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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. sot then how would you be hosting it?
  2. wow thats awesome….
  3. using hamachi? or what?
  4. Jeff

    Ode to Mangoes

    How I don't fail my poetry assignments: I use descriptive words. Descriptive words are really easy to use, and its easy to just look in a thesaurus(Or online I would think) and find better sounding synonyms. I'm not really a fan of rhyming either.
  5. West Coast–Coconut Records =D
  6. Hello, I am Jeff owner of Shadow of Lynthia. I need a GFX artist specifically for sprites and tilesheets. If you are interested, Please look here at my WIP: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,52044.0.html If you are too lazy, I will provide more information here Still Already Part of the team:Jeff(Maps, General game content), Urame(Scripts, Item images, Advice) Shadow of Lynthia takes place in the middle ages. If you want more Info, Just PM me.
  7. Jeff

    Cake Versus Pie

    Well, In math, 3.14 is the most widely accepted number for pi. Or at least people who eat pie say its 3.14. Some of you people who eat cake get Pi confused and round it to 4… Another reason Pie is superior.
  8. Jeff

    Cake Versus Pie

    Renzo is right. Pi and Pie are the same thing… Or at least as similar as your apple cakes are to your chocolate cakes.
  9. Jeff

    Cake Versus Pie

    Pie is kinda important. Without it, we couldn't find the circumference of a circle!!! Is there a number called 'cake'? No. Its obvious pie is superior. ![](http://scienceblogs.com/startswithabang/upload/2010/03/weekend_diversion_happy_pi_day/pie.jpg) BAM! 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679 8214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196 4428810975665933446128475648233786783165271201909145648566923460348610454326648213393607260249141273 724587006606315588174881520920962829254091715364367892590360011330530548820466521384146951941511609… Cake can never be so awesome...
  10. Jeff

    Cake Versus Pie

    Its pretty Obvious Pie wins. Can you have cake that has pudding in it? Can you have a cake that has Pears in it? Can you have a cake with MUD in it???
  11. Jeff

    MIDI music Problem

    Same thing happens, I am also using stable.
  12. oh… Well i thought the tileset was original. It loses some points in my book... but still, looks pretty good...
  13. I have a very different problem with my GUI. I can't GET inspiration xD. Everything looks amazing, but is the tileset original?
  14. Jeff

    EE.2.7 to Stable

    I have also noticed that there aren't music files that work… I just got around that by NOT using music =D. It would be nice if I could have music though...
  15. Try IP chicken: http://www.ipchicken.com/ it will tell u ur IP… if you even need to know your IP. Hope I helped =D
  16. Jeff

    Do i need direct X 7?

    nvm, i fixed it and directx had nothing to do with it. I just saved a tileset in 24-bit instead of 8-bit.
  17. do you have a WIP already? if so, you should link to it from here. Also, you should probably include more info on what the admin/moderator would do…. Just suggesting, hope I help =D
  18. Jeff

    Do i need direct X 7?

    I am currently running eclipse stable(i believe the latest version) and I keep getting error 53 "file not found". It tells me to download Direct X 7, but im running XP and I don't think its available. I'm pretty sure I have all the files in the folder and they're saved correctly. Any ideas on what i should do?
  19. Odd. I think I experienced that once too, but I dont remember how i fixed it. Maybe his keyboard is broken? would it have something to do with a full inventory or him not being able to do damage at all, like if the enemy has more defense than his strength?
  20. Very helpful! thank you good marsh for compiling the list =D
  21. I am not entirely sure how they work, but to change them open ur server folder. In it there is a file called 'data.ini' (it just shows up as data on the screen) with a little notepad next to a gear. Scroll down until u find these entries: Classes=1 Stat1=Strength Stat2=Defense Stat3=Speed Stat4=Magic classes has nothing to do with it, but u can change the names of all the stats if you want. to change what they do, go to the file called stats (also in the server folder). There, you can change what they do to an extent ( such as how much HP, MP and SP they give per level). Hope this helped =D
  22. Lately i've been contemplating ways to constantly keep stuff on the internet but where i can only access it….. and the best thing i've come up with is just emailing it to urself :) lol
  23. wow nice! Definitely great graphics. 8/10
  24. Jeff

    The Game

    I play!!! and i lose!!!
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