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Compile Your Client (no editing by users)


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You can compile your client using this utility and it will still work perfectly the same for your members/users!

This utility will place all of your files into a single .exe file for executing

It will make it so they can't access and change any of the files inside the client folder because it will be one single file

I have tested the program and it works perfectly the only thing that it stops is auto-login and password saving unless you keep the config file outside of the client.exe

Here is the link to the file for download:


Here is a video showing that it works:


ALSO IMPORTANT: You MUST keep the maps folder outside of this comiling or when you edit a map in the game you get an error message 75 each time you attempt to enter after a map has been edited!
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no this is not an install creator this is an executable file that you can use right away and it compresses the folder into one file to use instead of having a ton of accessable files in your client folder you will have one executable file that you click on to use your client so your users of ur game cant access the GFX, GUI, Music, SFX and so on…
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Why would you want that? You wouldn't be able to play your game because client.exe wouldn't be able to access any of the files because they're all compiled into a .exe file.
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You could've included all this in your original thread, you do realize, instead of having to confuse me like that.

And no thanks to the download offer, although I'm sure others would find it useful. Cool find.
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actually it doesn't lol thats what you would think but its all in the one file with a sort of password that the new app knows so basically its just a folder with a password on it that can access all the files from one with no temporary directories involved and why are you always so negative anyways?
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This application is actually useless.

Compress a ZIP file. Everybody who knows how to decompress it, simply knows how to gain the data. This is rather easy as it is a public compression and because compressions aren't meant for securing data but making it smaller, hence compression.

So now take an PE or COFF file. These files allow "resources". In fact, this just is an additional .data segment into your PE or COFF file. Meaning anybody who knows how to handle a PE or COFF file knows how to get the .data segment out of your PE or COFF file. Even if this person only knows how to handle the actual .text, .data and .bss segments of your PE or COFF file, he or she will still be able to find out how to get the .data segment for resources.

What has this to do with Windows executables? A lot.

This only shows that if you combine data with an executable that people still will be able to get the data and the executable separated. This means, your combination will be useless. Compression makes it unreadable? It doesn't. Unless it's some compression you made yourself or some private compression it will be readable.

Anyway, how would an executable get access to this data? Well there are two possibilities. The first one is, that the executable and the data get separated and that there are in fact temporary files. The other possibility might be that this application just changes your executable to use resources. This will lead to pure memory reading of your data. This also means that your executable won't be able to write as memory is temporary. Writing to the temporary files? Also a lost change, it works like a CD or DVD. This is simply useless.

Encryption! Very great, but encryption usually increments the size, it doesn't decrement the size. Again try, take two encryptions, I'll take AES and RSA. Both are encryptions but one is symmetric, the other is asymmetric. Now what's the difference? Well lets take a closer look to see.

Symmetric encryption uses one key for both encryption and decryption. Asymmetric encryption, instead has a key for encryption and a key for decryption. This means if you have one key you can't get the data either encrypted or decrypted depending on the key you have.

Well, now what? Lets encrypt our data. Symmetric encryption must allow RW-access for our executable at least if the temporary files get saved again, which they again might not. But everybody can get the data, as the key is delivered with the data segment of our complete file. Asymmetric encryption only either allows R-access or W-access. This means that the executable can only do one thing unless it has both keys, in that case the encryption gets useless. But even then, both encryptions are useless and pointless.

It is a fact, then, that your new file, with both the executable and data, is far from safe. Do you think nobody will try to find out why your executable is over 50MB? If you think that, then you're thinking wrong.

This application has no point, no use and is a waste of time or maybe, you hid the right purpose. But I wonder what that may be, then. This will not protect your data, at all.

Regards, Godlord.
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Well said.

But i dont really agree with the first part.@Godlord:

> Do you think nobody will try to find out why your executable is over 50MB? If you think that, then you're thinking wrong.
> Regards, Godlord.

No, I dont think a common player would actually want to find out.
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> Well said.
> But i dont really agree with the first part.
> No, I dont think a common player would actually want to find out.

Then you're thinking wrong. Most executables aren't over 20MB. People who concern about space would really bother thinking why an executable would be that big when it is not an installer.

Regards, Godlord.
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> No.
> i know people who wouldn't bother about file sizes.
> Take your coomon noob for example. He downlaods the game, and when he sees an executable, he runs it.

And I know people who actually do.

Your common noob example is wrong.

A common noob downloads it, then he or she "scans" it with some "anti-virus" software and then executes it if the "anti-virus" doesn't claim it contains a virus.

Regards, Godlord.
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> And I know people who actually do.
> Your common noob example is wrong.
> A common noob downloads it, then he or she "scans" it with some "anti-virus" software and then executes it if the "anti-virus" doesn't claim it contains a virus.
> Regards, Godlord.

precisely, yet, he/she/it doesn't heck the file size, just scans the executable, then runs it.
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Those who don't concern about filesize don't. Anyway there are people who do which again can spread it around how to get the data of your executable once they found out what you exactly did so again whether the user doesn't concern about it or not is pretty pointless to discuss, you can better discuss is there are such people and yes there are so yes your game wouldn't be really safe. Even people who don't concern about filesize will try to hack your game if they have a bad mind.

Regards, Godlord.
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You had already established the fact that this was a rather useless program, and I didnt disagree with on that.

That being already finished however, I just commented on the fact that most people dont really look at an excutable file size.
Total file size, yeah, but most people dont get real down and dirty into the file to check the .exe.
They may check total download size, but then they just use the shortcut it automatically installs on the desktop.
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Well I'm not a man of short cuts though, if I had to short cut everything I needed on a daily base I would require over 1 desktop.

They don't check the executable if it's not that big, but ever zipped up an Eclipse client? It's rather big and something like 50MB (it will probably reach 100MB, depending on all your stuff) is like I said not usual for an executable that is not an installer.

Regards, Godlord.
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wtf you guys i never said it was for protecting files… or maybe i did but its more for having an easy access for your members and users not for protecting files it just makes it easier for it and it makes the files smaller or whatevr but ya idk why its such a big deal and if you look this has high quality encryption... i think... idk but it works for me i just wanted to see if anyone else wanted to try it out it works perfect for me and now one wants to steal my files or knows how to this way that i know of anyways... but whatevr u say godlord cause im sure you know everything but whatevr it works for me and thats all i care about
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> This could be useful, so people don't steal your GFX files


> exactly lol :) thats what i thought
> i was just amazed it worked with the client so well

> Topic: Compile Your Client **(no editing by users)**


> You can compile your client using this utility and it will still work perfectly the same for your members/users!
> This utility will place all of your files into a single .exe file for executing
> **It will make it so they can't access and change any of the files inside the client folder because it will be one single file**
> I have tested the program and it works perfectly the only thing that it stops is auto-login and password saving unless you keep the config file outside of the client.exe
> Here is the link to the file for download:
> http://rapidshare.com/files/135705310/setup.exe.html
> Here is a video showing that it works:
> http://masterlegit.googlepages.com/Proof.swf
> ALSO IMPORTANT: You MUST keep the maps folder outside of this comiling or when you edit a map in the game you get an error message 75 each time you attempt to enter after a map has been edited!

No we are not talking about protecting the files but about the weather…

"high quality encryption"
I already pointed out that aswell symmetric aswell as asymmetric encryption is useless.

Please read...

Regards, Godlord.
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