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HUGE List of Resources


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**Originally Posted by "Panda" at wayofthepixel.net**
(edited to fit with touchofdeathforums)

Here is a collection of various links that will probably come in handy from time to time.
Please refer to this thread before requesting help finding a link or choosing a program, because chances are your answer is on this thread.
If you are willing to share anything, don't hesitate and post it here, but remember, illegal software or similar items are strictly forbidden.
Eclipse is not responsible for any content on the external links, so click at your own risk.


**- Pixelling tools -**

* **Cosmigo ProMotion** - http://cosmigo.com/promotion/index.php - win
* **GraphicsGale** - http://www.humanbalance.net/gale/us/ - free - win
* **GIMP** - http://www.gimp.org/ - free - win / mac / unix
* **Adobe Photoshop** - http://www.adobe.com/ - win / mac
* **Paint Shop Pro** - http://www.corel.com/ - win
* **PD Pro Digital Painter** - http://www.squirreldome.com/cyberop.htm - free - win
* **Ultimate Paint** -  http://www.ultimatepaint.com/ - free - win
* **PixelStudio** - http://pixelstudio.virtualuna.de/ - free - win
* **Paint.NET** - http://www.getpaint.net/index2.html - free - win
* **Allegro Sprite Editor** -  http://ase.sourceforge.net/ - free - win
* **Timanthes (c64)**  - http://noname.c64.org/csdb/release/?id=30789 - free - win
* **GangEd (c64)** - http://www.thegang.nu/releases.php?year=2005&type=4 - free - win
* **ProjectOne (c64)** - http://noname.c64.org/csdb/release/?id=39261 - free - win
* **GraFX 2 Win32** - http://www.eclipse-game.com/?dat=7 - free - win
* **Pixen** - http://opensword.org/pixen/ - free - mac
* **Iconographer** - http://www.mscape.com/products/iconographer.html - mac
* **JDraw** - http://www.j-domain.de/homepage.php?page=20 - free - java
* **Gpaint** - http://sourceforge.net/projects/gpaint - free - unix
* **XPaint** - http://sourceforge.net/projects/sf-xpaint - free - mac / unix
* **KDE Icon Editor** - http://w1.1358.telia.com/~u135800018/prog.html - free - unix
* **mtPaint** - http://mtpaint.sourceforge.net/ - free - win / unix
* **Rendera** - http://www.rendera.net/ - free - win
* **Photobie** - http://www.photobie.com/ - free - win

**- Other utilities -**

* **UnFREEZ** - http://www.whitsoftdev.com/unfreez/ - free: - win
* **Irfan View** - http://www.irfanview.com/ - free - win
* **Take ONE** - http://www.take1.de/ - free - win
* **XnView** - http://www.xnview.com/ - free - win / mac / unix
* **Easy Graphic Converter** - http://www.etrusoft.com/graphic-converter/ - free - win
* **Graphic Converter** - http://www.lemkesoft.com/ - mac
* **GIFBuilder** - http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/235 - free - mac
* **EZToon** - http://www.superfundungeonrun.com/easytoon/ - free - win
* **ArtRage** - http://www.ambientdesign.com/artrage.html - free - win / mac
* **Bitmap Font Writer** - http://www.stefan-pettersson.nu/site/bmpfont/ - win
* **Toolkit** - http://www.toolkitzone.com/toolkit.php?downloads - free  - win
* **Clickteam tools** - http://www.clickteam.com/eng/index.php - win
* **Game Maker** - http://www.gamemaker.nl/ - free - win
* **SCI Studio** - http://www.bripro.com/scistudio/index.php - free - win
* **Mobile Game Dev Tools** - http://mgdc.ru/board/showthread.php?t=391  - free
* **ColorCop** - http://www.oudje.nl/lessen/colorcop/colorcop.htm - free - win
* **GIF Movie Gear** - http://www.gamani.com/gmgdown.htm - win
* **Giffy** - http://www.brothersoft.com/graphics_design/gif_tools/giffy_16084.html - free - win
* **Crossover** - http://www.codeweavers.com/products/ - mac
* **Darwine** - http://darwine.sourceforge.net/index.php - mac
* **sfxr (Sound Generation System)** - http://www.imitationpickles.org/ludum/2007/12/13/sfxr-sound-effects-for-all/ - free - win / unix
* **IS-CGB-Character** - http://www.intsys.co.jp/tools/cgb/character/download.html - free
* **Tile Set Maker** - http://www.geocities.com/kzsite2/TileSetMaker3BETA.zip - free - win
* **Pixel Checker** - http://www.pixeljoint.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=6242 - free - win
* **MiniColorPicker** - http://www.daantje.nl/gpl-projects/minicolorpicker/ - free - win / unix

**Tutorials and References**

**- Pixel art tutorials -**

* **Tsugumo** - http://www.bigbluebubble.com/pixeltutorial/ - [[Mirror]](http://www.geocities.com/skulkraken2002/)
* **St0ven** - http://www.spriteart.com - [[Mirror]](http://www.geocities.com/skulkraken2002/)
* **St0ven's Background Art Tutorials** - [Part 1](http://steve.neonstar.net/mini_background1.htm) - [Part 2](http://steve.neonstar.net/mini_background2.htm) - [Part 3](http://steve.neonstar.net/mini_background3.htm)
* **Zoggles** - http://www.zoggles.co.uk/asp/tutorials.asp?show=index
* **Pixelation's Video Tutorials** - http://www.wayofthepixel.net/pixelation/index.php?topic=2144.0
* **Gas13** - http://gas13.ru/tutorials/
* **Derek Yu** - http://derekyu.com/extras/pixel01.html
* **Matriax** - http://www.matriaxweb.com/tutoriales/tuto.htm
* **Natomic** - http://www.natomic.com/hosted/marks/mpat/
* **Drububu** - http://www.drububu.com/tutorial/index.html
* **RhysD (Iso)** - http://www.pixeltutorial.com/
* **Pixelfreak (Iso)** - http://www.pixelfreak.com/en/tutorial0.html
* **Pixel NascImpact (Iso)** - http://pixel.nascimpact.com/tutoriaux.php
* **FoY Background Tutorial** - http://www.barnettcollege.com/tutorial1.htm
* **Walk animation Tutorial** - http://www.manningkrull.com/pixel_art/tutorials/walking.asp
* **Rich Grilloti Pixeljam Games Article** - [Part 1](http://www.gamedev.net/reference/articles/article2455.asp) - [Part 2](http://www.gamedev.net/reference/articles/article2462.asp) - [Part 3](http://www.gamedev.net/reference/articles/article2466.asp)
* **Alex Hanson White's Beginner Tutorials** - [Part 1](http://www.alexhw.com/pabbc1.pdf) - [Part 2](http://www.alexhw.com/pabbc2.pdf) - [Part 3](http://www.alexhw.com/pabbc3.pdf) - [Part 4](http://www.alexhw.com/pabbc4.pdf) - [Part 5](http://www.alexhw.com/pabbc5.pdf)

**- Various tutorials -**

* **Art Tutorial** - http://www.itchstudios.com/psg/art_tut.htm
* **Grass** - http://www.elverquisst.se/tutorials/grasstut/grasstut.html
* **Light** - http://www.itchy-animation.co.uk/light.htm
* **Coloring Tutorial** - http://www.itchstudios.com/psg/main.php?id=ps55paint
* **Perception and Composition** - http://www.androidblues.com/visualperception.html
* **Animation 1** - http://www.awn.com/tooninstitute/lessonplan/lesson.htm#top
* **Animation 2** - http://www.idleworm.com/how/index.shtml
* **Game Maker Tutorials** - http://www.gamemaker.nl/tutorial.html
* **Creating a font from Scratch** - http://www.iamcal.com/misc/fonts/pixfonttut/part1.php
* **Setting the GIMP for Pixel Art** - http://www.eglug.org/gimpixel
* **Optimizing Tilesheet Layouts** - http://www.elitepigs.de/blog/archives/17

**- Art references -**

* **Anatomy 1** - http://www.figuredrawings.com/linksanatomy.html
* **Anatomy 2** - http://www.vh.org/adult/provider/anatomy/atlasofanatomy/index.html
* **Anatomy 3** - http://www.fineart.sk/
* **Andrew Loomis** - http://www.fineart.sk/index.php?cat=1
* **Preston Blair's Animation Book Part 1** - http://www.animationarchive.org/2006/05/media-preston-blairs-animation-first.html
* **Preston Blair's Animation Book Part 2** - http://www.animationarchive.org/2006/05/media-preston-blairs-animation-1st.html
* **GFX Zone** - http://www.gfxzone.org/frames.html
* **Andrew Loomis and other Anatomy eBooks** - http://basangpanaginip.blogspot.com/2006/01/downloads.html
* **Bio Motion Lab** - http://www.biomotionlab.ca/Demos/BMLwalker.html
* **Kuler** - http://kuler.adobe.com/
* **Il Libro dell'Arte** - http://www.noteaccess.com/Texts/Cennini/index.htm
* **Artnatomy (Facial Expressions App)** - http://www.artnatomia.net/uk/artnatomy.html
* **Facial Expressions App** - http://mrl.nyu.edu/%7Eperlin/facedemo/
* **Walk Cycle App** - http://www.addictinggames.com/wireframeskeleton.html
* **Posemaniacs** - http://www.posemaniacs.com/blog/
* **Posemaniacs' 30 seconds Pose Drawing** - http://www.posemaniacs.com/pose/thirtysecond.html

**- Videogame references -**

* **Metal Slug Database** - http://www.mslugdb.com/main/gallery/sprites/boom.html
* **VG Museum** - http://www.vgmuseum.com/
* **The Dig - 1** - http://home.comcast.net/~ervind/digbm1.html
* **The Dig - 2** - http://home.comcast.net/~ervind/digfacs.html
* **The Dig - 3** - http://home.comcast.net/~ervind/digsc1.html
* **Game Sprites Archive** - http://www.gsarchives.net/index2.php
* **VG Mapgs** - http://www.vgmaps.com/
* **Spriter's Resource** - http://www.spriters-resource.com/
* **RPG Icons** - http://www.rpg-icons.com/
* **RO Monster Database** - http://www.roempire.com/database/?page=monsters&act=view
* **Gaming Ground Zero** - http://www.gaminggroundzero.com/home.html
* **Emu Gif Animation** - http://www3.emu-zone.org/host/emugif/index.htm
* **Emugifs** - http://www.emugifs.emuita.it/
* **SF3** - http://www.zweifuss.com/
* **The Shyguy Kingdom** - http://tsgk.captainn.net/
* **Sprite Database** - http://sdb.drshnaps.com/
* **Guilty Gear Sprites** - http://www.newwavemugen.com/~xenozip/#charactercostumes
* **Random Select** - http://randomselect.i-xcell.com/
* **The Mugen Fighters Guild** - http://www.mugenguild.com/
* **Mugen-Infantry** - http://www.mugen-infantry.net/
* **RetroGameZone** - http://www.retrogamezone.co.uk/
* **The People's Sprites** - http://panelmonkey.org/
* **Pão da Mugen** - http://forum.paodemugen.com.br/index.php?showforum=106
* **HOL Amiga Database** - http://hol.abime.net/

**- Fonts -**

* **04** - http://www.04.jp.org/
* **dafont** - http://www.dafont.com/bitmap.php
* **Atomic Media** - http://atomicmedia.net/
* **1001 Free Fonts** - http://www.1001freefonts.com/

**Free Image hosts**

**Need help hosting and posting your pictures? Check this guide:**  http://www.wayofthepixel.net/pixelation/index.php?topic=3466.0

* **Ensellitis.com Image Hosting** - http://imagehost.ensellitis.com/
* **photobucket** - http://www.photobucket.com
* **ImageShack** - http://www.imageshack.us
* **ImgSpot** - http://www.imgspot.com


* **PixelJoint** - http://www.pixeljoint.com/
* **Punaji** - http://punaji.com/
* **Isocity** - http://www.kennethfejer.com/isocity/
* **PixelGala** - http://www.pixelgala.org/
* **PixelDam** - http://www.x-panded.com/pixeldam/
* **PixelArtistas** - http://www.pixelartistas.org/
* **Gaming Ground Zero** - http://ggz.ipbhost.com/

**Pixelized Eye-Candy Goodness**

* **Adam Tierney** -  http://www.adamtierney.com/
* **Adeptvormgeving** - http://www.adept-vormgeving.com/
* **Ala Webstatt & Chmork.net** - http://www.ala.ch/portfolio/
* **Army of Trolls** - http://www.armyoftrolls.co.uk/
* **Artoholic** -  http://www.artoholic.org/
* **Bongo** - http://park12.wakwak.com/~bongo/
* **Derek Yu** - http://www.derekyu.com/art/pixel.html
* **Dot16** - http://www.dot16.pixeltemple.com/
* **Drububu** - http://www.drububu.com/
* **Eboy** - http://www.eboy.com/
* **Electriconland** - http://electriconland.com/
* **Etherbrian** - http://etherbrian.typepad.com/
* **Final Redemption** - http://finalredemption.com/index.htm
* **Fly Guy** - http://www.trevorvanmeter.com/flyguy/
* **Gas13** - http://gas13.ru
* **Habbo** - http://www.habbo.com/
* **Henk Nieborg** - http://www.henknieborg.nl/home.html
* **Head over Heels** - http://retrospec.sgn.net/games/hoh/screenshots.html
* **I am not original** - http://www.iamnotoriginal.com/
* **Iconwax** - http://hiroex.pure.cc/iwm/
* **Josh Astorian** - http://www.joshastorian.com/
* **Kenneth Fejer** - http://www.kennethfejer.com/
* **Keops** - http://www.llama-land.net/keops/online/
* **Ku_Bo** - http://members.at.infoseek.co.jp/KU__BO/dot.html
* **KYMG** - http://kymg.net/
* **Lexaloffle** - http://www.lexaloffle.com/
* **Littlefactory** - http://www.littlefactory.com/
* **Lovepixel** - http://www.lovepixel.idv.tw/
* **Monsoon2D** - http://www.monsoon2d.com/
* **Move your feet** - http://www.veer.com/ideas/move/
* **Mr. Wong's** - http://www.mrwong.de/
* **Nvision** - http://www.nvisionillustration.com
* **Paul Robertson** - http://probertson.livejournal.com/
* **PixelBlocks** - http://www.pixelblocks.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/pbonline
* **Pixelfreak** - http://www.pixelfreak.com/
* **PixelHugger** - http://www.pixelhugger.com/
* **PixelJam** - http://www.pixeljam.com/core/index.html
* **PixelMuseum** - http://www.pixelmuseum.com/
* **Pixel NascImpact** - http://pixel.nascimpact.com/
* **Pixelstamps** - http://pixelstamps.gas13.ru
* **Pixeltees** - http://pixeltees.com/
* **Pixinspace** - http://www.pixinspace.com/
* **Pixture Studio** - http://www.pixture.com/
* **Ptoing** - http://www.ptoing.net/
* **Quickhoney** - http://www.quickhoney.com/
* **Ronz** - http://www.yomogi.sakura.ne.jp/~ronz/trash/
* **Sir's c64 Art Gallery** - http://www.ravenger.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/gallery/index.htm
* **Supertotto** - http://www.supertotto.com/
* **sj-gfx** - http://sj-gfx.com/
* **Tanuki X** - http://www.christessmer.com/

… And of course [Google](http://www.google.com/) is always your friend!
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I KNOW! you could start a small army with this thread… lol... this seriously needs a sticky...

edit: ahh, i am noticing that that ere some broken links on there... if anyone finds any, let me know and ill try to find the "Real" url or take down a dead site...
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  • 1 month later...

> You horrible murderer, A kitten just died somewhere in the world because you necroposted!

1)  This topic is stickied (at the time of my reply)
2)  Necorposting does NOT count in the Resources board anyway

* * *

EDIT: I just realized…. You posted here, yelling at someone about necropositng too: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php?topic=11426.msg353137#msg353137
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> 1)  This topic is stickied (at the time of my reply)
> 2)  Necorposting does NOT count in the Resources board anyway
> * * *
> EDIT: I just realized…. You posted here, yelling at someone about necropositng too: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php?topic=11426.msg353137#msg353137


my bad

sry admiral…

but hey, it is lilcheetah so I bet a kitten (or cheetah) died
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