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Programming Prodigree - really?


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[http://www.youtube.c…h?v=DBXZWB_dNsw](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBXZWB_dNsw "External link")

One of the comment said:


> Hes's just a fanboy in my opinion. He needs to think outside the box instead of trying to conform to his standard of hip (apple). I would be alot more impressed if he was a Linux user to be honest. I did the crap hes doing? now at his age I just didn't have a supportive family or money or recognition from my peers. I totally understand the part where his parents stated that without guidance Santiago would be a disaster. Look how I turned out, 28, unemployed and on methadone maintenance.

I completely agree with this comment. Most the app I seen from him ([http://www.youtube.c…h?v=XWny9lZ9fM8](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWny9lZ9fM8 "External link")) are RELATIVELY simple, easy to code. Im pretty sure most of the graphic arent his, and that he is only coding the app

This kid been making me angry for the past few day, Im not jealous of him over the fact that he can code. I am pretty sure if you give me like 2 days and a graphic library, I can code his "Christmas-Tree-Dress-Me-Up!", it will be a piece of cake. What got to me is the fact he was supported by his parent and is now attending a college, getting his Bachelor Degree when he is around 18 while im sitting here, stuck in school wishing i was at home coding or do something better.

I gotta admit, I am very anti-social, I hate my school life and every single aspect of it. Ever since me and Robin had an affair, I grew tired of the school system. But then again, who am I to judge it, after all Im only 15 at the moment, and Im not mature/wise enough for my word to mean something. Im sorry im jsut ranting in this thread, but I jsut want to know if anyone feel the same way as me - I just want to be coding, I want to get a major in computer science, i want to go straight into college and not give a darn about stuff like Government/Politic. Heck, I learn alot more on my own than when I learn at the turtle pace in school.

I know alot of us here have been coding at a much younger age, and alot of you are much better coder than me, I do not claim to be a genius of any sort, but if I can make it into a college and skip high school, I would definately feel alot better.

I dont know, I might be wrong, and if I am, please just give me some guidance to get out of this. I'm just pretty pissed at the moment, being an asian, im stuck with SAT prep, tons of AP Class with tons of summer assignment.

Yeah excuse my english, I have horrible grammar, thank you
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