. Will use some of the code in this
  19. Oh well you beat me to it XD did this aleady 1mounth ago I didn t use winetricks though ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//wink.png) Anyway it s a little bit unstable in a mounth i got one error saying out of sockets… Nevertheless I have 4 devs all the time on it and it never crashed so it s worth the trouble. And btw do you have any idea how to start server.exe on startup?
  20. I don't think crystalshire is clean at all … Directx8 is awfully coded in it even robin recognise this,
  21. Ryo

    Website Addon

    I have got an early version of this and it was already epic, Don't consider having a serious website for your game without this.
  22. Or what abhi said if you don't have any vb6 knowledge.
  23. For the scrollbars I always make their max equal to 100 and use it as a percentage of a max value,for exemple max_experience.
  24. Guys You are mistaken long for integer and vice versa… For the overflow I also advice using textbox Because you need precise values, but if you still want to use scrolls, just multiplie the scroll value by 100 or 1000 etc... you ll get big values without overflows. Integer can t be > to 32767 use long For your textbox value...
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