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Everything posted by Clueless

  1. 79\. because it knows the difference between a newb and a noob P.S. Roobin is British?
  2. I got the picture box size to change ``` Private Sub MainPic_Change() If Form3.Height > MainPic.Height Then MainPic.Height = Form3.Height End If If Form3.Width > MainPic.Width Then Form3.Width = MainPic.Width End If End Sub ``` but now this doesn't have it's effect after the picturebox has changed it's size (it's supposed to scale picture to fit picture box but only scales to fit old picture box size). ``` Private Sub MainPic_Paint() Dim Pic As Picture MainPic.AutoRedraw = True 'Here or in Properties Window Set Pic = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\Src\My Pictures\9.bmp") MainPic.PaintPicture Pic, 0, 0, MainPic.ScaleWidth, MainPic.ScaleHeight Set MainPic.Picture = MainPic.Image End Sub ``` PS how do I change where this thread is to questions and answers?
  3. I made the Form maximized and borderless so it look full screen but I also want the commands, pictureboxes etc. to increase in size according to new form. Size any ideas?
  4. Hello ![:P](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png) DrSean?
  5. > I used to be what I am now, a noob. Describes my present, past and future ![:P](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  6. Clueless

    Delete pls

    I mean if the target moves. Will the projectile change course? Or move until it hit something/reached range
  7. Clueless


    Here's a tut to change spawn point from class.ini [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/123200-set-spawn-from-classini/](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/123200-set-spawn-from-classini/)
  8. Clueless

    Delete pls

    If a player were to move before impact would the spell then 'miss'?
  9. > **if the player select the button register the user** > > **can not register an account until they select the server once you already selected it over write the file named config.ini and the player will register an account** I think he means that all info is stored on a specific server depending on which one you choose so you can't change servers. No metaserver required… except for the admin edits. Can anyone confirm?
  10. Clueless

    Tileset error

    Are you sure the error is related to your tilesets or did this happen after you changed something in your source.
  11. I'm not sure if I understand fully. You wish to make it so that when a player starts the client he chooses a server and that changes the port in the Config file. This will require some scripting but not much I think though I'm not sure if changing info affects the client once started. (like when you edit your graphics and nothing happens till you restart your client.)
  12. Then what do If I need to use this?
  13. Hi, I think the link is broken. It sends me to the forum page > This tutorial is required [http://www.touchofde…ic,78666.0.html](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,78666.0.html)
  14. Clueless


    thanx. Can I get one of a boy and a girl by their selves the unisex does work but the armour looks weird with it
  15. i think the next number should be 6 if it weren't for moderators
  16. I get the same error as him >! @Tahnner: >! > Every time i try to compile server.exe it says something is wrong with anim > > ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/eae651de9d4f8a2398a4fc8a8e16b05d.bmp)
  17. Clueless


    Can I pls have sprites of a little boy and another of a little girl for EO? :cheesy: :star: Thanks :star:
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