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  1. For scripting I'm planning on using Javascript via [Rhino](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Rhino) (which is built into JavaSE 6)
  2. > Was bored today so I decided to play around a little with the java engine. I added back in WASD movement (although I screwed it up twice this time at first lol) and added in a little admin panel. The admin panel right now only has three buttons. One to change your name, one to boot a player and another to close the panel again (The panel also hides if you use Tab just like the chat) or you can. > > When you click on the Set Name or Boot button, a little popup comes in the top left corner of your game screen and your input changes to that box instead of the chat/ You can then type your new name or the name of the player to boot and if you click the send button it sends the command just like if you typed /setname or /boot and then it removes the popup box and changes your input back to the normal chat. There is also a cancel button with the popup box which changed back your input and closes out of the popup. > > You can open the panel by typing /admin (if you are admin rank) and you can close it by either clicking on the close button or typing /admin again. > > Right now admin ranks don't seem to save with the server and I haven't bothered looking into the way accounts are saved yet so I just have it setup to make you admin rank if you type /admin and are not already one. > > ![](http://i50.tinypic.com/33lmbdi.png) > > This is what the admin panel looks like right now and the little popup box for booting someone or changing your name. Nothing fancy, it 's only using text and engine colors right now, no images. Nice! By default SimpleORPG uses a H2 database so to update anything in the database (including admin status) [Download H2](http://www.h2database.com/html/main.html), run it and set the connection string to your SimpleORPG database. > Looking good, are you planning on doing anything with this in the long run? > > What are your goals? I'm planning on adding a lot more while keeping the code simple to read. Here's a list of my immediate goals * Attack system * Basic player and enemy stats * Bigger scrolling maps * Live updates (update the game as the game is running) * Particle system * Lighting effects * Scripting system I'm currently doing some legwork for live updates by moving maps into the database and allowing them to be updated based on their version compared to the client. I'm also building in some simple editors for enemies which is easier than editing directly from the database.
  3. Looks really good. Thanks for releasing.
  4. I'm not planning on adding encrypted image files in the client. Simple ORPG will remain open source (your engine doesn't have to be). If Simple ORPG encrypts graphics it also has to decrypt graphics meaning everyone who wants to steal your graphics will know how the decryption algorithm works and can brute force the key.
  5. Thanks I'm looking forward to seeing what you make. I'm going to start adding live editors into the client. Specifically enemy and map editors. When you type /edit map it will open the current map in tiled, when you save the map it will commit the update to the server & send an update to everyone else on the map. Maps will be saved in the database and cached on the client. Enemies aren't really completed, I'm going to add onto them (and combat) after I create the live editors.
  6. Relatively large update today. * Build process is vastly improved. Checkout [my github](https://github.com/coxry/SimpleOrpg) for detailed build instructions. * I added Jenkins continuous integration to my GitHub master branch * Enemy spawn points can now be added in via tiled ![](http://i.imgur.com/FkLAh.png) ![](http://i.imgur.com/xngle.png) Download the latest snapshot to test [Server SNAPSHOT-1.0]( [Client SNAPSHOT-1.0]( *Note* To run the server/client click run.bat
  7. Thanks! I've been working on the build/deploy process over the past week. I moved over to Maven, which allows me to easily create and deploy an executable that works on all systems. I'm currently creating a repository of Maven builds which should be done in a couple of days. I'm also working on documenting how to build everything (git repo ; mvn clean install) and looking into continuous integration.
  8. I added a couple more things today.. * Admin access defined in the database * A few admin commands like /boot and /setname (login to my [test server]( & try them) * Update server can be hosted on a different machine as defined in the client.properties * Tested & confirmed working on a 32 bit image of Ubuntu, 64 bit Windows and 64 bit OSX EDIT: Also your sprite is now set to either a bunny or penguin [![](http://i.imgur.com/tuJbVl.png)](http://i.imgur.com/tuJbV.png)
  9. Hey I just made a pretty cool update. I embedded a jetty file server in the server.jar and built an updater in the client. To initiate an update all you have to do is modify a file on the server. You don't have to setup a separate web server for updating resources (such as graphics) it all just works magically when you modify files in the resources folder on the server. ![](http://i.imgur.com/QNrxH.png) Also the client is down to one jar / JNLP. It no longer requires anything to run!
  10. You can generate a certificate and sign your own ActiveX controls using makecert.
  11. It won't work in most modern web browsers by default because ActiveX sucks.
  12. @clark: > If someone Use a SQL injector , wouldn't that destroy the database ? or make him able to modify anything inside ? Make your nickname '; DROP TABLE USERS; and your database is destroyed.. Unless your limiting the nickname in some way earlier in the server code to not allow ' or ; you may want to think before implementing this.
  13. I have a new build. * H2 Database is now used by default. MySQL will work by editing the connection string in server.properties. * Fixed The Alpha's bug * Client is now a JNLP and will work on all platforms without modification
  14. Minor server update today. Also I graduated from college! * Passwords are now individually salted and hashed with SHA-256 1000 times * The created field now displays a timestamp * Fixed a bug with bad database connections corrupting the entire pool Here's the SQL needed to create the necessary tables. >! ``` delimiter $$ >! CREATE TABLE `players` ( `playerid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `playername` varchar(45) NOT NULL, `x` int(11) NOT NULL, `y` int(11) NOT NULL, `mapref` varchar(45) NOT NULL, `spriteref` varchar(45) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`playerid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=32 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8$$ >! CREATE TABLE `userplayers` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `username` varchar(45) NOT NULL, `playerid` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=31 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8$$ >! CREATE TABLE `users` ( `username` varchar(45) NOT NULL, `password` varchar(256) NOT NULL, `salt` varchar(16) DEFAULT NULL, `created` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`username`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8$$ >! ``` As always, test on the latest server (accounts have been reset). **Update 6/9/2012** * Cleaned up login screen * Added new account button * Added a couple commands (/fps and /b ) * You can now tab between username and password Download the latest client to test out these updates. edit: I forgot to include resources.xml in the latest build causing it to not work. It's in there now.
  15. I worked on it a lot today and there is a new client build. To login to my server, choose a username that hasn't been used before and it will automatically create a player for you. You can then walk around, chat, exit and your player will be saved in the same location with the same name and sprite. There will be a server build in the future, I want it to work with an emedded database that automatically creates tables on first run so that you just have to click run-server.bat to run. If you're feeling adventurous the server code is on [github](http://www.github.com/coxry/simpleorpg) under my login branch the tables are: ``` simpleorpg users: username, password, created userplayers: id, username, playerid players: playerid, playername, x, y, mapref, spriteref ```
  16. Thanks for the comments. The code is really great and modular which allows me to update/fix things easily. I think this is rapidly becoming a great project. I'll have a lot more time to devote soon, which should further it's awesomeness. I got a lot done today. Expect a new release soon. * Moved the client over to a state based system * Created password text field * Created a fixed size database pool * New user creation creates the appropriate entries in the database * Logging in checks to make sure the user has the correct password * In use user database flag gets set and checked * Flexible database schema allows for multiple players per user * Added database connection URL to server.properties * Fixed / and / bug * Changed startmap=map to startlocation=map,x,y There are two branches on GitHub, login and master.. If you checkout the master branch it contains the last two updates. I have a little bit more to do, like salt the passwords. Currently I'm testing on a MySQL database. I want the server to be able to run without any configuration, which means it will work with embedded databases too.
  17. @Ertzel I tried your fork out, it works well. The / bug you described will be fixed in my next push. I'm currently finishing up finals. One of my final projects is in an IT elective called client side web development where we have to design a site with certain requirements. I decided to kill two birds with one stone and create the Simple ORPG site. [Here]( is the initial version I made tonight (only news and screenshots works). Any suggestions? Also I have been working on the login system. It's coming along slowly.
  18. Cool, very nice. It would be good if you could get that up on github, so everyone can pull your repo and see the change. Currently I'm working on the login and character creation system. I want it to be correct structurally and easy to understand. It's difficult to write because it was not part of my initial 24 hour design. My goal is to have it all done by Tuesday.
  19. Hah yes. Thank you XKCD. Alright [here's the latest build](http://www.raymondcox.net/simple-orpg-win.zip) for Windows (for [mac](http://www.raymondcox.net/simple-orpg-mac.zip)). I'm including the server in this build.. To run it just double click run-server.bat. If you have a cool server post the link to download. * Fixed a bug where if you were at the bottom part of a map without an exit you would freeze * Added an entry for startmap in server.properties * PropertiesLoader.java now lazily loads properties * Added a BSD License * Moved shared package to common * Added in some new maps that aren't quite ready yet and fixed the tavern map * Fixed a bug in resource factory where not all resource refs were case insensitive
  20. Saying that Java isn't hard reminded me of this ![](http://www.ninisworld.com/oddsends/justforfun/funpicts/realprogrammers.jpg) Programming in any language is equally hard. I have an A* algorithm, the syntax will be different in 4 different languages but the algorithm is the same. The algorithm is what's difficult, not programming. Knowing how to program in any language is just memorizing syntax. Different languages have different advantages which is reason to choose one over the other. I choose Java because * It's portable. Unlike C it's [WORA](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Write_once,_run_anywhere) and unlike .NET it is supported on other OS's * It's fast. I'm using JNI to call native OpenGL libraries * I can produce great readable code with it I have yet another small update today. I added a server.properties file and a /send command which will send a raw message. For example to broadcast you could type /send CHAT:BROADCAST,hello world!. I added this to try & break/test the server with client input. It's not in the latest build but I will be building tomorrow. Bigger updates are coming as soon as I have time.
  21. @Ertzel: > The /broadcast looks good. I tested it on all the maps and it seems to have no bugs in it. Also I don't know when the /who was put in (never noticed it until now) but I like that little feature in there and it seems to work perfectly also. Good to know, glad you got it to build. @lexkymbeth: > Love this :P need a little help compelling.. I can run it in debug but when i build the jar file for the client it looks nothing like the pre-made one ;/ server ownly works in debug also :P help? Building is a bit of a pain right now, I plan on creating ant scripts soon.. So if you want to wait a week before you start building the process will be much easier. I also plan on using [JNLP](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Web_Start) in the future. **To build the server** * Export it as a runnable jar with the resources on the outside * Open it with winzip deleting out any client entries * java -jar from the console to start the server **To build the client** * Export it as a runnable jar with the resources on the outside * Use [JarSplice](http://ninjacave.com/jarsplice) to add in natives * Open it with winzip deleting out any server entries * java -jar from the console to start the client @Harris: > I have been playing around with LWJGL/Slick recently. Would it be okay for me to use your source as a reference on a similar project of mine? I've been looking for something like this for a while. Go right ahead. The more people looking/experimenting with this engine the better it will become. I'm going to add a [BSD](http://pthree.org/2007/08/08/bsd-license-explained-in-layman-terms/) license to my code soon which just means you cannot use me to promote your derivative versions without consent. You can still create binaries without having to release source code, and you can still maintain your own versions of the source.
  22. Just to let you guys know, I'm currently in Boston on business so I have been unable to work on it much. Things will pick up this upcoming week after Monday. That being said, I completed a small update today where I added /broadcast cleaned up the input system commands and made the logging in the server more standardized. There is no new build because I don't have my PC and cannot thoroughly test. If you checkout my [Github](https://github.com/coxry/SimpleOrpg) you can see exactly what I changed.
  23. Nice. I challenged myself last Saturday to build an engine in a day, and it really jump started my project. Good luck! Post lots of updates.
  24. Good. Thanks for testing. Today's update is another small one. I added two commands /setname and /who I also fixed all project warnings. >! [![](http://i.imgur.com/WGnXMl.png)](http://i.imgur.com/WGnXM.png) Once again, it's all online just download the latest client. I'm going to start working on the database and data persistance during my flight to Boston tomorrow. Unfortunately I won't have much time this weekend :(
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