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Sanguis Porta; SE Rebuild !NEED MAPPERS!


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Sanguis Porta Online needs help.

First off SPO needs testers, atm we have 50 spots available.

If any mistakes are found in scripting, Errors, maps, etc. please post on SPO's forums. [www.sanguisportaonline.webs.com](http://www.sanguisportaonline.webs.com)

However if you want to help in other ways with the game we have job openings in each of the following categories:

Category; Spots Left
**Mapper** ; if you want to help out, we could use you.
**Scripter** ; We need anyone who can code skills, and/or source edit.
**Media Maker** ; 2
**Paper Doller** ; 2
**Custom artist** ; 2
**Imagery artist** ; 1
**GUI/ Banner artist** ; 2
[Monster artist](http://Monster) ; 1

(Each can change)

Here are some new screen shots that have recently been made:

One of our best features in the game is that we have a server that's online 24/7.

Please if you can do any of these things its first come first serve, no Interview necessary, unless you want one.
So come and join the SPOT (Sanguis Porta Online Team)

thank you in advanced,
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right now game play is basic,
nothing that eclipse doesn't have, there are no quests no extra specials, etc. but this game is just starting off so thats why we need scripters to build the gameplay up so that it can be much more fun.

I intend to have it so that there will be better skill systems, Skill lvling, Skill charts for each of the 15 classes(only 12 at current release), many quests, custom menu system, and much more that I just cant think of right now.

I plan to eventually have it look a bit more like this:

With fixes to it of course so that it looks more professional.

other than that this game still has a long way to go before it is at a respectable level.

I haven't any more idea's of what to post here for info atm, if possible you could post here what you would like to know about the game, I would gladly reply back to you asap.

Well, I hope you can help with building this game with me.
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Actually by SPOBV 2.0 I want to have the following in it:

lvl max: 100
Mon.Max lvl: 30

In game add ons:
-redesigned char status
-redesigned monster status
-6 total skill sheets
-15 total skills each class 2nd grade(45 in all)
-5 skills each peasant class(15 in all)
-lvling skills(2 for eack skill)
-Full area of Split(close to 500 maps)
-Quest System (up to lvl 10-15)

However none of these things will be possible unless i have a team.

Please reply to this and help us.
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You can play it now, Though theres not alot in there.
Theres about 37 maps in the game right now, but i'm constantly working on it, atm I need someone to get monster pics in there till then the max monster lvl is only 10(max lvl 100) However i'm still working on expanding the game so each day there should be at least 1 if not 2, 3, or maybe even 4 more maps.

As i said, I'm still working on it and there will be alot more things in it when BV2.0 comes out, my guessing date for this is July 31, 2009.

However anyone who does want to play Is welcome to.
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We now have a new client up and new info.

    The game is about an ancient War in the world of Nex, between Elves and a race of demon-like beings called Sanguis. A few thousand years ago Humans had found there way to Nex, and a little more than a thousand years ago the Sanguis had returned from their Banishment.
    Now a thousand years after the Sanguis had been Sealed in the realm of Blood the seal has been broken and The Sanguis have come out.
    This game starts you off as a peasant in a somewhat peaceful world, where none but the Guardians of Nex and the Elves know of the Sanguis' Release, and they intend to keep it that way and destroy this evil once and for all, fast. You are a peasant trying to earn a living keeping the Creature of Nex from overrunning towns across the World. As you grow stronger you learn of things in the world and soon, of the Sanguis. Once you learn of the Sanguis you'll have a chance to train to fight allong side the GON, or betray the lands in which you've grown up in and attempt to help Darkness and evil flow through the world of Nex.

On [www.sanguisportaonline.webs.com](http://www.sanguisportaonline.webs.com) there is a new client you can download.
You can play for FREE, and the world is being updated every day.
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I was wondering if you needed any help with the paperdolling. I just recently learned it and would be glad to give it a try at a real game:) I can't draw items or anything :( but i can align them and test them to make sure they work?
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Sure, We could use a paperdoller.

(Sorry for the delay in replying, I haven't gotten around to going on the site for about 3 days.)

Anyways, I was meaning to draw some weapons, but I needed a paperdoller first, so luckly your here, Register on my site and I'll tell you what i need you to do.

Site: [www.sanguisportaonline.webs.com](http://www.sanguisportaonline.webs.com)
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SPOnline Needs new help.

We need a few more Mappers so that we can get the Newly designed Split Done. I've corrected my math on the old map to around 1000 maps, the New Map Variant is about 500 Maps. We have about 80 Maps Done ATM and I'm Pretty sure you don't need me to Re-post those, I will however post the New Map Variant.

This is the New Map:

This is the old Map:

As you can see I've modifyed the image of the map of Split to about Half the size of the old.

We could use a few more mappers.

Thanks for the help.
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SPOnline requires more Assistance,

We need as many mappers as possible, maybe 5 more will do it atm.

We need part time mappers, ones that could possibly make it online an hour a day, or more.

Here is a bunch of things that have gotten done over the past:

So to start off here is the continent of Split, the starting location:
The continent was called Split thousands of years ago because of the mountains that split the continent in two.

Now here are the other World Maps, Goll and Elvengrow.:
Goll is Nexian for rock or mountain, 1/3 of Goll is uninhabitable Mountains and 1/2 of it is mountains.

Elvengrow, one of the many places that the elves had fled to escape man's wars. One of the **2nd expansion** Islands. It includes lush forest covered mountainsides, long waterfalls and caves that wander everywhere inside of the mountain.

Now for some screen shots of some work that has been done:

Now here's some GUI:

If any of you just clicked last post and saw this the site is [www.sanguisportaonline.webs.com](http://www.sanguisportaonline.webs.com)

All story and other info is on the site.

yes, it is true SPOnline has about 100 maps done now. however, to get Split done, we need a few more mappers that could get online more often.

So please, If anyone wants to help, please send me a PM or a message on here.
I have a map of split on the site to go by.

Thank you,
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I might be able to pull off that bleed script.  Pretty simple concept behind it, all you would have to do is write a timed event script and have it run every second (I never learned timers, but this would remove a good bit of loops I belive).  When it runs, check a document for targets that have "bleed" status (One [npc] and one [player] section in this).

Now in that, it would have to be formatted such as NPC1=MapNumber/IndexNumber/DamageDelt/SecondsRemaining.  Every time you ran the script it would do NPC1~However many, then if it ran out of seconds it would replace it with "None" so the script would skip it until there are no more remaning targets left on the document.  And of course somewhere in Sub OnAttack you would need a spot to check if you have the bleed skill, provided by either skill or equipment, then calculate the percent chance of a succesful hit.

If you're still looking for that scripter that is xD
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I've been thinking about how long SPO (SanguisPortaOnline) has been under construction and thought about scrapping the Game for a little more than the 3 weeks I was grounded.

I've Decided that This will actually be the first game I've pulled all the way through if I did Finish it.

Well I've had a long talk with myself and I've Decided:

I'm going to Finish this game.

I know that its only about 10% done map-wise and there are no quest makers yet but If I can get back all of the people here We should be able to get this game under construction again and finnish it within a few months.

I need As many of the people who want to help me finnish this game post within One week of making this post.I need your Char name only and your site name I will post on the Admin Section.

We will start around the 11th of july. the 10th I will Post a rundown of what I hope to see in the Full Alpha version.

I will be online more often from now till the Full Alpha Release, hopefully many of you will too.

I'll Create A new topic called Alpha Version, with A bunch of different things for the Conversations about Quests and other stuff.

Thank you for Participating.


(This is copied and pasted from [http://sanguisportaonline.webs.com/apps/forums/topics/show/970224-to-complete-or-not-to-complete-](http://sanguisportaonline.webs.com/apps/forums/topics/show/970224-to-complete-or-not-to-complete-))

Really? wow two more mappers?
Well I need all the help I can get atm.

If you want to help please post on my site's forum on [http://sanguisportaonline.webs.com/apps/forums/topics/show/970224-to-complete-or-not-to-complete-](http://sanguisportaonline.webs.com/apps/forums/topics/show/970224-to-complete-or-not-to-complete-)and please post what your char's name is so I can get your access in by the 10th.
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I welcome anyone to join with helping, I just have a few rules.

1) I don't email people unless your part of my team and its important.

2) If you really want to join my Dev team and your not just posting to raise your post count, please make an account on my site or PM me on here.

3) If you want to help with building my site, please post on this tread on my site ([http://sanguisportaonline.webs.com/apps/forums/topics/show/970224-to-complete-or-not-to-complete-](http://sanguisportaonline.webs.com/apps/forums/topics/show/970224-to-complete-or-not-to-complete-))

Thank you for understanding.
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I dont ever remember actually posting what the game is actually about. So I'm going to explain with smilys:

First off,
Humans have been on the planet nex for almost 5000 years now. :cheesy:
Nex has been inhabited by elves for as long as the planet has been  :rolleyes:
and the sanguis was, in ancient elven time, a mighty demon who called himself "The Blood God" :evil:
but now a group of  :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: have infused themselves with the dark power of the Sanguis, to ensure that their powers grow exponentially and they never age.  :icon_cc:

Now the :icon_cc: have been brought down about 1000 years ago, but now they have come back and have started a terrible war.
The ones who had sealed them away in the realm of blood arn't alive anymore, and we need new hero's to help save us.

Sanguis Porta Online is a war where you play as the  :cheesy: and you need to kill the  :icon_cc: and the  :rolleyes: are allies of the  :cheesy:.

:rolleyes: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:    :icon_cc: :icon_cc: :icon_cc: :icon_cc: :icon_cc: :icon_cc: :icon_cc: :evil:

(Yes you eventually need to kill The Sanguis (lvl 150).)
(yes I know, there's a lot of smilies)
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  • 2 weeks later...
I've decided to transfer my game Sanguis Porta to the new eclipse version when It comes out and with the current amount of our staff working on the project we would not be able to recreate the game's progress within a month's time.

I've decided to post a re-recruiting Ad for this very reason. Also I've decided to post some Additional information in this Ad.

Sanguis Porta Online is a Free Running MMORPG, and will always allow for free play of the game(Unless It becomes big and someone buys both the name and the Idea from Me, then I will not have any control over it.)

Background Info on Sanguis Porta

I've thought of the Idea of making this game "Sanguis Porta" about 5 - 6 months ago. The Game was Orriginally called "The Sanguis Porta" (Latin for The Blood Gate) But due to recent Storyline Editing the game found its way into being called "Sanguis Porta", the Online was really only meant to differ between the Website to the actual game.
New Info On Sanguis Porta

The game has been through some changes in the storyline of the game. It started off as a simple little grow your char up strong, Learn of this New "War", and kill every Sanguis in your path to ensure peace to the world once more to an actual more in depth storyline to make the game feel more intense.

The Old "Event in the Past" storyline:

A thousand years ago, on the world of Nex, there were evil sorcerors that used their dark powers to transform themselves into mighty beings of blood, ruin and chaos. They called themselves Sanguis.

They stayed in there world, their plain of existance, not bothering anyone. They had gone underground at night to speak to their leader, Zamsculri, every night from dusk till dawn. Their powers soon grew to an unimaginable level. They could even summon beings that were like them but wernt.

One night, Zamsculri told his followers that they were created to purge the land they lived in, to darkness, to bring a new era of followers to Sanguis.

It was not long before they were exiled from the Kingdoms of Nex. The followers of Sanguis did not take there, Banishment, so peacefully. For one year the Sanguis were never herd of, then out of the blue, Sanguis Had unleashed hell on all of Nex. They burned down Cities crushed Castles, Invaded villages, in the first day of the war they had destroyed almost 100 cities, towns, castles, and villages. The war went on for a hundred years.

The elders grew tired of the war. They had sent their most vicious armies, Most deadly warriors, archers, and mages into battle, yet it still seemed impossibel to kill them.

Nearing the 100th year of the war the elders had summoned the Translucant 7, these were beings of a powerful race of the Light Sanction. The elders knew that if they couldent stop them, no one could.

The 7 had fought themass armies of Sanguis for a week, then they seised, and concentrated their magics on sealing the monsters into a realm of fire. The Translucant 7 had succseeded  in trapping all of the Sanguis armies in the realm. The war had ended and all balance had been restored.


The Sanguis Portas have been closed over a thousand years ago but now the alignment of the solar cosmos has come, and the spell that the Translucant 7 used to bind the Portas shut has weakened. The binds have broken and the Sanguis have just started pouring out.

The guards of the cities fear that if no heros come to their aid the entire world of Nex will be lost to darkness, forever.

The New "Event in the Past" storyline:
More than ten-thousand years ago, there was a Clan War between the "Culri Clan", "Dalinor Clan", and the "Kilatith Clan." The War was because the Dalinor and Kilatith Clans saw the Culri Clan as a threat to the world. Each Clan controled a part and an aspect of their world, Nex.

The Culri's had, in the past, Used their powers to create things. No, Never Technological things, they thought technology was an element that could be the bringer of Destruction to their world. They sought never to allow for such technologies to enter thier world and outlawed it.

The Dalinor's saw technology as a way to expand their race throughout the galaxy and allow people to live comfortably. They outlawed the use and Practice of magic to its Normal Citizens except for any and all it's Milita.

The Kilatith's Beleived in both Science and Magic, Believing that both would allow each other to prosper.

The Culri's has stopped "Experimenting" with life and Creation once they had created a being who's powers surpassed that of any who stood before it. They Called it the Obscurum Lucis, and sealed it away in an artifact they called "Culri's Light."

The Culri's Immediately Hid the Artifact, and had 2 warriors of their highest order protect the power it held from all who would seek it, forever. For the power heald within it could only be released one way:

"Two Shards in the Back of one who nither seeks power, nor wisdom, of opisite blood." -Book of Blood-

However even hiding the Item quickly and quietly, Somehow word got out about this Item of "Great Power" and many people tryed to obtain it. And after fifty years No one could.

On the fifty-first year of the sealment of Obscurum Lucis, a Creature Decended from the Heavens, It was a tall man who's skin was colored of that of blood, Wearing dark colored Armor, and had a large Blade on his belt sheathed in a Black Sheath, and a 6 foot long broadsword on his back. He came up to the town of DuskFall and said

"I am The God Of Blood, you might know me as The Sanguis, Tell me where this Culri's Light is Or I will destroy this world and Make It a Feeding ground For My Sanguis!"

But no one stood and answered him. He then went on a rampage killing all and anyone who couldent tell him what he needed to know. This lasted for about 5 years, then he found the place he needed to find, the keephold of Culri's light.

Both the Protectors, Demeculri and ZetCulri Fought long and hard against this foe, but even after a day he would not fall.

ZetCulri Then Felt a sharp Pain in his right leg, as if a blade had cut his leg so deep that it scratched the bone. He then saw Demeculri join the Sanguis.

"What?!? Demeculri? Why?" -ZetCulri

"I've forseen it, just now, My… My Destiny. If I join The Sanguis We will not win This time, But it will eventually lead up to Culri's defeat. I've also just seen what will happen to you, You will turn sides as well, seeing that you are no Match alone against both me and The Sanguis" - Demeculri

"What if you don't join?" - ZetCluri

"You know as well as I do there's nothing you can do to change destiny." -Demeculri

"Like I've always said, Noone, Not even God, Controls My destiny. Last chance If you dont change sides I... will... KILL YOU!!!" -ZetCulri

A battle then arose and ZetCulri was casting a spell banishing both The Sanguis and his Freind to the world of Darkness.

"Zet... You knew the truth about your destiny, and yet you changed it why?" -Demeculri

"Like I've always said, Destiny Is for the one who lives it to choose, Time doesn't flow down just one simple path." -ZetCulri

"Do you remember what I told you about changing your destiny? This Spell your casting will be your last, It is the Destiny I see for you now. Congradulations, You've changed your own Destiny, For worse." -Demeculri

"At least I wont be of any help with Culri's Downfall. And I might even have Changed your Destiny to take down Culri." -Zet Culri

"No, you fool. You just made it impossible for any followers of sanguis to even see it. Exept for you, You will be reborn and created into the thing that starts the Next Great War, After Technology's Rebirth." -Demeculri

"Culri will see that technology never makes it's way beack into this world." -ZetCulri

"The Sanguis will come once more before the New race, then will be reborn as anew race, Sealed into the realm of blood a hundred years later by seven great warriors of Culri, And then Be released a thousand years later for the final time. Three years after the release The Sanguis Royalty Shall Fall And He shall rule once more, Culri The Devine will fall and all of Culri will bow down to him." -Demeculri


"All that Demeculri Had said Has happened just as he said it, If we dont do something I fear that The Sanguis will return." -The Elder of the Elves.


However, as of now Sanguis Porta still remains incomplete, and for this reason I've decided to take on some New recruits.
Currently I will allow anyone from Newbies trying to learn the programs of eclipse that know barely anything about how to properly build a decent map, to that of someone who Could teach me a thing or two on Mapping. (Advanced Mapper)
I would also Like to have at least one person who knows how to fairly make Armor, weapons, Items, etc. and/or properly Paperdoll them, And one person who knows how to make monsters of any-type, weather i give a brief description or not (Sometimes all you need to know is a name)
Here is one of the New Maps I've made:

So to finish up with this Ad, I need the following:

(If you are a Newbie just tell me and if you need some help I'll be glad to help you.)
Item Artist
Monster Artist
Landscape Artist (One who can make cool looking landscapes and such.)

At the moment here is who is currently working on the project:








Sound Artist:

Music artist:

Server Hosting:




_**If your Interested, Please follow the New board rule and PM me.**_
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As Solar Eclipse's release Draw's ever near we are looking for people to join as a result of actually counting how many maps Sanguis Porta is going to have.

Sanguis Porta is a free roam game allowing you to wander around entire continents, so a large number of maps is a guaranty. I'm estimating the total maps to be around 2500\. The first continent alone has 836 w/o any caves, with caves its looking at 900\.

We're looking to recruit at least 10 Mappers in order to get the first Continent into alpha by January 2010.

Here's a list of our Staff(Recruits):

1) Zyvo
2) Craze
3) guzmanm
4) RoflNuub
5) lostsoul
6) Shurokun
7) Toxikr3
8) banana sammi
(There is 11 because I don't count myself as one of the recruits.)

We also need the following:

Item Artist
Monster Artist
Landscape Artist
Gui/ Banner Artist

If your interested please PM me or send me an e-mail at: [email protected]

Thank you for your support,
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