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Everything posted by Slasheree

  1. > Wherever there items are being drawn in game, declare the following variables. > ``` > Dim R As Long, G As Long, B As Long, A As Long > > ``` might want to change these to Byte too :P
  2. if the color and alpha are only 0 to 255 why don't you use a byte for that ?
  3. maybe they're not in the right format ?
  4. no image is sent and 'saved' client-side, all nedded image data is sent to the client and stored in a record, easy
  5. > I'm guessing that is so the other guild members get the same image? I guess you could say that but there's a little trick in it so no image is actually sent to the client at any moment (could be heavy for the packet) ;)
  6. Just wanted to show off 2 awesome features I added to EE in this last update: Warning: Image heavy >! Custom Guild Icon System, instead of having image files randomly assigned like in a thread I saw, I made it so this system accept image files uploaded to the server by the players (founders of the guild) >! >! ![](http://oi62.tinypic.com/1y6b6w.jpg) >! Item Linking to chat, most mmo players will recognize this, Shift+Leftclicking an item in your inventory will 'link' them to your chat, pretty useful to share item information with players (mainly trades and such) >! >! ![](http://oi59.tinypic.com/2rq0vhy.jpg) Tell me what you guys thing ;)
  7. go in vb6, open frmMain, go to the textbox where you write your chat, click once on it to open the properties thing on the right side of vb6, look for 'Max Length' or something like it, it will let you limit the amount of characters you can write in it
  8. in modServerLoop -> Private Sub UpdateMapSpawnItems() find: ``` ' Clear out unnecessary junk For x = 1 To MAX_MAP_ITEMS Call ClearMapItem(x, y) Next ``` replace with this: ``` ' Clear out unnecessary junk For x = 1 To MAX_MAP_ITEMS If MapItem(y, x).despawnTimer < GetTickCount Then Call ClearMapItem(x, y) End If Next ``` the problem is that it is respawning (and also deleting) map items every 5 minutes (LastUpdateMapSpawnItems = GetTickCount + 300000) without checking if the item's time has come.
  9. "the power of Crest compels you"
  10. didn't you forget the red part ? Dim tmpname as String, l as Long for l = 1 to UBound(Command) - 1
  11. >! answering your problem, it's the space in your name that is causing the error: "/setaccess The Raven 4" >! 0 1 2 3 ! when it splits the command string into a string array this engine's code is meant to have the following order: command(0),name(1),access(2) >! and the problem is that in this line: >! ``` >! Call SetPlayerAccess(FindPlayer(Command(1)), CLng(Command(2))) >! ``` it's using Raven as the access level, which you can be certain isn't a number xD >! My solution is (and this was made out of my head, make a backup before trying) >! change: >! ``` >! If FindPlayer(Command(1)) > 0 Then Call SetPlayerAccess(FindPlayer(Command(1)), CLng(Command(2))) >! ``` to: >! ``` >! Dim tmpname as String, l as Long for l = 1 to UBound(Command) - 1 tmpname = tmpname & " " & Trim$(Command(l)) next tmpname = Trim$(tmpname) If FindPlayer(tmpname) > 0 Then Call SetPlayerAccess(FindPlayer(tmpname), CLng(Command(UBound(Command)))) >! ```
  12. I dunno about tutorials, but i'd probably go something like this: 1- Create an array of strings to hold all the titles (client-side) 2- Add '.hasTitle(1 to MAX_TITLES)' to the playerRec (client and server-side) 3- Add ITEM_TYPE_TITLE (client and server, don't forget the item editor), and in the server's 'Sub UseItem()' add the check for that item type and call 'UnlockTitle( playerIndex, titlenum)', titlenum being a value retrieved from the item's data >! ``` >! Sub UnlockTitle( byval index as long, byval titlenum as long ) if titlenum < 1 or titlenum > MAX_TITLES then exit sub if index < 1 or index > MAX_PLAYERS then exit sub >! Player(index).hasTitle(titlenum) = True End Sub >! ``` [EDIT] 4- Add '.selectedTitle' to playerRec 5- on 'Sub DrawPlayerName()' make it draw the player's .selectedTitle
  13. I suggest that you look up what you write about, because you said "This is my review of the _**game**,_ **NOT** it's development team ", yet for example you spoke about TRexx one of our dev team members and you kept arguing about it, so I suggest you rewrite the review to be according to what you said or you just got into a contradiction. (This was supposed to be a game review not a development team review, but anyways check your sources before posting incorrect information). You are partially correct when you say updates are a rarity, but that is because we are still optimizing the engine to fix bugs that happen once in a while, I don't think there's the need to spam the changelog with internal engine information like those. Anyways, keep up the good work with the reviewing thing :) Side-Note: >! > (And just maybe he could credit the work he's using…) >! I still don't see my name on your credits list, when you are using my wings: >! >! ![](http://oi57.tinypic.com/24o3xae.jpg) >! as for EE's crediting, I was the one who made the initial 'image' of the credits section (yes, that's not a textbox), that will be updated when EE is close to becoming a finished product, in which the credits will be corrected accordingly.
  14. > *This is my review of the _**game**,_ **NOT** it's development team > * I laughed :)
  15. sorry Kibbelz, he's the one who started… :\ you should edit Skyward's also then, accusing someone of theft it's serious, and in this case it's even a false statement
  16. Kajamaz - Hit, average-good mapper (like his style), hell of a multitasker at EverEmber, very good 'leadership' skill Sherwin - Hit, starts various things from his 'scratch engine' and ends up making amazing things, very good person ^_^ ValentineBr - Hit, very good at catching bugs (didn't actually work with him) Seb - Hit~Miss, average pixel-artist, is a good moderator although he messed up a bit at a certain time in EE DarkDino - Hit, very friendly, asked me to help him with some programming, and now he's making some cool systems for his game TheDoug - Hit, helped me test some important things to make EE's Engine more stable against hackers (yeah… unfortunatelly even Eclipse based games have hackers... (at least the online and 'good' ones)) And just because I don't want to be only hits, SkywardRiver - Miss - [Deleted by Slasheree] Lovely~ - tótó
  17. Forgot to put an example, here's a link for the one I made in dx7: [LINK](http://imgur.com/a/p5qgl#1)
  18. I'm guessing anyone who knows dx7 or dx8 around here can do that [EDIT] Answering your question, Yes (I know :))
  19. > I was more confused than anything… I guess it's because portuguese have that saying "meia palavra basta para bom entendedor"
  20. >! ![](http://funny.picturesklix.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Funny-Photos6.jpg)
  21. Slasheree

    City Gfx

    [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCQ-Nbinx78](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCQ-Nbinx78) :P
  22. Slasheree

    City Gfx

    another dayz kinda feel thing around eclipse, it's a conspiracy !!! xD [EDIT] Looks good :)
  23. Just showing off a very basic program I made today that can encrypt an image file (works with any file though, but I made it to encrypt the image.png for demonstration) (Encrypted file has .enc extension) [Download](https://mega.co.nz/#!LZpWFa7B!Yge8GVvFUg-U5wOZE3tbEB7tVchmFnrmw9leEwFVMZ0) Side notes: This program was inspired by the recent 'Graphics protection' post :P This program was not made to compress files, only encrypt them.
  24. if anyone is making I'd advise using a dx8 engine, for fog and ambience :x and if anyone needs help programming… *cough* *cough*
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