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4 Dimension


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Today my class was learning stuff boring and I already know so I asked my teacher to go to other class and see how other people are doing. I went to 7th grade Math class and they were learning 3 Dimension Volume and Surface Area.
And I asked them what's the difference between Area and Volume? 2 Person said "Area is 2D and Volume is 3D" It was correct. Then someone asked me "Is there 4 Dimension?" I stopped and thought for a second. The teacher said "No, there isn't" I think there might be but I don't want to be wrong so I toke out my iPhone(*sigh* got in trouble for that) and google it. And there is. All I got to say was "Yes, there is" and the teacher already sent me to the principle office.
After school, I stayed and research about it. I read a lot but don't really understand it. So what is the Fourth Dimension? I read one here : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_dimension

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> Interesting, never heard about it, Thanks.

I speak a lot about it. Might not have noticed.

The most known physical dimensions are: the three spatial dimension (known as x, y and z usually) and the time dimension (the fourth dimension) [Albert Einstein mainly claimed that the fourth dimension should be time]. The fourth dimension can also be spatial (go watch the movies Cube, Cube 2 (this is the one about tesseracts and the fourth dimension and Cube Zero).


The string theory expands this up to 10 dimensions and the M-theory adds 1 more. But they're theories though.


> well i read it i dont think it ment space as in outer space but time within spaces of objects. i dont get that much tho because wouldn't it be the same time as your timezone?

Don't confuse clock time with the dimension called time. Clock time is just based on the position of our planet towards the sun. The dimension called time is based on the fact that there are time frames. Without time, no animation.


> Interesting…..cool but is it practical?

What isn't practical?


> Serious?

Bloody serious. Before I even knew that Albert Einstein came with time as the fourth dimension, I already thought of the existence of a fourth dimension and eventually more unproven dimensions. So the fourth dimension should be time but can also be seen as a spatial dimension. The concept is human-based, so it's up to humans to decide which dimension should be what.

The documentation I'm writing about my spectrum theories are also in 4D, the more or the less.

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> Go kick that teacher's ass for being an ass, we will support you, right, House?

I think it will hurt our feet more than the teachers saying that the fourth dimension doesn't exist. Next to that, I would kick every teacher saying [dividing by zero](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_by_zero) doesn't work and some even [more fun stuff](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imaginary_unit).

If wikipedia doesn't prove it, I will.

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Cool. I actually studied this a little a long time ago. There is a 4th dimension that has mathematical explanations and then there is the 4th dimensional theories that are based on Einsteins theory or relativity wich have to do with space, time and gravity.

I created a tesseract [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesseract](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesseract) in Ambardia which is a lot of fun. Players go into a central room and all the doors lead to one of 8 other rooms with doors that all lead back to the central room. It's basically a 4th dimensional trap. The players only get out after realizing they can pick up one of the many items laying around and use it to open a locked door out.
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> Cool. I actually studied this a little a long time ago. There is a 4th dimension that has mathematical explanations and then there is the 4th dimensional theories that are based on Einsteins theory or relativity wich have to do with space, time and gravity.
> I created a tesseract [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesseract](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesseract) in Ambardia which is a lot of fun. Players go into a central room and all the doors lead to one of 8 other rooms with doors that all lead back to the central room. It's basically a 4th dimensional trap. The players only get out after realizing they can pick up one of the many items laying around and use it to open a locked door out.

lol I did that once, except that the location of the Tesseract was in hell. literally.
btw, Godlord: my screensaver is a tesseract. =D
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Hmm, I love this dimensional stuff it never ceases to spark my curiosity. The 4th dimension, I think I would agree with Albert on this one, is time. Then again, are not all dimensions "discovered" because the human mind can comprehend them in their true form? Or is it just that these dimensions are the way they are because we perceive them this way?

Feel free to argue this, but the way I see it humans can only go as far into discovering dimensions as they can see from their own perspective. At the moment humans have no way of bending their own ability to comprehend to view or understand other dimensions, but perhaps humans will eventually be able to use technology to bend these other dimensions into a humanly viewable way.

I apologize if I rambled… It's just that when I read this stuff it makes me think and I sort of wrote my thoughts down.
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I still don't get what you Albert meant by "Time".
What do you mean by Time?
I see Godlord said Time Frame. What does Time Frame have to do with the fourth dimension? Does 4th dimension is like always animated, that's why it have time?
Maybe I'm too young to understand this? I'm 12 and in 7th Grade.

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Imagine a complete vacuum space with the X, Y and Z-axis. Now imagine a row of cubes. Each of these cubes is such a vacuum space as I described. Each cube is thereby a time frame and the row is thus a dimension.

Time shouldn't be confused with clock time though as that only works with exactly one strong light source (= sun).

A binary star could form a problem for clock time. No star or suns at all could also form a problem for clock time as it is mainly based on the sun of our solar system.

Another problem: what time is it on the sun? Clock time can't really tell.

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> Ambard, Ambard, Ambard… too bad that people posting quests walkthrus for MMO spoil those kind of funny things. I wanted to do something similar to that in my game.

unessesary mods
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