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Server Selection


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**hi all, this day I have an idea in my head that I wanted to share with you, and I hope that I can understand, because my English is bad XD, the idea is to select a server to play, I've done several tests, run 2 or 3 servers on the PC, and it is possible using the same IP but changing the ports, so I come to you my lords geniuses I'm not script editor and I have no head for that.**

**I bring this example:**


**as I mentioned, running 2 or 3 servers in the PC game, with different ports, if the player select the button register the user**

**can not register an account until they select the server once you already selected it over write the file named config.ini and the player will register an account**


**making port changes so they can play on the selected server**


**I arose this idea because i donth know how many players can enter each server**

**I hope it can be possible and win me some credits for the idea XD**
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This idea is rather easy to do. The obvious benefit is having more room for players to play. However, what you could do is host different servers for different game-types. An example that comes to mind is the old Runescape PVP worlds.
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> This idea is rather easy to do. The obvious benefit is having more room for players to play.

yes taths the idea to get more room, but it would be too much to ask if you help me with this idea

o come on u guys i try to think big and not just be a dreamer
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> o come on u guys i try to think big and not just be a dreamer

There's nothing wrong with thinking big, but I've yet to see a game built off of this engine that has an active player base of over 100 users.

> yes taths the idea to get more room, but it would be too much to ask if you help me with this idea

Look in the source for how values are loaded and saved to and from the config.ini. Then add in the ports for the number of extra servers you want. You might want to add some code that makes sure that the player isn't on another server though.
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I'm not sure if I understand fully. You wish to make it so that when a player starts the client he chooses a server and that changes the port in the Config file. This will require some scripting but not much I think though I'm not sure if changing info affects the client once started. (like when you edit your graphics and nothing happens till you restart your client.)
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> I'm not sure if I understand fully. You wish to make it so that when a player starts the client he chooses a server and that changes the port in the Config file. This will require some scripting but not much I think though I'm not sure if changing info affects the client once started. (like when you edit your graphics and nothing happens till you restart your client.)

More likely, he wants several IP/ports in the config ini and a GUI-enhanced option to choose between them.

The biggest issue I see here is with transferring data between servers. As is stands, the client only communicates with the server and the server to the client. You'll end up needing a metaserver to transfer data between the servers - like admin edits and character stats.
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> **if the player select the button register the user**
> **can not register an account until they select the server once you already selected it over write the file named config.ini and the player will register an account**

I think he means that all info is stored on a specific server depending on which one you choose so you can't change servers. No metaserver required… except for the admin edits. Can anyone confirm?
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