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RP - Club Eclipse


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*He groans slightly, waves of pain aching through his chest.  Slipping a hand underneath the vest, a painful sigh of relief escapes him as he finds none of the rounds went through.  As fire continues to spew throughout the room, most of it darkened, he gropes around on the floor, searching for his weapon.
Hands coming up empty, he mutters another curse, having a deep library of them.  His eyes slowly grow accustomed to the darkness, and he picks up a nearby pool stick, scanning the gloom for his enemies*
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* Bone continues lurching forward, the musty light shining in from windows is hardly enough to see what your about to stumble into. Bone lurches forward… and hears some incomprehensible words uttered in the darkness. the Doctor? Or one of the two others present.

Never underestimating an opponent, Bone assumes that it is the Doctor, and advances carefully forward.
He sees the reflection of light against someones eyes, points his gun hurridly and pulls back on the trigger.
-Bang- (ooc : wow what a wimpy gun sound) *
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*After a close call with a flashlight, He resumes his place in the chandelier with his night vision scope and quickly locates his enemies before making an elaborate plan to eliminate sources of all light*

-Five restless minutes pass…-

*He decides to use his scope and aim nefariously at the center of any light source....He takes aim and disables one flashlight, then sees an automatic burst of light out the corner of his eye...Too bright to be a flashlight...and too far away to be identified*
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*Finally finding his gun he throws his flash light inside. turned off. Unable to see anything in the pitch black darkness he tries to grope his way to the front door. Upon reaching the door he silently walks in. Closing the door behind him. Now standing motionless up against the door, he watches and waits for any sort of movement. Hardly even taking a breath.*
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> *Finally finding his gun he throws his flash light inside. turned off. Unable to see anything in the pitch black darkness he tries to grope his way to the front door. Upon reaching the door he silently walks in. Closing the door behind him. Now standing motionless up against the door, he watches and waits for any sort of movement. Hardly even taking a breath.*

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*After going to the hospital and forgetting why he went there xeross decides to steal a bike after a while of searching in the dark night he found one in an ally, making sure that nobody sees him he takes an iron saw and saws through the steel of the lock with it, after doing this he tries to get on the bike but as soon as he sits down on the saddle he notices the wheels are gone *
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*Noticing the flash of light was headlights from a taxi, he slowly loses his guard thinking everyone must be hiding…BAM! A bullet was fired and the bullet landed 5 inches away from his head, a little disturbed but not exactly frightened he regains his guard and lies low on the floor searching for movement with his night vision scope.*
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*Darkniz spots a figure in the dark with his scope, he slowly aims for the head and BAM! a straight away shot but…Whats this? It was a dummy? Oh dear it seems he may have been set up in a trap and could have been spotted by all of his enemies. The echo of his gun shot was still going around so he took that time as value and found a mighty hole in the wall to hide in...wonder whos gun did that...*
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